Ryoko Yumen smiled lightly, and then took out an object similar to a photo frame from her chest, ignoring Lin Hui's words "is your chest a fourth dimension?" and said directly: "Sure enough, there is. It will be much easier to find visual information in the future, this is a photo of me and Tia when we were students, about fourteen years old."

"Ehhh? Yumen, do you still have this photo?!"

Tiayou was obviously a little flustered and felt at a loss.

"You're really young, whether it's Yumen-sensei or Tiayu-sensei."

Lin Hui said with a smile, "However, is there any connection? Or, Yumen-sensei, have you told Tiayou about Xiao An's situation?"

"I don't know how hard the child was. When I was chased by the organization, I did my best just to escape. Although I really wanted to leave with Eve, they seemed to have guessed that there. Waiting for me is the killer of the organization."

Tiayu said clearly sadly.

"I knew at the time that you were valued by a very capable research institution, and I was worried about what went wrong with you!"

Yumen Ryoko said in the tone of an elder: "After all, you are always so reckless."

"No way! Yumen!"

Tiayu seemed a little unhappy, and was exposed by Ryoko Yumen in front of some students.

"Teacher hasn't met Xiao An yet?"

Lin Hui looked at Tiayou, put down the photo in his hand and said.


Tiayou put his hands on his legs, and the whole person looked a little helpless.

"Tia and Xiao An probably haven't made a good use of their expressions to meet each other. This point, Yuuki-san, do you still want to force them?"

Mikado Ryoko said with a half-smile.

"Of course, because this is the process they have to go through! If they don't push, two awkward and clumsy people will not be able to take this step!"

Lin Hui showed a smile, and then made an unexpected move...

Chapter [-] Whenever


Tiayou looked at the arm that was caught by Lin Hui: "Student Yuuki, who are you?"

After Lin Hui finished speaking, he directly grabbed Tiayou's hand and took her out: "Didn't I say it? I want you and Xiao An to meet, if you both don't know what to do If you face each other with the expression on your face, then let me build it for you!”

"But...but, now I..."

Tiayou was so nervous that he couldn't even finish a sentence, and he was at a loss. Suddenly, his foot slammed on the side of the bed, and the whole person suddenly let out a cute cry like "Ugh!".

Lin Hui had no choice but to let go, and Tiayou hugged her slapped leg.

"Tiayou-sensei, are you alright?"

Lin Hui scratched his cheek, always feeling a little sorry in his heart.

"It's alright, it's... ah!"

Just as Tiayou was about to stand up, her head hit the pole next to her, and she immediately hugged her head again, with tears in the corners of her eyes, looking painful.

Well, now Lin Hui has a great understanding of Tiayou's natural sluggishness. If he continues to take Tiayou forward, maybe Tiayou will go back to health care before she sees the golden shadow. The room came to lie down.

"That's it for today, Yuuki, I think it's also necessary to give Tia and Xiao An a buffer time."

Miyako Ryoko said softly: "There must be a lot to say about the two of them, but now they don't know how to face each other."

"No, Yumen-sensei, it's precisely because I'm not ready, so this moment's feelings are the truest feelings. If you miss this time, you won't have a chance!"

Lin Hui said, and then smiled at Tiayou: "Teacher, I am offended!"


Tiayou looked at Lin Hui's smile, and the whole person instantly had a bad premonition, as expected...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa-!"

With a scream, a figure jumped out directly from the health room, stepped on the wall next to it, and directly passed the classmates who were walking around. Rush forward as fast as possible.

Tiayou was hugged by Lin Hui in the form of a princess, and was completely stunned by Lin Hui's actions. At the same time, she could only unconsciously wrap her arms around Lin Hui's neck to prevent herself from falling. go down.

Lin Hui, on the other hand, judged the best route of travel in an instant, and dashed down the corridor with actions that violated physics that could madden Newton. , It took almost less than a minute to rush out of the corridor, and when he came out, Lin Hui had also seen the golden shadow sitting on the bench, and jumped out of the window with Tiayou directly, and fell in front of the golden shadow. .

The golden shadow felt dark in front of him, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Lin Hui holding Tiayou and landing lightly in front of him, his whole person was a little sluggish.

Lin Hui put Tiayou down: "Mr. Tiayou, and Xiao An, let's have a good chat with you two!"

Afterwards, the whole person left. This matter can only be handled by them. Lin Hui knows that he can only push them at most.


During the lunch break, Lin Hui was lying on the rooftop basking in the sun, closing his eyes and enjoying his few leisurely moments. However, at this moment, Lin Hui felt a sharp blade resting on his neck.

Opening his eyes, Lin Hui saw a blond hair shining brightly in the sun: "I said, Xiao An, is it a bit too much to say hello?"

"I don't need you to take care of my affairs! You are a little busy today."

The golden shadow's eyes are a little indifferent.

But Lin Hui could see the shyness in it. Obviously, the previous raid had shocked the golden shadow in an instant. Although he didn't know what happened between the two, he saw Tiayou. Holding Ryoko Mikado crying with joy in the health room, it is estimated that he has made great progress.

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