Reverse Izayoi happened to be in the courtyard outside.

"Oh, you woke up really early, Izayoi."

Lin Hui could feel that most of the people in Arcadia were still hungover.

"Hehe, I drank less yesterday, but, little brother, your wine is really too powerful."

Reversely, Izayoi moved his body: "Right now, my head is still a little dizzy."

"That's why I told you that you should drink less, so don't listen."

Lin Hui spread out his hands, an expression that had nothing to do with me.

"By the way, little brother, did you sneak into someone else's room last night? Be careful, if you are discovered by that person, you will be desperate."

Reversely, Izayoi wrapped his arms around Lin Hui's neck and whispered in Lin Hui's ear.

Yes, but instead of touching someone else's room, he brought someone back to his room.

Lin Hui slandered to himself, but his face remained calm: "Do you think I am that kind of person? Really, I wouldn't do it when others are not awake, this kind of thing only requires a girl to be willing to do it. Yes. But then again, Izayoi, what kind of requirements do you have for girls?"

Reversely Izayoi laughed: "It's better to be the one who can fight me happily."

Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "That kind of person is really rare, I wish you good luck!"

Lin Hui waved his hand, and then left the Arcadia station. Anyway, about the Black Rabbit, ahem, Lin Hui felt that it would be better not to say it now, and the Black Rabbit probably didn't want to be known. Bar.

However, in the future, everyone must be informed, because this is Lin Hui's promise to Black Rabbit, to let her stand by her side in an upright manner, unlike now, both of them are a little embarrassed due to a momentary mistake.

After returning to the station, Lin Hui continued to start his salted fish life.


"Boy, are they okay?"

Bai Yasha looked at Lin Hui: "Aren't you crazy?"

Lin Hui was lying on the chair, served by Xinggong Liugong and Himejima Akina, the whole person was very comfortable: "Well, I drank a bit too much last night, you know, my wine is not ordinary As for the wine, it is estimated that there are not many people who have sobered up now."

"It will probably take a day or two for everyone to wake up."

Lin Hui showed a slight smile, as if he was still reminiscing about how he felt last night.

At this time, Bai Yasha felt something was wrong, looked at Lin Hui suspiciously, grabbed Lin Hui's hand and started smelling: "It's a bit strange."

"Hey, hey, what are you doing? Are you a dog? Still smelling?"

Lin Hui didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Do you really want to know what I did last night?"

Looking at Lin Hui's malicious expression, Bai Yasha felt a little throbbing in his heart, but he was a little worried about hearing bad news: "If it's related to your two little lovers, forget it."

Lin Hui kissed Xinggong Liugong and Himejima Akeno on the face and told them to leave for a while, and the two women also left very obediently.

Then, Lin Hui slowly spit out a name from his mouth:

"Black Rabbit!"

Bai Yasha's eyes widened: "What, boy, you, you, you actually..."

"I was a little impulsive last night."

Lin Hui was a little helpless, but more than that, he felt that he had taken advantage of it.

"Why don't you call us!"

Chapter [-] The Demon King's Style

Lin Hui scratched his head, facing Bai Yasha's questioning, he didn't know what to say.

"Boy, I ask you! Why don't you bring us! Black Rabbit, the wonderful touch of Black Rabbit!!!"

Bai Yasha grabbed Lin Hui's collar, and the whole person was distraught: "We've always wanted to play with it once!"

Lin Hui rubbed his nose, the black rabbit was so pitiful, he knew such a perverted person.

"Okay, don't say that some of these are gone, you are also my woman, and there will be opportunities in the future."

Lin Hui punched Bai Yasha on the head: "If you want to go downstairs to see the Black Rabbit, it's fine. I guess the Black Rabbit is still sleeping now."

"That's what you said!"

Bai Yasha jumped up instantly, and was grabbed by Lin Hui when he was about to rush out: "Don't go over now, Black Rabbit doesn't want others to know about this, so don't go over and give it to her. Confused."

"Tsk, this rabbit, sigh, forget it, we know, let's go tomorrow, okay!"

Bai Yasha glared at Lin Hui, making Lin Hui feel helpless. Do you still have to blame yourself?


After a few days of rest, Lin Hui enjoys his current life, serving people, eating and drinking, occasionally watching games in the entire Hakoniwa world as a pastime, or going to other worlds to play with his girls for a while.

But I have to say that my father-in-law, Qiduo, is really ambitious. He directly established a community and participated in the war of solar sovereignty. Well, although he is only at the familiar stage of the gift game.

But Qiduo is very good at using his identity. As Lin Hui's father-in-law, he directly formed an alliance with a group of people and used his own advantages to fight against other large communities.

After all, the community of Cheetos has only just been established, and it is only a seven-digit community. Therefore, there is nothing that others can look at. The only thing that makes people eye-catching is that their daughter is the biggest one who helps Lin Hui recover his relationship. The hero!

This is enough for Qiduo to gain enough benefits from Lin Hui to allow the community to develop rapidly.

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