Seeing this scene, Lin Hui immediately showed a loving smile. After that, Lin Hui waved his hand at himself and cut himself with a knife. Although he lacked a lot of strength, it was necessary for Lin Hui. Even if his strength will grow slowly, but what does it matter?

Being able to get a daughter who is intrinsically related to her soul is acceptable to Lin Hui no matter how much she loses. You must know that so far, there is only one garden god Rin who can really be regarded as Lin Hui's daughter. It's just a thread, and now there will be one more.

Lin Hui sent the soul fragments emitting white light into Xilinu's body.

Suddenly, Xilinu's body began to change a little bit.

It's not that Xilinu can't speak, but as a plant, the ability to speak needs to grow before it can evolve. However, now, Lin Hui's soul has made Xilinu do this in advance.


Hillino shouted in a milky voice.

Lin Hui laughed: "I want to call my father!"

Xilinu nodded with a vague understanding: "Dad!"

Lin Hui lifted Xilinu up high: "Yeah!"

Being a father again, this time, I really feel a lot of emotion.

The time is almost here. During the time when Lin Hui was filming the animation, one parent visited the past, and it was not without results. For Lin Hui's words, these people did not believe it, but their daughter was full of heart. In Lin Hui's case, it was not appropriate for these enlightened parents to break up, nor to agree. When they were embarrassed, Lin Hui visited again and again, sent out a lot of gifts and made promises for them before they reluctantly agreed. about his daughter marrying Lin Hui with other girls.

Staying here today is just waiting for some people to come.

At this moment, a lively girl with long pink hair rushed in: "Xiamu, Dad, they are here!"

Lin Hui smiled softly: "Please come in, we should go back!"

Volume [-] Newborn Hakotei

Chapter [-]: New Hakoba, New Beginning


At the outer door of No. 0, a whirlpool about the size of a person emitting a faint glow suddenly appeared.

The next moment, a figure came out of the vortex: "Finally back."

Lin Hui was filled with emotion. When he left here, he wanted to save Zi immediately. He decided that when he returned to Hakoba again, it was himself and Zi. As a result, although it was not himself and Zi, he brought a friend. large crowd.

"Is this a different world?"

Cheeto came to this world with some of his capable men, including some of Debbie Lux's strong men and staff, including Sastin.

"Yeah, this is the highest peak of Hakoniwa and the location of my community 'seven deadly sins'."

Lin Hui looked at the flag hanging high not far away, that is the void that belongs to him, everything that belongs to him, and now, he is back.

At this moment, the flag that had been hanging down suddenly fluttered. Although there was no wind, it fluttered high.

The entire Little Garden seemed to hear the sound of the flag flying, and all looked towards the highest point of the Little Garden.

If there is any flag that will fly there, then there is only the flag that claims to be the largest and the strongest community in the whole Hakoniwa, and that flag has never been flown since Lin Hui left Hakoten, and now it has no Feng Feiyang said it all.

"Have you finally come back?"

The blond boy with headphones looked at the huge flag flying on the first floor, and the whole person began to be eager to try.

"That bastard is back."

A certain white-haired loli gritted her teeth in the Thousand Eyes branch on the seventh floor.

At this moment, no matter what kind of person, they recalled an incomparably huge catastrophe that was once called the most terrifying demon king in history and brought to Hakogawa. In that catastrophe, several existences that defeated the evil of mankind emerged. , can be called a "hero" character.

The Demon King alone defeated the final trial of the three major humans, and appeared as the first and final human final trial, provoking the biggest turmoil in the history of the entire small garden, washing the small garden with the blood of the seven human beings alone, causing countless gods. The demise, the demise of billions of Asura gods and Buddhas, and with the help of the power of "heroes" to cross the final trial of their own human beings, they created a unique feat, defeated the wind of decadence, and their community rose to a digit, and they themselves also achieved One digit, and the final battle with the Destroyer of Ten Thousand Worlds hidden in the small garden. In that battle, the Demon King has transformed into an existence beyond the world level, and the Destroyer was wiped out in a battle outside the world.

After that, the other party left, and now that he is back again, his strength will not know how powerful it is.

And now it is the "Mooncell" that Lin Hui brought from the FGO world as the center of the box garden. After it was combined with the center of the box garden, it was transformed by Lin Hui.

Later, when Lin Hui left, he handed over the control to Nangong that month. Now that Lin Hui has returned, the control has been transferred to Lin Hui again.

Lin Hui used the power of "Mooncell" to instill the knowledge belonging to Hakoten to the people from the world of the bag queen. At the same time, Lin Hui also connected with the origin of the world because of the world of the box garden. Therefore, "Mooncell" is related to the origin of the world. Combined, they possess the knowledge of other worlds belonging to Lin Hui, and Lin Hui also instilled it in others.

After a long time, after Qito digested this knowledge, the whole person suddenly became excited.

As a fun-loving man, there is nothing more intriguing to him than these worlds.

This is a world where the game decides everything, so, for him, everything is very new, plus he can go to other worlds, play in the mountains and water, or play against other strong people, etc. Cheeto was excited.

And the girls who came to Hakoten were around Lin Hui chatting and asking questions, and Lin Hui answered them one by one.

In this world, suddenly a chain shot over.

Lin Hui gently stretched out his hand and grabbed it. He turned his head and said with a smile, "It's been a long time, so Yue Jiang, do you need to welcome me like this?"

"You're finally back, and you really didn't disappoint me!"

Nangong's face was a little unhappy that month. No matter which girl it was, seeing her man brought many beautiful girls home, it would be strange to have a good face.

Lin Hui waved his hand gently, and amid Nangong Nayue's exclamation, Lin Hui's petite body was hugged directly into his arms, and Lin Hui directly kissed Nangong Nayue's lips, dispelling his resentment.

At this time, Mengmeng was watching this scene very excitedly. He didn't expect Lin Hui to stage such an explosive scene as soon as he came back, while the other girls were cursing and shy.

For a long time, the lips are divided.

"Sorry for making you wait a long time this time."

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