Nana pouted: "I'm against the harem, but if it's to save you, there's nothing you can do. I'll tell you, I'll help you, but once it's successful, just wait for me!"

Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "Mengmeng even told you this?!"

"Speak! Say it all! You playboy!"

Nana said angrily, making Lin Hui's eyes twitch, Mengmeng, why is this person like this, why is he talking about it all? Now Nana probably despises herself even more, right?

Chapter [-] Instant Action

Just when Nana and Lin Hui were communicating, suddenly, GOGO Duster A seemed to be electrocuted and fell to the ground, which made Lin Hui feel a little strange.

"Xilinu, come down first, it seems a bit wrong."

Lin Hui touched his chin: "It seems that something hit the machine just now."

Lin Hui held Xilinu in his hands and looked at the machine carefully. After all, it was Lala's work, so strange things might happen. After all, there were many lessons learned.

Although it wasn't Lala's pot this time, it was something Lala invented anyway!


Suddenly, GOGO Duster A got up and charged directly towards Nana.


Nana was directly frightened by this machine, and the whole person immediately ran to one side: "Why are you chasing me!"


The machine suddenly made such a sound and started to suck directly. Lin Hui put down Xilinu and was about to stop the machine when Nana fell to the ground.

"Nana, are you okay...?"

Lin Hui directly covered her nose, feeling like she was going to have a nosebleed, because Nana's fat times were sucked away by the machine, so what appeared in Lin Hui's eyes now is a pair of... um, it's very irritating and fragrant to others. One scene.

But for Lin Hui, this instead stimulated the activity of black matter in the body. Under the impact of "desire", a lot of the vitality of the whole person was sucked away again.

"Ara, what happened!"

At this time, a voice next to him rang.

"Master Yumen, hurry up and hide!"

Lin Hui shouted directly at Yumen Ryoko.

However, it was too late.


The cleaning machine, which had gone wrong, opened its mouth and took a sharp breath, sucking off all the clothes on Ryoko Mikado.


Nana kicked it out and kicked the machine to the ground.

On the other hand, Ryoko Mikado was lying on the windowsill, as if... a little exhausted, eh?Why is it so strange?

"Master Yumen, are you alright?"

Lin Hui was a little anxious, but Ryoko Yumen helped him a lot. It would be bad if something happened to Ryoko Yumen.

"Well, it's fine."

Ryoko Yumen just raised her head, and Xilinu jumped directly onto the window sill: "Well!"


When Ryoko Yumen saw Xilinu, she turned her body around and showed two snow-white peaks in front of Xilinu and Lin Hui.

Xilinu was not polite at all, bit one of the red grapes and immediately began to inhale.


A groan came from Ryoko Mikado's mouth.

"Chillino, what are you doing?!"

Lin Hui's eyes almost straightened, Yumen Ryoko's figure is very good, and now such an impactful scene is shown in front of him, Lin Hui feels that he really does not want to lose his life, but continues to stay in this city There is nothing you can do if you want to live a long life!

However, Ryoko Mikado didn't care. Instead, she hugged Xilinu: "It's okay, Xilinu often does this when she's bored anyway!"

"You don't have any surprises!"

Lin Hui couldn't complain anymore, which really made him not know what to say.

"Would you like to come and have a look?"

Ryoko Yumen teased Lin Hui.

"The devil wants it! Hurry up and get dressed!"

Lin Hui turned his head and continued to watch, feeling that his heart could not take it anymore.

"Hey, give me back my fat times!"

Nana shouted at the machine that fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the machine flipped over, fled from Nana's side in an instant, and flew directly into the school building.

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