Kurosaki Miya's chest suddenly became bigger.

Everyone around clapped.

Lin Hui was even more speechless: "Be careful only... well, it's already here."

"Hey, Ya, don't use the transformation ability in strange places!"

Gutechuan went berserk in an instant: "Also, what is the name of that shameless senpai!"

"Because senpai has always been 'shameless' and shouted 'shameless', so she is shameless senpai!"

Kurosaki Yaya said innocently, but she still caused more critical damage to Yui Furutegawa.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Looking at Miya Kurosaki who was pretending to be stupid, Yui Furutekawa became even more angry.

However, when Lin Hui saw that Tia Yougang was talking to the golden shadow, the golden shadow instantly became alert. The relationship between the two is still the same as before. Although they can meet, they want to return to the original level. At a slow rate, it is estimated that it will take at least ten years.

Just let me push it.

Lin Hui couldn't help but think...

Chapter [-] That is you

"Xiao An, do you have time to chat?"

At this time, Lin Hui looked at the golden shadow that was about to go downstairs, walked over quickly, and said.

The golden shadow turned to look at Lin Hui: "What do you want to talk about?"

"About the matter between you and Tiayu-sensei."

Lin Hui smiled at the golden shadow: "Do you want to continue to hide? The relationship between you and Teacher Tiayou? Are you not a family? It doesn't matter if you get closer, right?"

"Natsuki Yuuki, I remind you, you are my target, and the target I will kill one day in the future! I don't like my information being known too much by the surrounding people."

The dark red pupils of the golden shadow looked at Lin Hui: "I am such an awkward person."

"But, didn't everyone know about Ya Ya?"

Lin Hui was also quite distressed when he looked at the golden shadow where oil and salt did not penetrate.

"That's because I think it's necessary to have a relationship with Ya Ya. Besides, why do you want to meddle in such a business?"

The golden shadow couldn't understand Lin Hui's actions.

"Because I want you to be happy, the current you is not a hundred times as happy as you were when you were a child! I said, to make you more than a hundred times happier than before, even if the relationship with Teacher Tiayu is concealed , but if you don't go back to the relationship you had when you were young, then, Xiao An, you are not really happy."

"I, want to see your smile, Xiao An!"

Lin Hui spoke slowly, looking at the golden shadow, his eyes were directly facing the golden shadow's eyes, very firm, and did not waver in the slightest.

"Don't mind your own business."

The golden shadow then turned his head, his face suddenly turned red, and the whole person walked directly towards the classroom.

Lin Hui looked at the appearance of the golden shadow, and clicked his tongue: "Really, I was thinking of seeing Xiao An's last smile again."

"Allah, Mr. Xiamu is also actively attacking!"

At this time, Mengmeng poked out a small head from downstairs: "Xiao An seems to be shaken a lot, maybe it can be pushed down with a little push!"

"It's impossible, because I know Xiao An's character very well."

Lin Hui smiled, then walked to the stairs and touched Mengmeng's little head: "Help me watch Xiao An for a few days."

"But, Mr. Xia Mu, your vitality is less than a month old! Why are you still able to help Xiao An and Teacher Tiayou carelessly? Why can't you pay more attention to yourself?"

Mengmeng suddenly became dissatisfied: "It is clear that I established this plan to help Mr. Xia Mu, but if Mr. Xia Mu is gone..."

"Don't worry, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, don't forget, we still have Ji Hiiragi and Lan Yumengcong from the 'future'! It means that your method is definitely useful, or, not here Within a month, there will definitely be a turning point!"

Lin Hui showed a reassuring smile, which made Mengmeng feel better.

Seeing Mengmeng's relieved look, Lin Hui suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It would be great if Ji Hirao Lingcai and Lan Yumengcong really came from the future!

After that, Lin Hui went back to the classroom again, and Mengmeng and the others were in swimming lessons. Lin Hui knew, but now Lin Hui didn't care about these things, how to live his last day to the fullest was the best important things.

However, at this time, a mutation occurred.

At the school's swimming pool, a golden light suddenly radiated. At the same time, Pei Kai on La La's head was also affected, making a "crackling" electric sound.

"Pekai, what's wrong?"

Lara asked aloud.

"Just now... it seems that some extraordinary high-energy body appeared nearby."

Pei Kai replied with some fear.

Lin Hui suddenly felt a little bad: "High-energy body? Wait, it can't be..."


Lin Hui's heart was strongly disturbed, because Lin Hui also guessed that there was something that could be called a "high-energy body" over there. However, this should not be the case. The factors are not yet complete!


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