
Lin Hui's eyes lit up.


Golden Shadow did not expect Kurosaki Yaya to appear at this time.

Kurosakiya smiled lightly, and she jumped down and gently landed on the ground: "Sister Anger, I have followed the master's orders so far, and doing so is the most correct and reassuring to me. , it will be very disturbing if there is no order."

"But recently, I sometimes feel that it's not bad to act according to my own thoughts. Now I can understand that Sister Xiao An is afraid to take a step forward, just like me when I quarreled with Nana."

Kurosakiya walked towards the surprised golden shadow, and stopped when she passed by the golden shadow: "If you keep facing each other in different directions, you will never be able to cross the gap in your life!"

Not only the golden shadow blushed, but Kurosaki Miya was shy for the first time.

"Even your sister knows these truths, so what are your thoughts as a sister?"

The knife that was originally on Lin Hui's neck disappeared as early as Kurosakiya appeared. At this moment, Lin Hui walked in front of the golden shadow and looked straight at her.

"Yeah, the senior is too cunning!"

Kurosaki Miya said indignantly.

"Why are you doing this?"

The golden shadow looked at Lin Hui with calm eyes: "Tell me, this obviously has nothing to do with you!"

"I think, if Xiao An never takes that step, he will not be able to achieve happiness. Didn't I say that you want to make Xiao An more than [-] times happier than you are now! It is precisely because Teacher Tiayou is Your mother and sister are ordinary people, so if you want to make you happy, she is essential."

Lin Hui showed a smile, a very gentle smile, which made the golden shadow's heart tremble.

"But, I'm on the wrong path, what qualifications do I have to be with Tia now?"

The golden shadow turned his head.

Lin Hui stretched out his hands to hold the golden shadow's face, turned it around, pointed it at himself, and made her eyes meet his own: "Xiao An, the so-called mistakes are things that shouldn't be done, can't be done. It's true that mistakes have been made, but they can't be made up for. Besides, there is no conflict at all between gaining happiness and making up for mistakes. Without happiness and without a future, what you embark on is not the path you want to choose! "

"It's not your own depravity, it's the fault of those who made you, and they paid the price with their own lives to make up for the mistakes they made. This is punishment, but ah, Xiao An, you are not at fault. You are just a victim of their interests, and now you have the right to be happy!"

"But, I'm a killer, I..."

Golden Shadow's heart was shaken. After being persuaded by Meikan and Kurosaki Yaya, Golden Shadow's psychological defense line has become extremely unstable.

"I don't think the people you killed by Xiao An are good people. Have you forgotten? Did you say what you said when you really wanted to kill me when you first met me?"

Lin Hui said with a smile: "'You are forcing the princess, and you are also planning to seek Debbie Luke's nemesis. You are an extremely evil person', so I believe, Xiao An, you are definitely not someone who kills people for no reason. It is precisely because of this. One point, I think you are qualified and have reason to obtain the happiness that originally belongs to you!"

Golden Shadow did not think that Lin Hui still remembered what happened at that time.

Yes, it is precisely because of this that he will stay, stay on this planet, the purpose is to "kill" his target, but why haven't he done it yet?

Looking at Lin Hui's incomparably clear eyes, the golden shadow's psychological defense line completely collapsed.

Now the golden shadow may have a little understanding of his feelings, what is this kind of feeling that makes his heart palpitate, the feeling that makes him irritable, the feeling that makes him uneasy but sweet.

Lin Hui is his target, and the golden shadow has completely confirmed this.

Lin Hui looked at the golden shadow whose eyes gradually softened, let go of his hands, and stretched out his hand to the golden shadow: "Would you like to come to my house tonight? Have dinner. Ya Ya can also come together. Oh!"

"Great, senior! I'm going, I'm going!"

Kurosaki Yaya grabbed the golden shadow's arm without waiting for the golden shadow to agree, so there was no reason for the golden shadow to refuse.

After returning home, Meikan and Nana were very happy, but Lin Hui really brought the golden shadow, and by the way, even Kurosaki Miya invited them together.

And recently, in the morning, Golden Shadow and Kurosaki Yaya can often be seen. After all, Lin Hui also invited the two to come to his house for breakfast.

For Lin Hui, it's just an extra mouth. Anyway, there are a lot of people in his family.

Rather, there are two fewer people than before.

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong ran off to somewhere, and haven't seen them for a while. Although they told themselves not to worry, Lin Hui and these two had a very wonderful connection. Feel.

Miss them a little bit!

Lin Hui couldn't help but sigh, life is really ups and downs!


The next day, Lin Hui learned from Mengmeng that the golden shadow had put on the uniform and came to the class. At that time, Mr. Tiayou, who was planning to take the class, was so excited that even tears were about to flow out.

Not sadness, but tears of joy!

Chapter [-] It doesn't matter if it's not your only one

"Come on, Xia Mu-jun."

Lin Hui looked at the big yard in front of him, a little helpless, and said to the black ponytail girl beside him: "Speaking of which, Rin, where did Sha Ji go?"

Jiujio Rin smiled at Lin Hui and made a "please" gesture: "Miss Shaji is already waiting for you, please change your clothes first!"

Lin Hui touched his chin and followed Jiujio Rin to the locker room. Jiujiao Rin took out a deacon's clothes and handed it to Lin Hui.


Today, Meikan received a call from Kujo Rin, because all the servants at home had stomach pains and couldn't move because they ate the dishes made by Tenjoin Shaji, so they wanted to ask Meikan to help.

And Meikan had no way to go because she had to take care of Yuuki Caipei, but she told Kujo Rin that Lin Hui was free, so she sent Lin Hui over.

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