"But, I want to feel everything about you."

Kasugabe Yao murmured, no one knows how much Lin Hui is carrying. Kasugabe Yao is a very special girl, she is the only one who can feel all this indirectly, even the former Holy Emperor, Sifang Chuanchangpu There is no way to fully feel the depth of the darkness that exists in Lin Hui's heart.

Nemesis can see it, but it's different. She sees it, but she doesn't touch it. Although Kurosakiya touches it, it only separates in an instant, while Kasukabe Yoshi can use it day after day. With this power, this already shows the mental tenacity of Kasugabe Yō.

"You don't need to touch these, I'm the person you like. As your lover, you should block all of these and not let you touch them. If you are hurt, then I'm really too much. If you don't qualify, you really don't deserve to be the person you like."

Lin Hui stroked Kasugabe Yao's cheek.

"ok, I get it."

Kasugabe Yao hugged Lin Hui's body tightly, Lin Hui loves him very much, Kasugabu Yao knows, otherwise, he will not come to him after his return, obviously there are many people in this world and in other worlds He was waiting for Lin Hui to go back, but he was the first to come to him, which was enough to explain everything.

"However, you're a little too bad for Dad like that."

Kasugabe Yao's face rubbed against Lin Hui's palm: "Dad just cares too much about me."

"I know, so I'm just playing around with my uncle. For Yao's sake, at best, next time it's unnecessary, I'll just avoid him when I meet my uncle."

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Kasugabe Yao burst out laughing. Lin Hui and Kasugabe Takaaki looked like two people who had hit the nail on the head. However, Kasugabe Yao didn't care too much. Indeed, for Lin Hui Hui said, the behavior just now was indeed playing with Kasugabe Takaaki. As for the violent beating, Kasugabe Takaaki was at most only a bruise on his nose and face, and he didn't even bleed.

Therefore, Kasugabe Yō can do this, otherwise, Kasugabe Yō would not have forgiven Lin Hui like this.



Jiuyuan Bird was sitting on the roof looking at the night sky, and he was a little speechless: "I'm really an idiot!"

Suddenly, a fragrance floated over, making Jiuyuan Bird's cute little nose twitch slightly.

"Oh, who did I think it was? Isn't this our Miss Asuka? Why are you scolding yourself on the roof by yourself? I really didn't see it before!"

At this time, a silver-haired young man sat next to Jiu Yuan Fei Niao with a teacup in his hand, and the fragrance was wafting out of the teacup.

"Lin Hui?"

Jiuyuan Asuka's eyes widened...

Chapter [-] I'm very greedy!

"Why are you so surprised to see me?"

Lin Hui said angrily, he is not a man-eating monster, is this necessary?

Jiuyuan Fei Niao calmed down a little, but when he thought that Lin Hui had heard all those words he said just now, the whole person seemed to be a little angry with Lin Hui: "Why don't you accompany Yao? What are you doing here? ?"

Lin Hui looked at Jiu Yuan Fei Niao and knew that Jiu Yuan Fei Niao must be shy because of what he said just now, so he didn't excite Jiu Yuan Fei Niao too much and said, "Yao is already asleep, it's not appropriate for me to stay in Yao's room, If you really take it for one night, it is estimated that Yao's father will be able to kill me tomorrow morning."

Jiu Yuan Fei Niao's expression froze after hearing this, and then he laughed: "Who made you so irresponsible!"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. Then, Miss Asuka, would you like to taste the tea I made? It's my apology to Miss Asuka."

With that said, Lin Hui handed the teacup in his hand to Jiuyuan Asuka.

Jiuyuan Fei Niao was attracted by the fragrance of tea just now, so he was not hypocritical: "Okay, if it doesn't taste good, I won't forgive you."

Afterwards, Jiuyuan Asuka took the teacup and slowly took a sip. He slowly closed his eyes and reminisced for a long time.

"It's delicious, I didn't expect you to be so good at making tea!"

After Jiu Yuan Fei Niao opened his eyes, his whole person showed a satisfied expression: "Whether it's those days in the past world or the ten years in this world, I have never had such good tea."

"Really, so Miss Asuka forgive me?"

Lin Hui sat slightly closer to Jiu Yuan Fei Niao.

Jiuyuan Flying Bird held the base of the teacup in one hand and the handle of the tea in the other, and said very elegantly, "It is absolutely impossible for someone who can brew such tea to do it on purpose. I forgive you."

Afterwards, Jiuyuan Asuka continued to take a sip and sipped it slowly.

Originally, Jiuyuan Asuka was the only daughter of a big family, and she cultivated a very noble and elegant aristocratic temperament since she was a child.

Although he was on the roof now, and there was only Lin Hui by his side, it did not prevent the incomparable temperament of Jiu Yuan Fei Niao at this moment, which was comparable to the bright moon in the sky.

The slightly cold moonlight seemed to bring a hint of cold wind, making Jiuyuan Asuka's body slightly greedy.

At this moment, a coat was draped over Jiuyuan Asuka.

"Lin Hui?"

Jiuyuan Asuka immediately recognized that this coat was the windbreaker that Lin Hui had been wearing all the time. The words "Yase Xiayin" were embroidered under the hem of the windbreaker. This was specially made by Lin Hui's wife for Lin Hui. The windbreakers are all of the same style, but everyone will embroider their name on the hem of the windbreaker.

Naturally, Lin Hui kept everyone's trench coats in the treasury. One piece a day was equivalent to every wife who would accompany Lin Hui every day.

This is the sustenance of their little wish.

But now, Lin Hui actually took off this windbreaker and put it on himself, leaving Jiuyuan Fei Niao not knowing what to say. In the past, I didn't know that Lin Hui actually had so many wives, but looking at it now, it seems that Lin Hui Also a little too fussy.

But Lin Hui is a really attractive man. Let's not talk about anything else, just his strength and wisdom are enough to conquer anyone, plus his handsome appearance and domineering, as long as he is a fantasy Girls will definitely fall.

And Jiu Yuan Fei Niao is one of them. When he met Lin Hui ten years ago, he had already decided this fate.

For ten years, Jiuyuan Asuka has also tried to forget Lin Hui, but, no matter what he encounters, Jiuyuan Asuka will compare it with Lin Hui, but unfortunately, the only person who is close to Lin Hui is Reverse Sixteen Nights. However, there is also a point where Izayoi cannot catch up with Lin Hui.

Perfect and flawless!

This is the human king, the king of the human race. Throughout the entire human history, it is impossible to find a more outstanding existence than the human king Linhui.

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