"Don't worry, Nana, Mr. Xia Mu is a very good person. He is not affected by my appearance."

Saifi explained.

"Wow, Xia Mu is amazing!"

Lala exclaimed in surprise.

Mengmeng opened her mouth wide and let out a sigh: "Wow!"

"Okay, Lala, Nana, Mengmeng, listen to what I'm going to say next."

A smile suddenly appeared on Saifei's face: "On behalf of your father and myself, I send a blessing to your happiness. I hope you can be so happy and fulfilled in the days to come. Mr. Xia Mu, my The daughters will ask you a lot in the future."

"Well, I will definitely take good care of them!"

Lin Hui agreed immediately. The process of persuading Sai Fei is not too difficult, but it is not easy to put it simply. You must know that although Sai Fei's voice and appearance cannot affect Lin Hui, the conversation that Sai Fei has honed in the universe Skill, Lin Hui felt like he was walking a tightrope, and, most importantly, the other party had stood at the highest point from the very beginning, and he was just getting the other party's approval.

"I hope I can hug my grandson sooner."

When Saifei said this, Nana was stunned, while Lala shouted happily, "Yes!"

Mengmeng looked at Lin Hui in disbelief. He didn't expect that Lin Hui really did it, and really convinced his mother.

Afterwards, Sai Fei walked to the door without even wearing a veil. There were many bodyguards of Debbie Lux at the door. When they saw that Sai Fei was not wearing a veil, everyone was stunned, and Sustin was even more panicked. : "Lord Saifei, how can you not wear a veil? This will... eh? Is there anything wrong?"

Saifei touched the necklace on his chest: "It works well, that's it, Sustin, the safety of the earth will be handed over to you in the future."

"Yes, Master Saifei!"

Sastin was very curious about this, but he still agreed, and the others were seeing Saifei's true face for the first time. Many people were fascinated and overwhelmed. The influence of being a descendant of the Cham people could be regarded as Saifei's release from the curse of being a descendant of the Cham people.

When Saifi returned to Debbie Lux, Kito almost glared out his eyes, because he knew his wife, and now he can wear a veil, how could Kito not be frightened? ?

However, after learning that it was Lin Hui's handwriting, Qiduo was relieved. After all, Lin Hui has a strength beyond world-class. Even if it is Saifei's matter, it is normal for Lin Hui to be able to solve it.

These are all later stories.

At this moment, after seeing off Sai Fei, Lin Hui was surrounded, and Nana said directly, "Hey, what did you say to your mother?!"

"Nothing to say."

Lin Hui spread his hands and said irresponsibly, "I just asked my mother-in-law to marry all her three daughters to me."


Nana listened to Lin Hui's words, the whole person was a little confused, listen, is this human?

No one would propose to marry all three of her daughters in front of other mothers. Most importantly, the mother agreed.

"Wow, so then, Nana, Mengmeng and I don't have to be separated?"

Lala said happily, "That's great, Xia Mu, you're amazing!"

Lala rushed up and hugged Lin Hui's neck.

Lin Hui fondly touched La La's head, while Mengmeng on the side looked at Lin Hui with admiration.

The two eyes were so wide that they seemed to want to say something...

Chapter [-] Lala, Nana, Mengmeng (Part [-])

"Stop dreaming!"

Nana's whole face was flushed red, and her eyes seemed to turn in circles to look at Lin Hui: "I, I... I can't marry you!"

Afterwards, Nana ran up the stairs.

Lin Hui blinked, and said with some regret, "Ah Lala, am I being too straightforward?"

Meikan said angrily, "No matter which girl hears this, she will be like this!"

Lizi nodded in agreement. After all, Lin Hui's words stimulated the two of them too much. Although the two of them already knew about it, it would take time to truly accept all of this, especially Meigan, who had already known about it that day. I decided to let myself live as Lin Hui's younger sister.

However, under Mengmeng's troubles again and again, constantly interacting with Lin Hui, and constantly accompanying Lin Hui, the originally sealed emotions seem to be about to break through the cage, especially now that I know where Lin Hui is. After the world and Lin Hui's feelings, Meikan's mood has changed constantly, and now Meikan doesn't know what her feelings are.

"Hey, Nana doesn't want it? That's it."

Lala seems to have some regrets. After all, for Lala, no matter how many wives Lin Hui has, as long as they can be together in love with each other, it is enough, because it is the happiest thing for everyone to be together.

"No, elder sister, Nana is just shy."

Mengmeng "giggled" and said with a smile: "Nana will definitely agree, but Mr. Xia Mu is too bold, so Nana can't change it all at once, so it doesn't matter."

Lala tilted her head: "That's it! That would be great."

Meigan glanced at Mengmeng, and after seeing Mengmeng showing a smile to herself, the corner of her mouth twitched: "Sister Lala... ah."

Meikan doesn't know what to say. Lala seems to be a very innocent person, but in fact she is not. Lala is very smart and has a very high emotional intelligence, but Lala is reluctant to put things in the wrong. Think in a good direction. It is precisely because of this that Lala is always so optimistic, cheerful and positive, because this is Lala!

After the living room was noisy as always, Mengmeng quietly walked upstairs and entered Nana's room.

"What are you doing here? Isn't this exactly what you want? Neither the father nor the mother object to you marrying that beast together with the royal sister."

After Nana saw Mengmeng, the whole person seemed to have not recovered from the heavy news just now.

"No, Nana, I'm here for you!"

Mengmeng said, "You should still remember what I told you about the real purpose of starting the 'Paradise Project' and my true feelings."

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