Mengmeng finally couldn't help bursting out, pointing at Nemesis and roaring: "This is the end? Don't use this kind of metaphor!"

"Oh, so scary! Princess Mengmeng!"

At this time, Nemesis hid behind Lin Hui all of a sudden.


Mengmeng was shocked, and felt that something was wrong.

"This woman is actually quite vicious! It's better not to trust her!"

Nemesis gave Lin Hui a sinister smile.

Mengmeng's whole person is like being struck by lightning, and the whole person is a little stunned. He doesn't know how to deal with this scene, and the whole person is caught in worry.

"Princess Mengmeng is also a dangerous person!"

Nemesis pulled Lin Hui's clothes, stuck his head out and said beside Lin Hui, acting like he was weak and innocent.

Mengmeng looked at Lin Hui, feeling like an abandoned kitten, tears were coming out of the corners of her eyes.

Nemesis, on the other hand, had an "I won" look.

"No, Nemesis, Mengmeng is neither dangerous nor vicious, she always thinks of me at all times, otherwise, I wouldn't regard her as the person I trust the most. Mengmeng knows all the secrets! Including the thing you know!"

Lin Hui turned his head to look at Nemesis and said calmly.

"Hmph, it's the same as Ya Ya said. He's a naive man, and he actually told others about that!"

Nemesis left Lin Hui at once, his eyes becoming a little dangerous: "Finally, for the sake of playing with me for so long, I will tell you one last thing."

"'Darkness' is the rampage of the transformation ability, that is, the invincible transformation ability that has surpassed all previous powers, even you can't stop it!"

Then, Nemesis jumped away in an instant: "Princess Mengmeng, this time you won!"

"Is the transformation ability rampant? That is to say, is there something that stimulates Xiao An to make Xiao An's transformation ability go berserk and become that so-called 'Darkness'?"

Lin Hui didn't care about what Nemesis said. On the contrary, he attached great importance to the information about "Darkness" given by Nemesis. Although he didn't know how much of it was true, it was better than knowing nothing. .

"Mr. Xia Mu!"

And at this time, the figure of Mengmeng passed over.

"What's wrong, Mengmeng?"

Lin Hui turned his head to look, and saw Mengmeng pounced directly on him: "Sure enough, Mr. Xia Mu is the best!"

Lin Hui smiled when he saw Mengmeng like this, and then touched Mengmeng's little head: "Okay, at least have some confidence in me!"


Mengmeng nodded, and then the whole person happily accompanied Lin Hui to the supermarket to buy the dishes for tonight's dinner.


After Meigan and Lizi returned home, they saw that everyone had returned. At this time, Lin Hui and Mengmeng were cooking dinner together in harmony, which made Meigan a little confused, because from the perspective of the situation, Lin Hui and Mengmeng were cooking dinner together in perfect harmony. Hui and Mengmeng seemed like nothing had happened.

But what was the happiness that filled Mengmeng's face?

All of this left Meigan puzzled.


"Meikan has returned to the room, Miss Lizi has also rested, and Mr. Xia Mu is taking a bath."

While Mengmeng tiptoed down the stairs, she paid attention to all the movements in the room: "Be careful, you won't be discovered by Meigan."

When Lin Hui was washing his body, suddenly, the bathroom door was opened: "Mr. Xia Mu, I'll give you a bath."

Lin Hui looked at Mengmeng with a bewildered expression: "I'm sorry, no need!"

"Oh, Mr. Xia Mu, you don't have to be so outspoken!"

The tail behind Mengmeng is wagging, indicating that Mengmeng is in a very comfortable mood now, and it is simply incomprehensible why Mengmeng is in such a good mood now.

"Oh, it sure is worth diving in!"

At this moment, a voice rang from the door.

Lin Hui and Mengmeng looked and saw a naked body over there, um, a very mature body, but the other party was—


"Nemes? How did you get in?"

Lin Hui suddenly pulled Mengmeng behind him to protect him.

Mengmeng did not expect that Lin Hui would actually do such a behavior, and the whole person was moved beyond measure.

"Don't be so vigilant. I just happened to be passing by and found that the future servant was taking a shower, so I planned to help. As for how to get in, of course, I walked in from the entrance, although the door was locked by me!"

Saying that, a strand of Nemesis's hair turned into the shape of a key.

"It's abominable!"

Mengmeng looked at Nemesis' body and was very dissatisfied.

"Mengmeng, what's wrong? Nemesis, you'd better not do something that will make it impossible for both parties to end."

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