When they were eating just now, it was Lin Hui who called out. Otherwise, they probably wouldn't be able to get up.

After finishing everything, Lin Hui quietly left Lisha's house in Fengang. It was almost two in the afternoon. After about two hours of nonsense from eleven o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Hui began to go to Xilian Temple. Chuncai rushed to her house. Although something unexpected happened to Lin Hui, it would not disrupt Lin Hui's plan.


"Sister, what did you say?"

Xilian Temple Haruna looked at her sister Xilian Temple Qiusui in shock and thought she had heard it wrong: "This matter, sister, I...I think..."

"Well, Haruna, you've changed."

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple looked at Haruna of Xilian Temple and showed a smile: "When you talked about these things in the past, you were shy to avoid these topics, but now you can argue with your sister without changing your face!"

Xilian Temple Chuncai froze for a moment, then blushed: "No...it's not like this, sister, I think this kind of thing..."

"Isn't it? Or, do you think Yi Xiamu... oh, it should be called Lin Jun now, will he give up?"

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple looked at Haruna of Xilian Temple and asked very calmly.

Xilian Temple Chuncai must know more about Lin Hui than Xilian Temple Qiusui.

From the moment of contact, Xilian Temple Haruna knew what kind of character Lin Hui was.

He is very sunny, kind, gentle, and has a reassuring feeling, but sometimes he becomes very domineering. In some matters, Lin Hui will never give in. In this incident, if his sister If you really have this plan, even if you object, it will probably only make Lin Hui feel uncomfortable.

What's more, Xilian Temple Chuncai has almost accepted the concept of "harem", because she doesn't want to give up Lin Hui, nor does she want to forget Lin Hui, she wants to be with Lin Hui, but everyone else has the same idea, The concept of Haruna of Serien Temple, who was bound by the earth, no, should be bound by normal social common sense has also been shaken.

But together with her sister, this kind of shocking incident still made Xilian Temple Haruna feel a little unacceptable.

However, Serenji Haruna couldn't say anything else to refute her sister.

ethics?or something else?

This kind of thing doesn't matter. For someone like Lin Hui who has eternal life, a hundred years is just a blink of an eye.

However, for these girls, this kind of deviation from common sense is too shocking. Although people in this city usually live a normal life, it can't be said to be an ordinary life. After all, there are many people in the universe!

However, Xilian Temple Haruna felt that the whole person was very entangled: "Sister, but why can you accept it?"

Xilian Temple Qiusui raised his chin: "Actually, I didn't know it at first, but then a girl often came to chat with me, and the topic between us often talked about Lin Hui, and there were times when she When I mentioned the topic of 'harem', I thought it was incredible at first, but now I think, because of this, Haruna and I can continue to be together in the future!"

As he spoke, Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple laughed.

"Eh? Did Mengmeng also find her sister?"

Xilian Temple Chuncai didn't expect Mengmeng's hand to stretch so long, even her own sister, so Xilian Temple Chuncai didn't know what to say.

"Mengmeng? Ah, you mean that girl? No, I remember her name is Lanyu Mengcong."

Xilian Temple Qiusui thought for a while.

"Eh? Cute onion?"

Now Xilian Temple Chuncai is even more confused, because Lanyu Mengcong is Lin Hui's daughter. As a result, Langu Mengcong helped Lin Hui to build a bridge and attack her sister. This, this, Xilian Temple Spring Vegetables is in the wind. Messy.


At this time, the doorbell rang.

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple suddenly smiled: "It's finally here, so slow!"

"Sister, who is it?"

Haruna of Xilian Temple looks a little unclear.

"Sister, I knew that you would be very hesitant, Haruna, and couldn't make a decision, so I deliberately brought that person here!"

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple happily went out and opened the door.

After Lin Hui walked into the house, he looked at Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple with a happy face and Haruna of Xilian Temple with a ghostly face. The whole person felt a little strange. Why are the expressions of the two people so different?

"That, Qiusui, you came to me because..."

Lin Hui was also a little embarrassed to speak. Although Lin Hui's face couldn't even be penetrated by a laser, um, in a physical sense, but in such a situation, Lin Hui didn't know how to judge.

