The other party disappeared after swallowing Bradix's consciousness, as if it had never appeared.

"Mr. Xia Mu, are you alright?"

Seeing Lin Hui open his eyes, Mengmeng stepped forward anxiously.

She knew it, she knew all of Lin Hui's secrets, including the passing of Lin Hui's vitality, Lin Hui had a huge, incomparably terrifying darkness in his body.

Therefore, she is not afraid, but feels distressed, because all this can only be carried by herself. Although she knows it, she cannot share it all for Lin Hui.

"Don't worry, it's alright!"

Lin Hui touched Mengmeng's little head, then looked at Braddix in his hand: "This sword is made of good material, I want it, Rin, does it matter?"

At this moment, the consciousness in this sword disappeared, and naturally there was no harm.

"Ah, you need to ask Miss Shaji about this matter."

Outside just now, Nana and Mengmeng explained the matter. They didn't expect that they would pick up such a terrible thing, but it seemed that the other party was wiped out by Lin Hui.

Once again, Jiujio Rin's curiosity about Lin Hui was aroused, and she now found that she didn't know this mysterious man at all.

Lin Hui blinked: "Really?"

"If you don't mind, then I won't care."

The golden shadow looked the same, the murderous aura on the sword has completely disappeared, that is to say, the opponent has been completely eliminated.

"Wow, senior, you are amazing! Is that the darkness that the master said?"

Kurosaki Mia leaned into Lin Hui's ear and muttered.

Lin Hui shrugged: "Who knows!"

Just when Kurosaki Maya wanted to continue her questioning, Nana came over: "Hey, is it okay to hold such a dangerous thing?"

"Don't worry! It's all right."

Lin Hui threw the sword to Nana.

"Hey, don't throw such a dangerous thing at me! Huh? Seems like it's really okay?"

Nana picked it up and played with it, and it seemed that there was no problem.

Lin Hui took back Braddix from Nana's hand again. Anyway, in the future, there is no need to worry that there will be nothing to fight when he is chased by the little assassin. The energy of the previous lightsaber has long been gone, and it is not good. Use, but this sword is quite easy to use.

"That, thank you."

At this time, Jiujiao Rin came over and thanked Lin Hui.

"It's okay, you are Sha Ji's important friend!"

Lin Hui said with a smile.

"Ah, what happened here?"

Tenjoin Sha Ji saw that his father's study and yard became a mess, and the whole person felt bad.

Lin Hui smiled and walked up to tell Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan about the matter.

It was only until Sha Ji of Tiantiaoyuan realized that such a dangerous thing had happened just now, but fortunately Lin Hui took action to eliminate this incident, and he felt more and more correct to call Lin Hui here.

Chapter [-] I can't wait

"Here, the transformation has been completed."

Lan Yu Mengcong took out a pendant from the instrument on the side, but the shape of this pendant was exactly the appearance of the magic sword Bradix, who had been devoured by Lin Hui before.

Because it is relatively large, it is not convenient to carry. At this time, Lan Yumengcong appeared and brought Lin Hui to the place where they lived. Braddix was remodeled to make it smaller. The mind becomes bigger and smaller.

Lin Hui took the pendant and put it on his neck. Then he tried it and pulled out the magic sword Bradix, which quickly turned into a sharp long sword in his hand, and then made it smaller. As soon as he put it on the pendant, Braddix was sucked by the pendant and fixed at the same time.

"so amazing."

Lin Hui said in surprise, in this case, Bradix would not scratch himself when he turned into a pendant.

"You're welcome, it's our responsibility to help you!"

Lan Yumeng smiled and said, "Come on! We believe you can succeed!"

Lin Hui scratched his head: "Can it really be successful?"

"Absolutely, because you have never let us down!"

Langu Mengcong smiled very happily: "No matter when, no matter where, you can always turn the tide!"

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai smiled at Lin Hui and said, "It is precisely because of this that we choose to trust you, so don't be afraid, the wheel of fate has turned!"

"Fate or something, I still don't want to believe it!"

Hearing the words of these two people, Lin Hui didn't know what to say. They were obviously not from the future, but why did he believe so much in himself?And they are responsive to their own needs, no matter what they do, they seem to help pave the way for themselves.

"I will try my best."

Lin Hui even felt that the two of them seemed to be more confident than him, and he really didn't know why.



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