"Is that person your mother?"

Lin Hui was curious about this, because since the golden shadow is a person, it must have parents, but no matter who it is, they have never talked about this matter. Lin Hui guessed that there must be a secret, but Lin Hui Hui didn't know what it contained, and now that the golden shadow took the initiative to say it, Lin Hui also wanted to know all this.

"This statement is not accurate, because I am a living body created by the power of science using her cells."

The golden shadow turned around in Lin Hui's arms, making himself more comfortable to lean on.

"Like a human clone?"

Lin Hui is a little curious, no matter what Lin Hui thinks, it is unlikely to be linked to "clones".


The golden shadow affirmed Lin Hui's idea: "Tiayou became an unparalleled genius scientist in the field of cosmic biotechnology when he was in his teens, but this is something I only learned about later."

There are these loneliness in the eyes of the golden shadow: "For me, who was born and didn't know anything, she was like..."

"Like mother, like sister."

Golden Shadow said with certainty: "Happy days, happy times, Tia told me all kinds of things. During that time, my heart was full of light, but..."

Lin Hui knew that something was wrong when he heard this: "Did something happen later?"

Since there is a turning point, it means that something bad has happened to Tiayou. Otherwise, according to Tiayou's education, the golden shadow will never be what it is now, let alone think of herself as a In terms of weapons, because Tiayou's education, in Lin Hui's opinion, is to guide the golden shadow to the "human" line of defense.

"I don't know, no matter where Tiayu is, or even life or death, they disguised themselves as legitimate research institutions in order to make me the strongest transforming weapon, and they continued here. New trades have developed in centuries of galactic war."

"For them, Tia, who raised me as a 'human', is just an obstacle. I'm afraid she has already been expelled from the institute, or even..."

The golden shadow did not continue to speak.

It's almost here, Lin Hui can also understand the reason why the golden shadow is reluctant to talk about it. After all, the worst result is that Tiayou has been killed by that organization. As the person who used to be Xiao An's closest , once she reappears, it is very likely that it will have an immeasurable impact on the golden shadow. In order to eliminate this hidden danger, killing people has always been the best method throughout the ages.

"Well, is that organization destroyed?"

Lin Hui said softly.

"Yes, after King Debbie Luke unified the galaxy for the first time, that organization was also destroyed and ceased to exist."

Although the golden shadow wondered why Lin Hui asked this question, he still answered truthfully.

"It's a little cheaper for them."

Lin Hui hugged the golden shadow tightly in his arms: "If it wasn't for them, if Tiayou was still there, then, Xiao An, you should, no, definitely live a different life than you are now. "

Lin Hui gently stroked the beautiful long hair of the golden shadow: "In that case, you will definitely be happier and more able to smile than you are now!"

Golden Shadow's heart was touched. As a killer, Golden Shadow could even feel the killing intent from Lin Hui's words. This was real, pure and incomparable killing intent, and he was truly angry for himself.

"However, from now on, you will be more than [-] times happier than you are now, so consider it a time to make up for the happiness you lost in the past!"

Lin Hui said softly, letting the golden shadow feel an incredible warmth filling her heart, and the void in her heart felt like it was about to be filled.

"good night!"

Lin Hui's greeting made the golden shadow's pretty face blushed. At the same time, she felt an incredible feeling filling her chest, and the corners of her eyes became slightly moist.

"good night!"


Lin Hui hung up the phone. If anyone in this world can find someone whose whereabouts are unknown, even if their life or death is unknown, Lan Yu Mengcong and Ji Hiiragi Lingcai can definitely be regarded as such people.

Lin Hui didn't know how much energy they had, but Lin Hui was sure that they definitely had such ability, so Lin Hui would ask them, although Lin Hui didn't know where the idea came from.

"Xiamu Xiamu, do you know? We have a new teacher today!"

At this time, Lala ran over and said excitedly.

Lin Hui raised his eyebrows: "A new teacher?"

Lin Hui felt that the teacher who would transfer in at such a time couldn't be a very ordinary teacher, right?


After Lan Yumengcong hung up the phone, she looked at Ji Hiragan Lingcai, the corners of her mouth twitched a little, and there were times when Lan Yumengcong, who had always missed out, also stumbled.

"Hahaha, Meng Cong, you are missing someone! What a surprise!"

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong finally understood why the situation around Lin Hui had not changed until now. Now they finally understand that although a lot of luck has gathered together, there is still one last piece of luck. Lost, although it is very small, it also plays a role in bringing everything together.

Because the other party is a person who has a major influence on the golden shadow, one of the key figures in the gathering of a lot of luck!

"Have you laughed enough?"

Lan Yumengcong was also quite annoyed, and then pulled Ji Hiirai Lingcai, who was still laughing wildly over there, on the cheek to vent her anger.

"I'm sorry, Meng Onion, I was wrong!"

Ji Hiiragi resigned in an instant.

Chapter [-] These sweet anguishes begin to overlap and circle

"Hello everyone, my name is Tiayu Lunatik, and I am now the deputy head teacher of this class."

With long blond hair, a hot body, and a pair of glasses, the woman who is simply an adult version of the golden shadow stands on the podium with a smile on her face, giving people a very comfortable feeling, just like a mother.

Lin Hui was shocked. He didn't expect that he would ask Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong to find this person, but unexpectedly, this person appeared in front of him after a while Becoming his own deputy head teacher, what kind of coincidence is this?

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