"Who are you?"

A huge and very strong monkey asked Lin Hui a question.

Originally, due to the dim light, everyone couldn't see Lin Hui's appearance, but Jia Ling bit her lower lip firmly. She would never admit it wrong.

"Long time no see, Xiao Jialing, she is already a mature beauty."

Chapter [-] The Banquet of the Demon King

"Yes... is that Brother Lin Hui?"

Jia Ling stood up with a "swoosh": "Is it really you?"

"Of course, it's not who I am? Besides me, who else would dare to enter the banquet of the 'Seven Heavenly Demon King' so boldly? Right, Great Sage?"

Lin Hui chuckled lightly, and then stretched out his hand. Suddenly, the entire cave became brighter.

With silver hair and white clothes, a handsome face and a slender body, he looked a little weak, but the terrifying sea-like aura emanating from his body could make everyone feel Lin Hui's mighty power.

"It's you kid, why did you come here after so many days. Come on, brothers, this is Wang Linhui, our benefactor!"

The moment Sun Wukong saw Lin Hui, his whole body almost jumped up. For her, Lin Hui has great kindness to her and her brother.

"I have seen the king!"

Immediately, everyone else bowed to Lin Hui.

"Don't be too polite, don't mind if I come to disturb you?"

Lin Hui smiled, and the whole person was modest and polite, like a literati.

"Where, please!"

At this time, Sun Wukong had already asked people to add another table, and at the same time put some delicacies on it, and invited Lin Hui to take a seat.

After Lin Hui was seated, a burly man with a ferocious face, blond hair, and a burly man with blond hair and a shawl, red eyes and long tail, and a head like a ghost stood up, and bowed respectfully to Lin Hui. Bowing, he raised his glass to Lin Hui.

"My two brothers are here, toast to the King of Humans."

"Thanks to the King of Humans for rescuing my two brothers from the endless hell."

The Lion Camel King, the Great Sage of Yishan, and the King Yurong, the Great Sage of Exorcism, toasted Lin Hui.

Naturally, Lin Hui was not polite. He stood up and raised his glass: "You're welcome, this is a transaction between me and your eldest sister. It should be regarded as an exchange of interests. The person you should really thank is your eldest sister."

However, having said that, Lin Hui took a sip of the wine in his glass.

"No, although it was the eldest sister's request, it was you who rescued us. This is undeniable. Therefore, we will not forget this kindness."

The lion camel king said very frankly, completely ignoring Lin Hui's words.

"That's right, you saved us and you are our benefactor. This is a fact that no one can deny."

King Yu Rong also put down the wine glass and was full of admiration for Lin Hui.

"Hahaha, indeed, if it is said that the two of them were saved because of a deal with the eldest sister, then you have washed the little garden with blood and eradicated those box garden worms. This is a very pleasing thing, no matter what, this cup, we respect you."

The Demon King stood up, raised the wine glass in his hand, and held it high towards Lin Hui.

"that's right!"

"That's right!"

"It's time to honor the king!"

Immediately, the seven-day great sages stood up one after another. In particular, the great sage of Tongtian, the macaque king, took out his treasured wine. You must know that in the little garden, the macaque king was a boy who swallowed wine, and the wine he brought out was a peerless wine!

Lin Hui is naturally not polite: "After all, this incident was provoked by a group of unidentified gods, I will naturally not not fight back, I will drink this glass of wine."

Lin Hui "gudonggudong" drank the wine in the cup.

"it is good!"

"Good drink!"

"There are so many human kings!"

"Ha ha!"

Immediately, there was laughter and laughter during the banquet, most of which were the seven demon kings toasting Lin Hui.

The sight of the seven demon kings together reappearing is all thanks to Lin Hui's credit. Besides, over the past few hundred years, everyone has not suffered without suffering, especially after Sun Wukong was suppressed, he learned that his brothers were in a difficult situation. , voluntarily converted to Buddhism in exchange for his brother's safety guarantee.

In that "seven-day war", the subordinates of the major demon kings suffered heavy losses. However, the way of heaven is good for reincarnation, and karma soon fell on the heads of the gods.

At the beginning, the people from the Heavenly Court Gods and Buddhism took action to suppress the seven demon kings and killed countless monsters. As a result, after Lin Hui came, he hid for a period of time, and then broke out immediately. Of course, it goes without saying that Sakyamuni was one of the people who once dealt with Lin Hui, and was naturally counted among those who were liquidated, while the Heavenly Court God group was destroyed by Beast Emperor 666.

When the seven demon kings gathered together, they naturally felt very emotional about the current small garden, and at the same time deeply admired Lin Hui who dared to attack the entire group of gods in the small garden. At the beginning, they only targeted a part of the god group and were defeated. Lin Hui single-handedly swept the group of gods and gods, and he succeeded. This is the most terrifying part.

The banquet lasted until the evening. Lin Hui was so excited that he took out countless wines of gods from his treasure house. This made the seven demon kings an eye-opener. I didn't expect Lin Hui. There are still such good things. These wines of the gods are all top-level. It is impossible for even the gods with the title of Dionysus to brew so many gods, not to mention that many gods of the gods are now completely wiped out. Now, this kind of wine is even rarer. Before the new Bacchus appeared, this kind of wine was out of print. I didn't expect Lin Hui to be able to come up with so much at once. Has Hui also robbed the treasure house of all the gods, or where did so many gods come from?

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that it was not the gods of this world that Lin Hui robbed, but the world consciousness of another higher world, so that the two little loli could stuff all the good things in.

Since the King's Treasure House followed Lin Hui, everything in it has been continuously evolving with Lin Hui's strength. Some Noble Phantasms may not have evolved to a great extent, or have an upper limit, but those are not considered Noble Phantasms. things, all kinds of gold, items, or this kind of wine, after the precipitation of the power of the world, all aspects have been greatly improved.

This time, Lin Hui only made so much out of his friendship with many outspoken demon kings.

Chapter [-] Kaling's Little Wish

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