"Okay, I called you here just to make up Chuncai's mind. It's really cheap for you. Chuncai is still young, so it's not too rude."

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple took the lead in hugging Lin Hui: "Let me, the elder sister, come first!"

Lin Hui was completely dumbfounded, and Xilian Temple Chuncai was even more dumbfounded than him...

Chapter [-] Want to be with everyone

"Meikan? I'm out tonight. Well, this, I have a little thing, um, I'll be back tomorrow."

Lin Hui called Meigan and talked a little about the fact that he was going to stay outside. At the same time, Lin Hui was a little surprised, because he didn't expect that Xilian Temple Chuncai was really told by Xilian Temple Qiusui. Moved.

However, Xilian Temple Chuncai's face was still too thin, and she couldn't bear to do that kind of thing during the day, so Lin Hui also stayed at Xilian Temple's house.

In the evening, Lin Hui also showed a small hand, which made Xilian Temple Qiusui very satisfied, while Xilian Temple Chuncai's face was always as red as a burning cloud in the sky, and it never subsided.

For the introverted and shy Xilian Temple Haruna, it is incredible to be able to accept it, and now it is very amazing to be able to hold back the shy feeling and sit at the same table as Lin Hui and Xilian Temple Qiusui. .

After eating and resting for a while, the Xilian Temple sisters entered the bathroom.

Lin Hui used this time to wash the dishes, and informed Meigan that he would not go back, and then sat down on the sofa. After all, although Lin Hui was waiting, he was also a little nervous.

However, at this time, Lin Hui felt that someone came behind him: "Huh? How did you come out?"

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple walked out with a bath towel around, and smiled at Lin Hui: "Okay, now Chuncai is alone in the bathroom! Go in."


Lin Hui's eyes widened.

Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple rolled her eyes at Lin Hui: "Do you really not understand or are you just pretending to be stupid! Haruna is a very shy girl! If she really came out, she probably wouldn't be able to do it today. Whether you want to go in or not, you can decide for yourself!"

Afterwards, Qiu Sui of Xilian Temple walked into his room humming a song, leaving Lin Hui to stay there dumbfounded.

"Does this count as creating an opportunity for me? She's really a good sister!"

Well, among the three Lala sisters, there is a good sister - Mengmeng, and Haruna of Xilian Temple also has a good sister - Qiusui of Xilian Temple, is this the common denominator among all sisters?

Lin Hui doesn't know, but Lin Hui knows that what Xilian Temple Qiusui said is true, and when Xilian Temple Haruna calms down, it is estimated that Xilian Temple Haruna's character may reject him, even if he feels sad because of it. and sad.

Afterwards, Lin Hui walked into the bathroom.

"Ehhh? Xia Mujun, why did you come in?"

The moment Xilian Temple Haruna, whose face was a little better, saw Lin Hui come in, her whole face turned red again, and she turned into a steam princess.

His hands directly covered his naked, snow-white body, making Lin Hui's eyes look straight.

"It's nothing, just because I don't want to miss you."

Lin Hui stepped forward and hugged Xilian Temple Chuncai: "Chuncai, I'm sorry, I am so careless, but I really like you. Before I regained my memory, I was the first person in my life to have a good impression. But you!"


When Xilian Temple Haruna heard this, she was stunned for a while, and seemed to have forgotten even the overwhelmed feeling of being hugged by Lin Hui: "Is it true?"

"Yeah, don't forget, in junior high school, Lizi was framed as the one who destroyed the flower bed, but you believed it wasn't Lizi who did it. From that moment on, I noticed you."

Lin Hui slowly released Xilian Temple Chuncai, and put his hands on Xilian Temple Chuncai's shoulders: "Chuncai, do you remember when you were in the swimming pool? At that time, you confessed to me, but I never gave it to you. Answer, now, I'll tell you!"

"Haruna, I love you!"

Xilian Temple Haruna was so moved that she didn't know why, the whole person seemed to collapse into Lin Hui's arms and let Lin Hui do it.


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