"Come on, little brother, please come in."

Reversely, Izayoi pushed open the door. In this room, in addition to the thin and distressed girl lying on the bed, there are three other people, two men and one woman, who have become very mature. A long-time bird and a black rabbit whose appearance has not changed in the past ten years.

Another man, Lin Hui, had never met, but judging by the fact that he held Kasugabu Yō's hand to suppress Kasugabu Yō's gift, Lin Hui recognized the man's identity at once.

This man is tall and tall, but his physique has beautiful and balanced proportions, and his facial features are upright. Judging from the breath emanating from his body, Lin Hui can tell that this man is upright and simple, and is a man who can give full play to himself for the sake of his friends. Amazing man of strength.

After Izayoi pushed open the door, the three people in the room turned their heads at the same time.

Jiuyuan Fei Niao said extremely dissatisfiedly: "Izumi Ye, Yao needs to rest now, don't be so... Lin Hui?"

"Eh? Is it Lord Lin Hui?!"

"Lin Hui? Is that you?"

The three people in the room widened their eyes when they saw the silver-haired young man with a helpless expression on his face standing beside the grinning Reverse Izayoi.

The expression on Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's face at this moment is very wonderful, because I didn't expect that ten years later, Lin Hui actually came back, because he was in the room, so he didn't know that the flag on the first floor symbolizing the seven deadly sins was once again. fluttered.

Black Rabbit could feel it, but because he was too worried about Kasugabe Yō, he didn't notice it.

Only Kasugabe Takaaki kept staring at Lin Hui and remained silent.

Lin Hui walked to Hei Rabbit's side and grabbed both of Hei Rabbit's ears at once: "I said, you bunny, you clearly communicated with the center of the small garden, but you didn't find me coming back? Your two Don't you want your ears?"

"Yes... I'm sorry! Because the black rabbit didn't notice it at all! Please spare the black rabbit's ears!"

Hei Rabbit didn't expect Lin Hui to grab his ears as soon as they met. You must know that the ownership of Black Rabbit's ears still belongs to Lin Hui. As long as Lin Hui is willing, he can do whatever he wants.

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao did not expect the black rabbit to lose the chain again at a critical moment: "You stupid rabbit!"

Black Rabbit was immediately aggrieved.

Afterwards, Lin Hui came to Kasugabe Yao's bed and sat down. He looked at Kasugabe Takaaki. Speaking of which, Kasugabe Takaaki was much taller than Lin Hui's, but Lin Hui's aura was even more obscure. , giving a feeling of unfathomable depth.

"Yao became like this because of you?"

Kasugabe Takaaki's words are very simple, but they give people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

You must know that Kasugabe Takaaki used to be the leader of Arcadia, considered by Shiroyasha as a great genius since the Age of God, and considered by Canary and others to be Arcadia's strongest combat power, if not in the duel against Aziz Since Dakaha lost his human factor, the hero who defeated Az Dakaha should be Kasugabe Takaaki.

You must know that when Aziz Dakaha and Reverse Izayoi were fighting, even Reverse Izayoi, who had an unknown body, combined the gift of shattering the world and the power of the gift of shattering into one. Unable to resist Azi Dakaha, Lin Hui also narrowly survived the match against Azi Dakaha, but Kasugabe Takaaki almost did it. Ye is stronger, even infinitely close to Lin Hui at that time.

"It's my reason."

Lin Hui looked at Kasugabe Takaaki and answered directly.

At that moment, Kasugabe Takaaki punched Lin Hui directly.


Lin Hui's face was severely hit, and without any place to dodge, he directly took Kasugabe Takaaki's angry blow, which had the power to blast a person's head with a punch.


Suddenly, Kasugabe Takaaki turned to look at Kasugabe Yō lying on the bed.

"don't want……"

Kasugabe Yao gasped slightly, and the whole person seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

Lin Hui pushed Kasugabe Takaaki's hand away: "Are you out of anger? If not, I'll make amends later, and let me save Yao now."

Kasugabe Takaaki looked at Lin Hui, snorted, let go of Kasugabe Yao's hand, and stood aside.

Lin Hui took Kasugabe Yao's hand and intertwined her fingers like a lover: "I'm back."


Kasugabe Yao's face was pale at the moment, but she smiled with difficulty, she was a delicate and sick beauty, and she didn't look like the Demon King who scared the many communities of Hakoba: "Welcome... come back... come..."

Kasugabu Yō's voice was very soft and weak, making people feel that the next moment, Kasugabu Yō's life would be blown away by the wind like a wisp of blue smoke.

Lin Hui took a deep breath, and his whole body exuded extremely powerful energy. At this moment, it was continuously poured into Kasugabu Yao's body, repairing Kasugabu Yao's body.

"Quick, Yao, make an appointment with me!"

Chapter [-] The well-loved Weng-son-in-law battle

"Swear to me, no matter where you go, no matter what happens, you will stay by my side!"

At this moment, Lin Hui's body was exuding endless light, which made Kasugabu Yao seem to see that ray of light in the boundless darkness, even if there was only one ray, it was enough to dispel all the darkness.

Kasukabe Yō was affected like this because he saw too much of the negativity of human nature.

Fortunately, Kasugabe Yao is just a very quiet girl. Although she looks a little cold to people, she attaches great importance to these feelings. Because of this, Kasugabu Yao did not immediately transform into a pseudo-human for the final trial. However, these accumulated various This kind of energy makes Kasugabe Yō's original human body begin to transform. If one is not good, it is very likely that he will ascend to a higher dimension from this world to a higher dimension.

Once sublimated into a four-dimensional existence, even Lin Hui can only cut through the dimensions and go to the four-dimensional world and even higher worlds to find it, but what is the four-dimensional world like, and what will Kasugabe Yao become in it, everyone I don't know, or if that is Kasugabe Yō, even Lin Hui doesn't know.

The former Hase Natsuyin was also treated like this, but it was to sublimate Hase Natsuyin's life form from a human to an angel, instead of directly rising from one dimension to another like Kasukabe Yō.

Lin Hui didn't expect that the combination of his own strength and Kasugabe Yao's strength, together with his mutation, would be able to exert such power. Therefore, Lin Hui also felt a little strange, but after a lot of scrutiny, Lin Hui understood what was going on. the secret.

Through the exchange of spiritual power with Kasugabe Yao, Lin Hui's power has become the power of the world after being detached from the world, so he can use the power of the world to slowly peel off the power under it and restore it to the most essential the power of.

Lin Hui's power comes from other worlds, and the strength of each world is different, just like the gods and gods in the world of Hakoniwa and the gods and gods in the world of high school, their strength is much stronger, precisely because the world The difference in nature, when the forces of different worlds start to collide with each other, will change.

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