Lin Hui stretched and was about to open the passage of time and space to go back when the empress stopped him.

"Wait a minute, I want to ask you, can we go to other worlds too?"

Niangniang was a little curious about the world Lin Hui experienced.

Lin Hui thought for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, yes, but other worlds are not like this world that you can play with at will, you better pay attention."

Just kidding, the Origin of Ten Thousand Worlds is not a vegetarian. A single world in the box garden is enough to limit the power of the devil, not to mention that the Origin of Ten Thousand Worlds is almost the origin of all the worlds that Lin Hui has experienced so far. Whether it is a supernatural world or not, there are hard barriers that cannot be broken, and even if the devil wants to change the world, it cannot be done.

Of course, the Demon God still has the strength. If they wantonly vent, those worlds will probably suffer a lot of damage, so they need to be warned and restricted.

"Then please."

Niangniang suddenly became excited. Although this new world is good, there is no other existence. The original demon gods could not find a suitable place. After all, in the world of the demon ban, if you want to restore it, you need to superimpose the phase again. , Because of this, the demon gods plan to settle here.

As a result, the arrival of Lin Hui gave them a certain turning point, giving them an idea of ​​yearning for a more incredible world.


"How is it possible, how could that guy still be able to return..."

Mu Yuan was still in the excitement of exiling Lin Hui, so it was impossible for him to agree with Feng Zhan Binghua's words. As a result, a hand pierced her body.

"Okay, then you're useless."

Lin Hui pulled out his hand and directly annihilated Kihara's only body, leaving Kasato Shoryu's right hand behind.

Then he looked at Shangri Xiangliu: "What are you going to do next? What will you use to pay the price of stepping into the twenty-fifth school district at will and breaking my bottom line?"

Kasato Xiangliu was indeed frightened just now. A black wormhole-like thing just appeared behind the only one of Kihara. Lin Hui stepped out of it and killed the one of the only one.

Shangri Xiangliu looked at the right hand held by Lin Hui, and then said, "Is it enough to use 'ideal farewell'?"

Lin Hui thought for a while: "Yes, you will be an ordinary person in the future, leave Academy City as soon as possible."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Hui directly sent Shangri Xiangliu away from Academy City, including all the girls from the Shangli faction, because the final preparations had been completed, and it was time to kick off the curtain.

Chapter [-] The Finale of the Great Change (Part [-]) The Great Change that shocked the world

Lin Hui was standing above Academy City. At this moment, Academy City had stopped and stayed in the sky above the Pacific Ocean, because this is the point where all cause and effect converge, and it is also the first step for Lin Hui to initiate a great change in the world.

At this moment, as long as anyone who knows about this matter has been informed by Lin Hui, they intend to do their best to deal with the chaos that follows, because before the establishment of the new order and after the great changes are initiated, there will inevitably be a period of incomparable darkness.

Lin Hui pointed out, and suddenly, the whole world began to shatter layer by layer.

No, it's not that the world is shattering, it's that the phase that the Demon God has placed on the world is beginning to shatter.

Lin Hui is just destroying these layer by layer.

This kind of thing seems very simple, but the difficulty is incomparably high. You must know that this is something that even those demon gods can't do!

Just like Othinus, her wish in the original book was to return to her original world, but she had already retrieved the power of the devil at that time, but why couldn't she go back?

Because after imposing an aspect on the world, Othinus was not satisfied with this aspect and continued to add it. However, the more he added, the farther away she was from the world she used to be, so that in the end, she couldn't find herself going back. In the end, after meeting Kamijou Touma, the two kept fighting.

After Othinus got the spear of the Lord God, he can do this step, constantly destroying the world, and constantly recasting beautiful worlds, attacking Kamijou Touma's spirit, and the result of the final battle is Kamijou Touma was defeated, but Othinus made the choice between "his original world" and "Kamijo Touma's original world".

So, why doesn't Othinus, who has the full power of the devil, delete those aspects that have been imposed by her?

As long as you delete it at the beginning, you can go back to the original world, right?

