"Find someone you can trust and let him act for you. Anyway, you can act as a behind-the-scenes fighting force. As long as the other party doesn't betray you, or your strength has reached the level that the other party dare not betray, then what do you think? You can play how you want, as long as you show up at the right time and be shocked."

Lin Hui said very simply and clearly: "If you don't think you have anyone you can trust, just leave it to me. I'll bring a few people from other worlds. Anyway, I have a lot of talents to manage the organization. They top it first, then train people you can trust and build up your prestige."

Lin Hui's words are very simple and clear.

The force that stuns all, the one who is trustworthy, the one who is proficient in management.

Qiduo thought for a while, and after a little thought, Qiduo really felt that Lin Hui's words were right, why should he do it himself?Besides, Sai Fei is in charge of diplomacy. As long as his strength can scare everyone and make everyone dare not move, then don't he just run out and play as he wants?

Moreover, Lin Hui also said that he would help himself. If he couldn't do it, he would let the person who Lin Hui pulled over to do so. Could it be that Lin Hui would still betray him?

Just kidding, let's not talk about Lala's side, Lin Hui's strength alone makes him feel unable to resist. If the other party wants Debbie Luke, he can say it clearly, there is no need to betray himself, let alone Lin Hui himself I'm also lazy, I can't help him if I want to.

The more Chito thought about it, the more he felt that Lin Hui's proposal was very good.

The eyes of the two men met in an instant, and they reached a consensus...

Chapter [-] Come, call the master to listen

After sending Chito away, the scenery around Lin Hui changed and he returned home again.

"Ah, Mr. Xia Mu, you're back!"

At this time, Mengmeng greeted her: "So, it's done?"

Lin Hui glared at Mengmeng angrily, if this girl hadn't sent her letter out, I'm afraid there would be a lot of things going on in the future.

Mengmeng stuck out his tongue, and the whole person looked very well-behaved: "Mr. Xiamu, please rest assured, I have already notified the girls who are included in the 'Paradise Project', and I believe that Mr. Xiamu will be able to easily resolve the matter of the letter. of."

Lin Hui touched Mengmeng's little head and made a mess of Mengmeng's hair: "This is a lesson for you, don't mess around in the future, otherwise, I may not be able to keep you."

Lin Hui also sighed a little about this, Mengmeng's character is really in line with his appetite, but unfortunately, the master of his harem is Nayue Sauce!

"By the way, Mr. Natsuki, what about Nemesis?"

Mengmeng gently stroked her hair, in order not to show her weakness in front of her old enemy, Mengmeng had to tidy up the appearance that Lin Hui had messed up just now.

Lin Hui gently stretched out his hand, and suddenly, a black smoke floated out from Lin Hui's body. At the same time, Lin Hui was constantly replenishing the energy for this black smoke, so that his body that had been scattered by Qiduo was restored. come over.

"Oh, is it over yet?"

At this time, a brown-skinned girl like a little devil appeared in front of Lin Hui and Mengmeng.

"Nemesis, long time no see!"

At this time, Mengmeng showed a wicked smile to Nemesis.

"Oh, it's Princess Mengmeng, what's wrong, what's the matter?"

Nemesis didn't seem to be afraid of Mengmeng. Instead, he looked confident and said to Lin Hui, "Since you saved me and won, then of course I won't be fooled, Master!"

Lin Hui listened very comfortably, well, such a character who seemed to be a big boss behind the scenes was subdued by him, Lin Hui also felt a sense of achievement: "Okay, Ya Ya is here too, you just put on Wear a maid outfit, since it's my maid, it would be too shameful not to wear a maid outfit."

Nemeses directly changed into a maid outfit on his body, which he once took out from Mengmeng. The maid outfit he wore when he went to the Tiantiao Courtyard for cleaning, he turned around to Lin Hui: "What do you think, Master?"

Nemesis seems to be changing quickly about his identity.

Mengmeng was stunned. Nemesis was completely integrated into the role of Lin Hui's maid. How could this be possible?

"Nemesis, what the hell are you doing?"

Mengmeng was very vigilant about Nemesis. In her opinion, there must be a reason for Nemesis to be so obedient.

Nemesis just smiled lightly: "I'm just doing my duty as a maid! I didn't do anything wrong! Master, look, Princess Mengmeng is too bad! Princess Mengmeng, I'm just the master's maid Oh, not your maid!"

The reason why Nemesis is so obedient is because he saw the blow that Lin Hui unleashed. It was really terrifying. In addition to the worlds that Lin Hui said, it was also very attractive to Nemesis. , Therefore, Nemesis is so obedient and obedient. Of course, there are also Nemesis who want to try it, because he was attracted by Lin Hui, which led to the peaceful life in which both the golden shadow and Kurosakiya fell into it.

"how so……"

Mengmeng is very unwilling. If Nemesis is so obedient, Mengmeng is sure to teach Nemesis a lesson. After all, she is often tricked by Nemesis!

Lin Hui glanced at the two of them, and then remembered something. Well, Lin Hui is a very careful person after all. When he was about to count on Nemesis, a small head stuck out.

"Yeah, isn't this Niemei-chan? When did you come here? Also, Niemei-chan, are you wearing a maid outfit?"

Kurosaki Maya said in surprise.

"Oh, it's Nya! It looks like we're going to live together again!"

Nemesis spread his hands: "I'm going to live here now as this man's maid."

"Really? That's great, Niemei-chan, welcome!"

Kurosaki Miya said with a smile, and the whole person walked out directly.

"By the way, Nana, Niemei-chan is here too!"

Kurosaki Miya didn't forget to shout from the inside when she came out.


A young girl came out in a hurry: "Nemesis? You... what's the situation?"

Golden Shadow and Lala also came out, very curious about Nemesis' appearance.

"Okay, let me explain to you."

Lin Hui took the initiative to step forward and explained his bet with Nemesis.

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