Lin Hui patted Jia Ling's little head: "Indeed, you did nothing wrong, but ah, Jia Ling, do you know? In the small garden, there is a kind of crime that is unavoidable, as long as one commits this kind of crime, No matter how reasonable you are, it is still impossible for others to agree with you.”


Kaling turned around, tears still hanging on his face.


"Weakness is the original sin!"

"Because you are too weak, so when you lose, you are a demon king who can do all kinds of evil. You are very sinful, and for the evil of the small garden, even if you are not reconciled, it will be of no use."

"Because, the winner is always the right side."

Lin Hui gently hugged Jia Ling in his arms and let her head rest on his shoulder: "Just like me."

"When I first sent the gauntlet to the entire small garden, didn't all the gods set me as the biggest demon king, and they also dispatched the heavenly army to crusade me."

"But now? No one dares to say that I am not, and even if there is, they dare not express it."

"Why? Because I won, and the countless gods in Hakoniwa were destroyed by me. No one dared to point my nose and scold me over there, because justice always belongs to the victor. I said those gods are The worms of the little garden are for the evil of the little garden, they are!"

Lin Hui used himself to give Jialing an example. Indeed, the current situation is like this.


In this little garden, the weak eats the strong, and the law of the jungle is vividly reflected. No, it is even bigger than in other worlds, I don’t know how much.

Other worlds also have treaties that restrict beings that are too large and frightening.

But in Hakoba, there is no such restriction. Just like the final trial of human beings, they are born demon kings, born to be defeated.

And there are also some extremely powerful people who have "host rights". Even if you don't want to participate in the game, they will force you to participate. Because of this, Hakoba is a place where people with power are lawless, especially After having "host rights".

But it is naturally impossible now. Now that the "host authority" has been reclaimed by Lin Hui, although there are fewer special crises in Hakoba, it is relatively a period of development for some weak communities.

This is an alternative development that is different from the Dawn of the Little Garden. From now on, the Little Garden should become more desirable. Moreover, no one will dare to risk the great danger to violate the rules set by Lin Hui. As a rule, without him, Lin Hui's strength is too strong. Anyone who has experienced it will understand that no matter what, it is impossible to surpass Lin Hui.

Lin Hui is already out of specification, and does not apply to any kind of grading in Hakoba.


"Weakness is the original sin? You are right, because we are too weak, that's why we lost, and we have the present unwillingness."

Jia Ling quietly leaned on Lin Hui's shoulder. I don't know why, Jia Ling was able to stay by Lin Hui's side so at ease, and being able to lean on Lin Hui's shoulder like this made Jia Ling feel very at ease.

"So ah, Kaling, become stronger, become stronger than anyone, you once lost what you thought was the most precious thing, and now you have regained it, then you already know that Jane 'cherished', then, for the sake of Protect this precious thing and become stronger, no one can stop your progress now."

"You, you are no longer the caged bird that was kept by your father, but the golden-winged Dapeng flying above this small garden sky!"

Lin Hui gently stroked Jialing's smooth golden hair and patted Jialing's back lightly.

Jia Ling got up from Lin Hui's arms: "But, no matter how strong I become, I can't be your opponent, even if I become stronger than the eldest sister, if you want to destroy what I cherish, I can't stop it either."

Looking at Jia Ling's slightly resentful appearance, Lin Hui chuckled lightly, and stretched out his hand to clip the messy hair on Jia Ling's forehead behind his ear: "Silly girl, if I can't be better than you, then how can I come here? How about protecting you? The treasure you cherish is exactly what I want to protect. I, Lin Hui, can't make you sad in this life."

Hearing Lin Hui's confession-like words, Jia Ling's pink face instantly turned red, and even the tips of her ears were a little red, but Jia Ling was no longer the little girl she was ten years ago, and she had to fight for her own happiness.

Jialing wrapped his arms around Lin Hui's neck and directly kissed Lin Hui's lips...

Chapter [-] Come on, the start of the strategy game

I don't know how long it took, Jia Ling released Lin Hui's neck, the whole person stood up straight, covered his mouth, and then smiled: "Hmph, big bad guy, I won't let you taste it. Too much cheap! Now I'll give you a little sweetness."

Jialing left floating in the air: "I'll go back first, you'll come back later."

Lin Hui suddenly showed a helpless smile. Then, he lay down on the ground and began to close his eyes to rest. The preparations for the next game have been handed over to Leticia, and the filling of the game content will be done by Lin Hui in person. Come to do it. For this grand game, Lin Hui has come up with a lot of good things. I believe that all those who come to participate will definitely be excited.

This time is the real carnival. It belongs to the carnival of the whole small garden and is no longer a festival that can only be enjoyed by the lower-level community.

After thinking about a lot of things and counting the time, it was time for those demon kings to wake up. Lin Hui returned to the water curtain cave. After saying goodbye to the demon kings, Lin Hui left the lower level. In the lower-level community, there are not many people who are familiar with Lin Hui. There is no name, and there is the community of "Seven Heavenly Sage".

Um?You ask "Will o'wisp", this community has soared immediately after forming an alliance with Lin Hui, from a five-digit community to a four-digit one with the support of "seven deadly sins" community, moved into the upper class.

Lin Hui wanted to visit, but it was better to wait for a while, because Lin Hui heard that a girl who was in love had returned from another world, so it would not be good for Lin Hui not to visit.


She was still wearing that princess dress, the heels under her feet were like blades, and there were long sharp thorns at the knees. She tucked her hands into her long sleeves and looked at Lin Hui: "I'm finally back!"

"Long time no see, Lilith."

Lin Hui smiled and said hello.


A sharp blade slashed directly at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and pinched it directly: "Sure enough, the way you say hello is really special."

Meltrilith said with a smile: "Yeah, because, this is my way of falling in love, I want to melt you completely and abuse you, so that I can feel that I'm still alive, I, love you. Besides, if you don't see me as soon as you come back, even if it's me, there will be a lot of resentment!"

Lin Hui let go of the blade, and Meltrilith retracted her foot.

"So, what compensation do you need?"

Lin Hui looked at Meltrilith and said directly.

"Compensation, I have an idea! As a girl in love, I am very worried about whether my lover loves me, so I hope, Master, you will prove that you love me and prove your love. Make up your mind!"

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