The reason is that it can't be done.

Just like computer code, in order to modify the fact that the person is dead, the devil is compiling a piece of code for it, so that the fact that the person is still alive continues to exist.

However, if he wants this person to die again, what the devil can do is not to delete the code he has compiled, but to add another code that the person has died again.

It is precisely because the Demon God can only do addition and cannot complete subtraction, so the power of these Demon Gods has huge flaws, and will be eliminated by Aleister by finding loopholes.

It is precisely because these demon gods continue to increase the phase unscrupulously, causing the earth, wind, water and fire of the whole world to become a mess, just as the right fire once said, obviously the fire belongs to the right Michael, the god-like person, summoned Gabriel, the Archangel of Water, who was represented at the rear. The earth, wind, water, and fire of this world had already become chaotic.

In order to prevent the phase of this world from affecting his other worlds, Lin Hui took action and began to smash the phase imposed by the devil on it.

Because of the change of the phases, the whole world will continue to change, and the appearance of the original world has long been changed. appearance” to proceed.

Othinus stared blankly at Lin Hui's behavior, and the whole person was stunned. Lin Hui was stronger than the demon gods. Othinus knew this, but he was able to easily and continuously smash the aspects that the demon gods continued to attach. , how many are those phases, hundreds of millions?billions?Even tens of billions?

Even Othinus, the demon god, doesn't know about this, but Lin Hui has already completed one third of it. The earth, fengshui, and fire of the whole world are beginning to return to their original positions, and the distortions are constantly shrinking, making people feel It feels incredible.

But the world line of this world has not changed all the time. What Lin Hui has done is to protect this phase while deleting other phases.

At this time, Othinus couldn't help but think that if it was Lin Hui, he might be able to help him find the world he used to be in.

But why does Lin Hui do this, it is obviously not good for Lin Hui.

"Yo, Othinus, found the world you once lived in."

At this time, Lin Hui's voice reached her ears.


Othinus raised his head suddenly and looked at Lin Hui who was in the sky: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you don't want to go back and have a look?"

Lin Hui chuckled softly: "If you plan to go back, then this phase is probably going to change, because this is just another phase added by others, so I will completely smash this phase. If you plan to go back, then , Othinus who appeared in this world, no, it should be said that the great god Odin will become someone else."

Othinus looked at Lin Hui: "Are you telling me to go back and die?"

"No, maybe, if you agree, I will merge this phase with the world line in my hand, but it's probably not the world you want."

Lin Hui said indifferently: "Of course, if you don't agree, then just fight with me, although you will definitely lose."

Afterwards, Othinus looked at Lin Hui with a bit of resentment: "You really have no temper, you are too domineering, but no girl will like you."

"I'm really sorry, I have a lot of wives."

Lin Hui casually touched the world, and the world became shattered. However, many fragments of the world began to merge into this world.

The world has begun to undergo huge changes. You must know that each phase is the embodiment of the power of the devil. Every time the world is broken and the phase is re-established, it is equivalent to a devil performing all the power of the opponent, constantly breaking the phase. , merged into this world.

The world has undergone tremendous changes in every aspect...

Chapter [-]: The Finale of the Great Change (Part [-]) My name is Lin Hui, and the Great Change begins

In the original world, there were people with original stone ability, but there were not many.

The so-called original stone ability person is also the person who is born with the ability to obtain personal reality, also known as the natural ability person.The probability of occurrence is extremely small, and there are probably only more than fifty people in the whole world.

And these primitive abilities are often very strange, and some are not even clear to themselves.Unlike those with artificial abilities, the ability of the original stone can be freely cast without calculation like instinct.

In the original book, the seventh place in Academy City, code-named "Attack Crash", the Sobita Junba is a rough stone ability person, or the world's largest rough stone ability person, who can be ranked in the super power person. It is enough to see the strength of the Sogiita Junba.

However, because the ranking of superpowers is not based on strength, but based on research and generality, but Sobaita Junba's ability is an ability that even he himself does not know how to explain, so Can only be ranked last in the superpowers.

