Misaka Mikoto thought about it. Well, after all, Academy City is a city that focuses on developing superpowers. Of course, now that Academy City is flying in the air, it is more difficult for those parents to come, but it is safer than that. , and it is safer. This is Xia Yun's explanation for the several invasions of Academy City, such as Othinus, in addition to dealing with various countries. Not many people can invade at will, right?

All parents who sent their children to Garden City were relieved.

But since it has already flown in the air, although it is almost the same as on the ground when various devices are activated, you must know that the space-capable person needs to choose the eleven-dimensional dimension. When Academy City is flying, wantonly The use of spatial abilities would be a big problem, because Academy City itself was also moving.

Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the courses of some special ability persons.

"If it's all right, let's go on a date."

Lin Hui said with a smile.

"Dating? You brought Jenny and Phoebe?"

Misaka Mikoto's eyes twitched, dating is no problem, but Misaka Mikoto has never seen a date with two children, what is this?family?Does she look that much like mom?

"Jenny, Phoebe, shall I take you home to find the cloth bundle first?"


Both Jenny and Phoebe nodded sensible, making Misaka Mikoto look strange.

Afterwards, Lin Hui teleported the two away, joking, Lin Hui's way of space has been completed halfway, and it is impossible to make mistakes in this kind of thing.

"Then next, um, who's where?"

Just as Lin Hui was about to hold Misaka Mikoto's hand, he suddenly looked in one direction.

"Lin Hui, it's me."

At this time, Kanzaki Kaori came out from a shadow, and Wuhe was accompanying Kanzaki.

Chapter [-] Lovers from afar

After hearing this voice, Lin Hui rolled his eyes: "It turned out to be you guys, so I was almost thrown away with a mental attack, don't be scary, okay?"

Kanzaki and Itsuwa are both quite speechless, mental attack?

Just kidding, if you throw a mental attack, Kanzaki and Wuhe are sure to die. After all, Lin Hui's strength is too strong, and it is so powerful that even the demons can easily solve the suppression. People like them It was too easy to be instantly killed by Lin Hui.

On the other hand, Misaka Mikoto is more speechless than the two women. Who is Lin Hui?

That is her father, and his strength surpasses the entire world. If Lin Hui did not realize the arrival of Kanzaki and Wuhe, it was impossible. Otherwise, Lin Hui, who surpassed the world-class powerhouse, would be blinded in vain. fame.

At this point, Misaka Mikoto really wronged Lin Hui.

Who has nothing to do with super-strong mental power scanning all day long? In this way, the voices of people all over the world will be heard by themselves, and they will not be bored to death. happy!

In addition, Academy City is now flying in the air. Basically, unless it is a regular entry or someone who can fly faster than Academy City, otherwise, how can it be possible to enter Academy City?

Therefore, Lin Hui will not use his mental power to cover the entire Academy City at will. This time he really just felt it.

"What's wrong with this time? Or are you planning to settle down in Academy City?"

Lin Hui said with a wicked smile, "That's okay, anyway, there are still more empty rooms at home."

Misaka Mikoto stepped on Lin Hui angrily.

Lin Hui's anger towards Misaka Mikoto is naturally... I can only endure it. How can my favorite daughter and wife not hurt?

"Cough, there is one reason for this."

Kanzaki Kaori rarely blushed, while Wuhe on the other side lowered his head, his face flushed, looking extremely attractive, making him unable to hold back.

"Any other reasons?"

Lin Hui was a little curious, did he come to ask himself to help deal with the devil?

But according to the truth, the devil should have one person to deal with, and three or four devils have already disappeared from this world.

There should be no need to ask yourself to do it.

"Actually that's what happened."

Kanzaki Kaori opened his mouth and seemed a little puzzled.

"That thing?"

Lin Hui blinked: "What's the matter?"

"The Supreme Bishop said, as long as I tell you, you will understand."

Kanzaki Kaori looked at Lin Hui with a puzzled look, and suddenly felt that things were a little strange. What the hell was going on?Why can't it be stated clearly?

Lin Hui thought about it for a while, and then thought of part of his big plan that he had inadvertently mentioned when he was warm with Laura a few days ago, and suddenly understood: "Ah, it's that thing, tell Laura, of course it is. Yes, I am very serious!"

Hearing Lin Hui's answer, Kanzaki Kaori nodded, but asked curiously, "What is it?"

Lin Hui smiled mysteriously: "You will know later. You should know how to get to my house. You can just go there."

"I understand."

Afterwards, Kanzaki left with Wuhe, but when Wuhe left, he turned his head back in three steps, and seemed a little reluctant.

"Why, not with your little lover?"

Misaka Mikoto closed one eye and looked at Lin Hui, looking a little dissatisfied.

Lin Hui suddenly kissed Misaka Mikoto's face: "Why, are you jealous?"

"Yeah, what are you doing!"

Misaka Mikoto was a little flustered, steam came out of her head, and her face was redder than the sunset glow: "This is on the street, why are you doing this all of a sudden!"

"Isn't this because my little Mikoto is jealous? I said, oh, I want to accompany you on a date, but I'm the one who did what I said!"

Lin Hui patted Misaka Mikoto on the shoulder: "It's not good to distrust your boyfriend so much!"

"Hmph, who knows what you think."

