Lin Hui took a deep breath, and then pulled up the little hand of the golden shadow.


The golden shadow raised his head and looked at the darkness in front of him: "Who is it?"

"Xiao An, have you even forgotten my voice? Our two hands were once stuck together!"

At this time, a voice that excited the golden shadow came over.

The golden shadow looked at his hand, but that hand extended into the darkness, and even with the surrounding light, he couldn't see the person's appearance clearly.

"Yuki... Xia Mu? You... where are you?"

The voice of the golden shadow conveyed a fear that even Lin Hui had never heard before. Obviously, she was worried about losing everything.

"Don't worry, I will never leave you, don't worry, so don't be afraid, look directly at the darkness, this is also your power, to accept it, to have it, if you have something, I will definitely shoot Yes, don't worry about running away, because, I will stop you! So, muster up your courage, Ya Ya, and I, are waiting for you!"

Lin Hui's voice was always full of confidence, but it was always this way that moved the golden shadow's heart.

"Yucheng... Xia Mu..."

The golden shadow tried to stand up. At this moment, darkness began to invade. The golden shadow tightly guarded the two white feathers in his arms. Even if he turned into darkness, he did not want these two memories to be dyed black.

However, at this moment, another light appeared, which was deeper than the darkness, rolled all the surrounding darkness together, hugged the golden shadow tightly, used his own darkness to control the darkness of the golden shadow, let the golden The shadow merged with himself, allowing the golden shadow to feel Lin Hui's memory of manipulating the darkness.

At this moment, outside, the double horns symbolizing Darkness on the head of the golden shadow began to gradually disappear.

At this moment, the heart of the golden shadow, which was originally dyed black, released endless rays of light, and the end of the darkness is where the light is.

The golden shadow looked at the young man in front of him, the whole person didn't know what to say, but there were tears in his eyes.

"Okay, it's time to go back, Xiao An!"

Lin Hui smiled and stretched out his hand towards the golden shadow...

Chapter two hundred and seventy-six trouble for you

When the golden shadow opened his eyes, he saw a very familiar face printed in his eyes, and the other's eyes seemed to have a smile, as if welcoming him.

Later, the golden shadow felt that his lips were covered by the other party, and his fragrant tongue was being plundered by the other party. The technique is so skilled that it seems that I don't know how many times I have practiced it.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Hui let go of the golden shadow's lips. At this moment, a silver thread glistening in the sunlight was pulled between the two's lips.

At this moment, the golden shadow suddenly blushed. What happened to him, he actually allowed Lin Hui to belittle himself without knowing how to resist.

Lin Hui conjured up a handkerchief as if by magic, and gently wiped the broken silver traces at the corner of the golden shadow's mouth: "What's the matter, Xiao An? Shouldn't you say the words you often say at this time? "

Listening to Lin Hui's familiar words and his reassuring emotions, although the golden shadow blushed, he was uncharacteristically: "I hate H!"

"But I don't hate you!"

Lin Hui was so surprised that he even stopped wiping. He didn't expect the golden shadow to say such a thing. This was something even Lin Hui did not expect.

"Ah Le, Xiao An, you have become a little frank!"

Lin Hui said with a smile.

Immediately, this stimulation made the golden shadow unbearable, and the hair behind him turned into a sharp blade and pointed at Lin Hui: "Yuki Natsuki!"

"Okay. Then, say it again now!"

Lin Hui smiled at the golden shadow and said, "Welcome back, Xiao An!"

The golden shadow looked at the smile on Lin Hui's face and smiled at Lin Hui: "Well, I'm back!"


This time, the commotion was huge!

Even Lin Hui didn't expect such a thing to happen, but fortunately, before the situation became serious, Lin Hui and Lala worked together to stop it. With Mengmeng's help, he temporarily brought the golden shadow back to Ryoko Yumen for an inspection to see if there was any problem.

However, by the way, the golden shadow has already mastered the power of Darkness, and it was activated once in the presence of Ryoko Yumen and Tiayu, but everyone felt incredible after seeing that there was no abnormality in the golden shadow, because before The golden shadow is running wild, but now it can be controlled, that is to say, the strength of the golden shadow has suddenly increased by an unknown amount.

Later, after school, Lin Hui called everyone together, the three Lala sisters, Meikan Lizi, and Chuncai, Wei and the others all gathered at their own house, saying that they had something to tell you.

At this moment, Mengmeng felt very excited, because she had learned from Lin Hui in advance that Lin Hui had recovered all his feelings, that is to say, the problem was solved, and Nana was also informed, but let him The two let out a sigh of relief.


"Xia Mu, what did you plan to do by calling us here?"

Yui Furutekawa was sitting on the sofa, somewhat incomprehensible.

But Xilian Temple Haruna seemed to be very happy, even Mengmeng was the same.

And Lala was extremely happy, as if she had obtained some treasure.

At this moment, there are still golden shadows and Kurosaki Miya gathered at home, but Ryoko Mikado and Tia Yu have something to do.

"Well, I want to introduce two people to you first. These two people have special identities, so..."

Lin Hui walked in with two girls.

"Zangcai, cute onion, naah, listen to me..."

Lala said excitedly when she saw the two girls.

"Well, we already know."

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