Ishtar suddenly frowned, not letting Lin Hui pass the test?how could it be possible?Didn't this let Lin Hui take these gems in front of him?This is cutting flesh on Ishtar's heart, knife after knife, bloody!

If Lin Hui were to take these gems away, Ishtar would probably vomit blood and die. For Ishtar, such a huge amount of gems had an irresistible temptation.

"You...what do you want?"

Ishtar looked distraught, as if Lin Hui didn't take away the gems, but her life. Unfortunately, these gems were covered by Lin Hui's magic power. Can't touch.

"Guess what, what do I want?"

Lin Hui stretched out a finger and slid over Ishtar's face, until it slipped down to the neck, and further down was the forbidden area of ​​the goddess, and Lin Hui also looked up and down at Ishtar, as if he was in It's like tasting a work of art.

"No... No, the chastity of the goddess is no... once, just once!"

Finally, Ishtar could not resist the temptation of such a large number of gems, and he fell shamefully.

Lin Hui's hand stopped and didn't move further down. In the end, he laughed loudly: """ Hahaha, Ishtar, you're going to die of laughing at me, anyway, hold on a little longer, why don't you hold on anymore What? Really, it's so boring! Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Lin Hui directly released the blockade of his magic power, and Ishtar's body fell on the mountain of gems.

Although it hurts a bit, for a goddess without the golden rule, she can be knocked unconscious by a mountain of gems one day when she has nothing to do with money, so Ishtar can't believe it: "Mine are all mine!"

"By the way, what's the keeper of the tenth level like?"

Lin Hui asked suddenly.

"This..." Ishtar thought about it for a moment. Although it was not stated in the rules that the gatekeepers were not allowed to be disclosed, everyone accepted it by default, but now that Lin Hui asked, Ishtar was a little embarrassed.

In the end, seeing Lin Hui leaning against a gemstone mountain, Ishtar's heart twitched. It's not that he didn't want to resist, but Lin Hui gave too much.

"Well, let me tell you, the gatekeeper of the tenth level is your old friend and the initiator of this game, Meltrilith!

Ishtar snorted coldly: "I won't talk about the rest."

Afterwards, Ishtar was almost buried in the gem, and a large number of gems were stored by Ishtar. There was no way, this windfall made Ishtar stunned.

And Lin Hui was thoughtful: "Is it Lilith? Could it be? Sigh."

After sighing, Lin Hui moved on, and soon came to the tenth level, which is the final level. Looking at the girl standing in front of the wall of the heart, Lin Hui originally thought it would be her sister or something. Or it was the BUG's BB directly, but I didn't expect that Meltrilith would end up herself.

"It's finally here, it's not easy, Lin Hui!"

"Ding ding ding--!"

The sharp edge made a crisp sound on the ground: "How come you have already bought someone else?"

Lin Hui looked at the girl in the gorgeous dress in front of him and smiled lightly: "Sure enough, it's not that simple, Lilith, are you hating me?"

Chapter [-] This is the answer

"Ah, I hate it! I really hate it!"

Meltrilith showed a cruel smile: "Not only do I hate you, but I also hate myself!"

"You were so decisive when you left, but I couldn't keep you or say that to you, no, I don't know what to say, I can't say it!"

Meltlilith looked at Lin Hui, her aura had reached its peak, and in an instant, like a dancer, she started dancing in this room.


Meltrilith's figure disappeared in an instant, and the next moment appeared in front of Lin Hui, kicking at Lin Hui.

At this moment, Lin Hui stretched out his finger and directly blocked the blow.


The collision between the finger and the sharp blade made a sound like a metal collision. At this moment, Lin Hui's whole body became as hard as steel. If Meltlilith was just like this, it was impossible for Lin Hui to cause damage to Lin Hui. hurt.

"It's really difficult!"

Meltrilith launched an attack on Lin Hui in an instant, and the whole person spun at an extremely fast speed, constantly bombarding Lin Hui's fingers, continuously and continuously cutting at the same place.


Lin Hui felt a little pain, frowned, a blood bead oozes out from the middle of his finger, and his finger was actually cut open, but Meltrilith was the opposite, showing a smile: "As long as you keep attacking , even the hardest things can be cut, right!"

Lin Hui looked at Meltre Lilith and scratched her hair: "I said, Lilith, shouldn't you..."

"I'm serious! I want to fight with you! Lin Hui!"

Meltrilith kicked directly at Lin Hui's chest, turning her whole body into a strong whirlwind. At this moment, Lin Hui could even feel Meltrilith's determination.

"If that's the case, then I'll accompany you!"

Lin Hui will not be polite either. If Mert Lilith really wants to go on like this, then just let Mert Lilith say everything she wants to do and say in one go.

Lin Hui attacked with a punch, and at this moment, it bombarded the blade at the sole of Meltlilith's feet, sending Meltlilith flying. However, Meltlilith quickly regained her balance. He didn't fall when he landed, but looked at Lin Hui and said with a smile: "Lin Hui, don't forget, I'm a person who is very slow to feel, and an attack like yours doesn't feel anything to me at all!"

Saying that, Mertlilith jumped up directly, her feet kept stepping on Lin Hui, facing the layers of blade shadows, Lin Hui did not retreat, but made a gesture in an instant, directly shoving Mertlily. Si's attacks were resolved as much as possible, and Meltrilith was forced to retreat: "Although you can't feel it, the damage will still be applied to you. If this goes on, your body will not be able to support it."

After listening to it, Meltrilith directly shouted at Lin Hui: "So what? My senses are very dull! Even being shaken by someone's hand and being hugged, my feeling is very subtle, I can't feel it at all. To the feeling of being cared for by someone you truly love!

"All I can do is keep hurting the person I love and feel alive from the pain on his face, that's how I love!"

Meltlilith tore everything apart with one foot, turning into an arc of light and cutting directly towards Lin Hui.

Lin Hui raised his arm and directly blocked the blow. At the same time, he punched Meltrilith's foot, knocking Meltrilith to the side.

"It hurts, I feel it, Lin Hui, your love is still so hard to accept!"

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