At this moment, Karna's steel gun turned into a nuclear bomb-like attack and directly bombarded Lin Hui's arm, triggering an extremely powerful explosion, as if to destroy half of everything.


The terrifying impact directly acted on Lin Hui's body through Lin Hui's defense. At this moment, Lin Hui's whole body was blown away.

"Uh, it hurts a bit, how long have you not felt pain?"

Lin Hui stood up and extinguished the flames on his body: "What are the key conditions for breaking the level? So that's the case, is that so?"

Chapter [-] Breakthrough

The so-called love test refers to how much a person likes the opposite sex. This kind of thing is impossible to express, because no one can know how much another person likes him. After all, no one can hear the other person's heart. the sound of.

However, now that it is turned into a game, that is to say, it has the ability to specify the output, but how to output the value?This requires Lin Hui to find it himself. Maybe it is something in the labyrinth, maybe it is to defeat a strong enemy, or it may require some other special conditions.

In a word, love is the act of loving each other unswervingly even after being constantly afflicted, and now, this is what Meltlilith's test for Lin Hui is.

So, how to crack the first level?

Lin Hui probably has some clues, maybe it has something to do with Karna in front of him, but Lin Hui doesn't care about guarantees, after all, Karna's strength is really strong, although facing himself, Karna hardly fights back With all his strength, he could only make himself feel pain with all his strength, but Karna still kept a trick.

If Lin Hui still has the original power, then he is naturally fearless, but now it is a bit uncomfortable, after all, Karna's strongest Noble Phantasm is too dangerous.

"Just, does it hurt a little?"

Karna sighed. He still has a lot of sighs about Lin Hui's strength. Moreover, Karna can also see the attributes of Lin Hui's quilt. Lin Hui's durability is EX.

You know, in the Cherry Blossom Labyrinth, Meltrilith tried her best to weaken Lin Hui, and even lowered her strength to the level of the crown, but Lin Hui's attributes were still so high.

"Then, come on, Karna, let me see how many secrets are hidden in this level."

Lin Hui beckoned to Karna, seeming a little contemptuous, showing his arrogance, but at the same time showing his invincible strength.

However, Karna didn't feel any dissatisfaction because of Lin Hui's contemptuous expression. On the contrary, Karna was more vigilant now, because Lin Hui's behavior showed that Lin Hui had absolute confidence in victory, otherwise , Lin Hui is impossible to do such a behavior.

Karna clenched the steel gun tightly, flames erupted all over his body, stepped on the ground under his feet, and rushed towards Lin Hui.

The surrounding air began to become scorching hot, as if breathing air into the lungs could cook the lungs, and the terrifying heat distorted the surrounding scenery.

Karna also has extremely high fighting skills, and his crownless martial arts have explained everything.

Waving a steel spear, he charged towards Lin Hui, and blocked the front directly with a very mysterious trajectory, so as to completely defeat Lin Hui.

However, Lin Hui did not retreat, on the contrary, he began to chant the words.

"All the profound meanings in the palm of the hand, myriad ways of breaking the Taoism in the feet, the ultimate state of martial arts, beyond here, I will use my body to open up the road of martial arts that surpasses the peak!"

A punch hits Karna's spear.


Karna's attack was stunned, and the whole person took three steps back. At this moment, the blockade that would have caused headaches for many heroes in history was broken by Lin Hui at this moment. On the contrary, Lin Hui only The body swayed, then rushed towards Karna, and the whole person bombarded directly towards Karna.

Karna held the gun to his chest.


Karna was knocked out, but the moment he landed, his eyes became very sharp.


The magic power was released at this moment, and it turned into an extremely terrifying impact and rushed towards Lin Hui. The whole person, including the gun, was burning with raging flames, as if the whole world was going to burn to the ground.

However, Lin Hui was not afraid of these raging flames, and he stepped out with one foot, and an unimaginable magical impact erupted, directly blasting Karna out.

"Ahem, sure enough, it's impossible to defeat you, but I have to create enough obstacles for you now."

After hitting the wall and sliding down, Karna said with some difficulty: "Next, it's my last blow."

Lin Hui held his breath, because Karna's last blow would be extremely terrifying. It was a Noble Phantasm that used the world as a unit to burn down. Even the gods should be afraid of it. It was a sure-kill blow. !

Immediately, Karna's skin began to crack, and pieces of golden scales exuding rays of light began to peel off from Karna's body, and blood gradually filled Karna's body. However, the golden scales exchanged for It was a long spear that radiated light.

As if the ancient heroic spirits were constantly calling, words that made the gods fear even came from the long time and space.

"Comprehend the mercy of the king of the gods."

"Indra, take a good look at it."

"Extinction, that is, a stab here."

"Burn it out - 'O Sun Wheel, Obey Death (Vasavi Shakti)'!!""

The spear of light was thrown at Lin Hui by Karna.

With Lin Hui's strength, it is absolutely possible to open more, but Lin Hui did not have any dodging movements. On the contrary, he let go of any defenses and faced Karna's blow directly.


The terrifying impact emanated directly from this space, and the incomparably hot flames were like hellfire, and the ground and walls of the entire space began to burn and gradually turn into and twist.

"Have you seen it through?"

Karna smiled helplessly: "As expected of you, I really can't stop you."

As the flames burned, the missing pieces began to fill up.

When the fragments were completely filled, the wall that had blocked Lin Hui's advance also disappeared, revealing the stairs to the next floor.

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