"I'm sorry, senior!"

Kurosaki Yaya folded her hands together and apologized to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui shook his head and looked at the chopping board: "The vegetables are all slag, there is no way to do it. Well, next, Meigan and Mengmeng will do it, Ya Ya just wait."

Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and at this time Lala and Lizi also came out with Xilinu.

"What happened here?"

Lizi walked in with a bewildered expression, as if there was a war in the kitchen.

"Ah, it came just right."

When Lin Hui was suffering from lack of labor, Lizi actually came to the door by himself.

Afterwards, Li Zi was ordered by Lin Hui to start sweeping the kitchen floor with a bitter face.


After a period of time, Lin Hui brought all the dishes to the table, and everyone sat at the table.

"I'm gonna start now!"

Afterwards, everyone began to taste Lin Hui's dishes, and Kurosaki Yaya naturally wouldn't fall. After picking up a piece of fried chicken and eating it, everyone's eyes lit up: "It's delicious!"

"Of course, I even changed it a little to match your sweet taste."

Lin Hui snapped his fingers: "I wonder if you have eaten it yet?"

"Well, it's really delicious, senior!"

Kurosaki Maya ate another piece, and the whole person showed a happy smile...

Chapter [-] Never give up

"If you like to eat, then eat more. Anyway, I do more today."

Lin Hui shrugged and said indifferently.

"Come on, Mr. Xia Mu, try the omelette I made!"

At this time, Mengmeng, who was sitting beside Lin Hui, picked up a piece of fried egg and handed it to Lin Hui.

"Wait a minute, Mengmeng!"

At this time, Meigan was a little dissatisfied, and always felt that Mengmeng took care of Lin Hui too much.

On the other side, Xilinu was sitting on Lala's lap, Pei Kai helped Xilino to hold the bowl, and Lala was also holding Xilino the dishes that Xilino wanted to eat.A very lively look.

Looking at Mengmeng and Meikan's sparring, Lara and Peikai taking care of Xilinu's warmth, and Lin Hui bullying Lizi's laughter, Kurosakiya's heart couldn't help touching a lot.

Taking a sip of the soup lightly, a smile appeared on Kurosaki Miya's face: "It's so warm."

"Of course it is, after all, it was just done."

Nana said with a smile, and at the same time almost quarreled with Mengmeng over a piece of fried chicken.

"No, I'm talking about how warm it is to eat with everyone!"

Kurosaki Miya has never felt such warmth before, this unforgettable feeling is really what her shy little dark sister wants to make her feel.

Lin Hui is very clear that the previous Kurosaki Yaya seems to have integrated into the earth, everyone, but in fact there is still a certain distance, yes, just like the golden shadow when he first came to the earth, choose The thing is to reject others, but now it is different, Kurosaki Miya is the real beginning and everyone is in the same environment.

Lin Hui could see that the darkness in Kurosakiya's heart was gradually dissipating. Ever since Nana grabbed the hand from the quagmire designed for her by Nana, Kurosakiya was being taken by Nagasaki. Na, everyone pulled her out of that quagmire with concerted efforts.

From now on, there is no need to worry, because even if Kurosaki Maya loses the master of Nemesis, she can absolutely choose her own path.

There are only two problems left to solve.

Nemesis, what kind of action will you make?

"Then you can come here often in the future, and Xiao An will come here often, so we can go to school together."

Lin Hui said with a smile, it was an official invitation to Miya Kurosaki.

"Well, then, senior, I'll be rude!"

Kurosaki Yaya showed a sweet smile to Lin Hui.


"As expected of a father, he can actually achieve this level. It seems that he is still developing in a good place without killing her!"

Ji Hiirao Reina blew a whistle while watching the scene of Yuuki's house displayed on the screen.

"This world is too peaceful, and there are not many opportunities to wake up Father, so don't miss any opportunity!"

Lan Yu Mengcong took off her glasses and said, "I think I've dealt with the others pretty much too. Although Ren and Kyoko Kirizaki fell in love with their father very early, I can confirm this conversation. , and then there is Ryoko Mikado, there is basically no problem, but dealing with that kind of woman is still very tiring!"

Lan Yumengcong said helplessly: "Women who are too shrewd are really hard to deal with!"

"The harvest is really big!"

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai sighed, Lan Yumengcong can help Lin Hui to subtly write down the content about Lin Hui to those girls, thus affecting the girls' feelings for Lin Hui, Lan Yumengcong's conversation skills It's not easy!

"However, there is one person who is not very easy to deal with, and that is..."

"Haruna's sister, Qiusui, right?"

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