Yingman's real name and Chitong turned around and saw Lin Hui in a white trench coat, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

"Lin Hui?"

"Lin Hui!"

Lin Hui reached out and touched the heads of the two women: "What are Alger and Shiroyasha doing?"

"I heard that it seems that because Alger knew from somewhere that Shiroyasha had been taken over by you, he ran over to laugh at it, and then the two started fighting."

Yingman's real name rubbed against Lin Hui's palm and seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied.

Chi Tong also nodded: "Well, I heard that is also the case."

Lin Hui glanced at Alger: "That is to say, all this is caused by that idiot Protoss?"

"it seems to be like this."

At this time, Wuhe Qinli, who was standing on the side, said, "Although I am not very interested, you are back anyway, so I will leave this kind of thing to you to solve, they are not yours. A gift?"

Lin Hui looked at Wuhe Qinli with a black ribbon and yawned: "Qinli, you are really not cute with a black ribbon, or Bai Ye's sister with a ribbon is more cute."

As he spoke, two black ribbons appeared on Lin Hui's hand.

And Wuhe Qinli, who was put on a white ribbon by Lin Hui, looked pitiful and ran towards Lin Hui: "Brother Lin Hui, bring... bring me the satin!"

Lin Hui raised his hand high: "No!"

However, just at this moment, a young girl ran over: "No, Mr. Lin Hui, the Queen of Halloween sent an envoy over and said, please hand Alger over to her."

Le Fei said anxiously to Lin Hui.

The corner of Lin Hui's mouth twitched, did this idiot Protoss go to the Queen of Halloween first?

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden, ...

Chapter [-] Give me a good reflection

"Let that person come over."

Lin Hui felt so tired. He had just returned from another world. There was still a lot of things to be done in this world. As a result, the gift of affiliation he received not only did not help him, but it was causing trouble. Lin Hui was even thinking about it. How to give Alger a punishment that she will never forget.

"I have seen Lord Lin Hui."

The visitor is none other than Skaha, Queen of the Land of Shadows.

"Tell me if you have something."

Lin Hui began to think about what kind of punishment should be used to punish Alger. It is necessary to let Alger know the pain and make her not dare to do it again. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome if no one can suppress her. .

Alger's strength is in the double digits in Little Garden, surpassing most existences. Even if Shiroyasha returns to his original strength, he can only suppress Alger.

You must know that Alger once fought against the gods and Buddhas of the three thousand worlds. If she hadn't played away, she would not have been defeated and sealed like that. Even after being sealed, the various gods did not dare to suppress her at will. Later, it was Athena who used a strategy to calculate the wave of Arger, and it was only then that Arger was truly defeated as a prop.

Skaha said very respectfully: "The Queen hopes that Lord Lin Hui can temporarily lend the control of Alger to the Queen, because Arger has uttered wild words and insulted the Queen, even as Lord Lin Hui's family, but the Queen will not It's not something a mere relative can insult."

Lin Hui sighed, suddenly Lin Hui wanted to leave Hakoten and go on vacation to another world. It's really messy here, it's really too troublesome.

Some of the existences in the world of Hakoniwa have too high force value, and the people who come to the world of Hakoniwa are basically the kind of lawless people. There are not a few people like Alger, and it is necessary to use absolute strength, wisdom and courage. to be able to suppress them.

"Can't you insult me ​​at will? Skaha, stay aside for now."

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and squeezed it hard.

The two people who were fighting in the air suddenly stopped, and the attack thrown at each other directly called the two of them.



Two explosions rang directly, and immediately, both of them fell from the air to the ground, smashing two potholes.

"Oh, it hurts so much."

"Fortunately, it's not on the ground."

The two petite figures slowly climbed out of the pit, but because their power was banned, the two of them became like ordinary people, and it was impossible to launch those attacks that would destroy the world.

"Hey, boy, this time this idiot picked things up first. It has nothing to do with me. Quickly untie us and let us teach this idiot a good lesson."

Bai Yasha looked at Lin Hui, who was slowly walking towards the field, and roared directly. There was no way, this time Alger's ridicule hit Bai Yasha's sore spot. Well, after all, Lin Hui also has a little responsibility for this. After all It was under the circumstance that Shiroyasha was half willing and half unwilling to do it by half force.

"Who's an idiot, Al-chan, super-beautiful! How can a guy like you who has no face and no figure can compare."

Alger directly sneered, mocking Shiroyasha's body.

"Stupid Alger, do you still want to make trouble? Well, let's stay with you to the end."

Shiroyasha is about to roll up his sleeves and stage a live-action PK, well, it's hand-to-hand combat.

"So you got into trouble with her?"

Lin Hui looked at these two idiots who were bickering like children, and felt that he was really doing something wrong and had to accept these two idiots.

"Master, look quickly, this woman is too arrogant, she doesn't stop at your words at all, teach her a lesson, and by the way, release Arja's imprisonment."

Seeing Lin Hui walking in front of the two of them, Alger immediately began to feel pitiful, pulling on the corner of Lin Hui's clothes, completely losing his indomitable life at that time, and ignoring anyone.

Lin Hui smiled at Alger, stretched out his hand and touched Alger's head: "Very good, Arger is very good."

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