However, Misaka Mikoto's heart was a little excited, and there was a hint of joy in her eyes. Regarding Lin Hui's words, it was obvious that Misaka Mikoto was also very useful.

"Okay, come with me!"

As soon as Lin Hui's mental power was overwhelmed, he probably planned today's journey. Holding Misaka Mikoto's small hand, the two instantly disappeared on the street.

Watching a love movie with Misaka Mikoto, she saw that Misaka Mikoto was extremely shy, and she accompanied Misaka Mikoto into the video game city, and killed Misaka Mikoto to the point that she was so angry that Misaka Mikoto turned on the electricity randomly, The entire video game city scrapped countless game consoles in an instant, and it was Lin Hui who cleaned up the mess caused by Misaka Mikoto.

All of a sudden, Misaka Mikoto owes Lin Hui another favor. Although, Misaka Mikoto doesn't care about this kind of thing. After all, the identities of Misaka Mikoto and Lin Hui have a dual relationship. No matter which level, it is enough for Misaka Mikoto to enjoy herself. enjoyed it.

After that, I went to an amusement park and visited places like haunted houses, which made the relationship between the two heat up rapidly. In the kind of place that can improve the girl's favorability, Lin Hui constantly mobilized Misaka Mikoto's girlish heart. , so that the two people who were originally very familiar and their relationship had already been determined fell in love again and regained the original feeling.

It made Misaka Mikoto extremely happy, and there was a deep love in Lin Hui's eyes.

Naturally, Lin Hui was also very happy, and went on a date with Misaka Mikoto, which made Misaka Mikoto's love for her go to the next level, which is wonderful!

Just when Lin Hui wanted to speak, a call came in.

"Yo, Dad, did you have a good time with your elder sister?"

The voice of the extra individual came out from the phone.

"Ha, is it an extra? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Hui was very surprised, because it was obvious that something was wrong when he called himself at this time.

"It's nothing, just to remind you that your little lover from afar is here, would you like to come over to greet him?"

Chapter [-] The Passionate Big Sister

"My little lover? Who is it?"

Lin Hui was a little confused. Has his little lover ran to his house?

Oh, maybe Kanzaki and Itsuwa, no, it was still early when they left. Did they play for a while on the road?Unlikely, right?

According to the characters of Kanzaki and Itsuka, it is unlikely that Kanzaki and Wuhe would do such a thing, at least in this science-based city, it is unlikely that Kanzaki and Wuhe would do such a thing.

So who is it?

Lin Hui began to think, it seems that there are not many women outside, right?Do the math, um, there seems to be basically no one, no, there is still one, because Laura can't come to Academy City, at least not now, that is to say, the answer is only that person.

"Okay, I see, I'll be right back."

Lin Hui hung up the phone and looked at Misaka Mikoto: "Mikoto, how are you, did you have a good time today?"

Misaka Mikoto nodded: "Well, let's be so-so, but Dad, who can you tell the story?"

Misaka Mikoto really doesn't want to say anything about the woman whose father is outside, plus there are a lot of women in other worlds, Misaka Mikoto is really speechless, but looking at Lin Hui's recent actions, it is There is really no special behavior. It seems that Lin Hui's recent actions have restrained a lot. Therefore, he used to be jealous, and he didn't deal with Shokuhou Cao Qi, but now he has let it go.

At least in the face of those powerful magicians and even demon gods, Misaka Mikoto has teamed up with Shokuhou Kaori more than once. For Misaka Mikoto, it is not so difficult to accept other girls.

"You should be a girl with a sense of crisis to Xiao Meiqin, but she's a good person, but she's just a little stupid. She was fooled a while ago, and now I persuade her to come back."

Lin Hui smiled, then pulled up Misaka Mikoto's little hand, and the two disappeared together.

The next moment, the two returned home. Misaka Mikoto stood firm and looked around the house. When she saw a blond woman, the corners of her mouth twitched: "A sense of crisis? Isn't this a sense of crisis?"

Looking at the hot body of the other party, even her own mother Misaka Meiling can't compare, right?

"Yo, long time no see."

Lin Hui greeted, "Orianna."

"Lin Hui, you are really bad! You don't even notify me when you come back, and you want me to meet you in person."

Orianna seems to be a little aggrieved, ah, it seems like this, after all, Laura told herself that Orianna had gone to France before, so she had no chance to meet Orianna, otherwise, Laura would definitely take Orianna. Anna arranged it into that one gift.

"Ahahaha, I'm sorry, I'm preparing something recently, so I'm a little busy."

Lin Hui scratched his head, then looked at Orianna: "Are you planning to stay here this time?"

"Well, this is where you are, Lin Hui! As you said, you want to be my benchmark!"

Orianna stepped on the catwalk and walked towards Lin Hui. Lin Hui was about [-] meters in height and Orianna. Therefore, Orianna held Lin Hui's face and gave Lin Hui a French wet kiss without standing on tiptoe. Feet, well, don't care about people around.

Lin Hui doesn't care about this, anyway, either his own woman is his own woman or... eh?own daughter!

Fortunately, Bu Shutuxin and Fanwai individuals were fast and directly covered the eyes of Jenny and Feibley.

"Eh? Bunch, why are you covering Jenny's eyes?"

"Extraordinary, Feibli can't see."

Ignoring the quarrel of the two children, the individual sneered: "As expected of a father, to act like this in front of a child is worthy of your title of scum!"

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