"So, please die!"

Immediately, the golden shadow's hands turned into two terrifyingly large long swords, walking towards Lin Hui step by step.


"Xia Mu-kun!"

Furutegawa Yui and Serenji Haruna shouted nervously.

"Don't... puff!"

Lin Hui originally wanted to change his hand to continue fighting, but when he just stood up, his heart ached, and he couldn't bear it any longer, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. The bright red blood turned black, shocking.

Lin Hui could only squat down halfway, looking at the golden shadow that had come to him.

Lin Hui's arm could no longer be lifted: "Xiao An!"

"Be mine, Yuuki Natsuki!"

The golden shadow slashed directly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui didn't want to sit still and was about to fight back. At the moment when he was about to fight back, a fragrance entered Lin Hui's nose. This fragrance was very familiar to Lin Hui. For a long time in the past, Lin Hui could smell it when he woke up. Fragrance.


Suddenly, a huge crack was cut into the ground, but Lin Hui, who should have been cut in half, was not there.

"La La!"

Lin Hui looked at Lala.

"Xiamu! Are you okay? You seem injured?"

Lala looked at Lin Hui with some worry.

Lin Hui shook his head and handed the Bradix in his hand to Lala: "Be careful, Xiao An is very strong now, only the strength of this sword can barely keep up, your other inventions are in Xiao An's place. It's useless in front of the transformation."

"Well, I see."

Lala took Bradix directly and looked at the golden shadow: "Xiao An, what happened to you?"

"Darkness, princess, this is the ultimate transformation—Darkness! The existence that brings chaos to the universe!"

The breath of the golden shadow at the moment is extremely huge, making people feel suffocated.


However, at this moment, the golden shadow shot, creating a wormhole and attacking Lala directly.

Lala dodged them all in an instant with a light movement: "Xiao An, you... eh?"

Things have changed again...

Chapter [-] Please believe me

When Lin Hui wanted to stand up, his feet softened and he fell down again. At this time, his hands directly hugged Lin Hui's body: "Jun Xia Mu, are you alright?"

"It's Haruna, it's okay, it's just that she lost her strength."

Lin Hui said while coughing, black blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can you be okay now? Why is your blood black!"

Furukawa Yui was very surprised: "This, this is not poisoning, right?"

"It's not, it's because he doesn't live long enough to be like this!"

At this time, a voice came from behind Lin Hui.

"What? . . . huh?"

Xirenji Haruna and Furutekawa Yui saw the face of the golden shadow appear behind the dark space.

After forcing Lala back, the golden shadow directly manipulated his blond hair to grab Lin Hui from the hands of Haruna Xirenji and Yui Gutekawa.

"It's... unlucky!"


Lin Hui fell directly to the ground, feeling as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

The vitality of the whole person has gradually been exhausted. At this moment, Lin Hui really feels what is powerlessness and what is despair.

Hope Lala can stop Xiao An!

This was the only thought in Lin Hui's heart.

"Princess Lala, speaking of which, you are Yuuki Natsuki's fiancee!"

At this time, the golden shadow rolled up Lin Hui and rolled it directly into the air: "Then, for me—"

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the feet of the golden shadow, and suddenly, a huge stone man slowly appeared from the ground.

"Is this the ability to transform?"

Lala blinked and asked curiously.

On the other hand, Nemesis is still suppressing the riot of Kurosakiya in her body. No matter how unwilling Kurosakiya is, Nemesis can directly suppress Kurosakiya from the inside out. However, she didn't notice one thing.

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