However, it is undeniable that the strength of Sogiita Junba is extremely powerful. In the original book, when he fought with Misaka Mikoto, he was able to catch Mikoto's weak railgun with his mouth. Later, in order to protect Misaka sister, he could even take it. Orells fell after three unidentified attacks from the "Nordic Crown", which can show the strength of Sobaita Junba.

And because he is a person with rough stone ability, he does not need to perform calculations to be able to use his abilities. Orelles said that the difference between Soba and him "is whether he consciously uses 'unexplainable power'".

This evaluation is enough to see the status of Soba Ita Junba in the eyes of Orells.

However, now, the original stone ability people in the whole world began to be born continuously at this moment, and the whole world began to undergo a period of great explosion. Almost everyone was able to use super powers or possess powerful magical aptitudes.

In the whole world, more than a quarter of the people have become Rough Stone Abilities. These Rough Stone Abilities may be strong or weak, but what is certain is that they can all use their abilities.

Not only that, in Academy City, even someone who has developed superpowers and acquired superpowers at this time has acquired a second superpower, which can be called a double-power person. It is precisely because the original stone power person does not need to do it. Computational, so some people can use two abilities at the same time, because they only need to calculate one ability.

The hierarchy of the entire Academy City began to gradually collapse, and the order of the world began to gradually collapse.

The original magicians had to constantly perform spells and calculations in order to gain the ability to use magic from the distorted world.

However, when Lin Hui smashed all the phases of the whole world, fused the world into the "original appearance", and the earth, wind, water and fire all returned to their places, some of the magic that originally needed to perform arithmetic calculations could be used directly without it. , and those big magics can be used very easily, making all magicians feel incredible.

Some of them even think that their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and that anyone on the road has the ability to adapt to magic.

The whole world has entered a period of extraordinary development.

After Lin Hui shattered all the phases, he started his second plan.



Suddenly, all the people in the world, all the countries, and all the people who were still awake were all staring at the TV, and in some places, some people were woken up and started watching TV even if they fell asleep.

There was only one person on the TV, with white hair and a black trench coat, standing on the tallest building in Academy City, watching the whole world.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Hui. I believe some people are familiar with me, but most people in this world may not know me yet."

Lin Hui looked around as if he could see that the whole world was looking at him: "Then, let's make a simple self-introduction."

"I am the founder of Academy City, that is, the leader of the science side. Many people believe that Academy City is not unfamiliar. There are superpowers in it, and it is a place that many ordinary people yearn for."

"And the opposite of the science side is the magic side."

"As for the magic side, many people don't know it, so let's show you some videos first."

Lin Hui said, snapped his fingers, and immediately, the battle between some magicians and power users, magicians and magicians that had been recorded, began to play.

Most of them took place in Academy City. Stiyl chanted spells, threw talismans, and displayed powers comparable to those of ability. At the same time, Kanzaki and other Amakusa-style battles, as well as the water in the back and the wind in the front, etc. , it feels incredible.

After the screen was played, Lin Hui reappeared and continued to say plainly: "The magic side and the science side are the opposite of each other, and the third world war before started because of this, but the final result is actually a lose-lose, because The leader of the magic side and myself, the leader of the science side, both disappeared."

"I thought a lot after that battle, and finally decided to change the world, and now it's almost done."

Lin Huiyi stretched out his hand: "The so-called ability person is to develop the ability of talented people, so that they can obtain their own abilities, and magicians are basically "people without talent, in order to catch up with talented people." technology created by people", that is, if someone doesn't know if they have the ability to become a capable person, then they can choose to learn magic before undergoing superpower development experiments."

"But remember, because the science side and the magic side are opposed, it is impossible for the two to be established at the same time. It is impossible for superpowers and magic to exist in one person at the same time."

"Up to now, more than a quarter of the world's people have become original stone ability users, and those who have undergone super ability development experiments have even acquired the second ability, while the rest have all become magicians. qualifications.”

"This is the big change I've made to the world!"

Chapter [-]: The Finale of the Great Change (Part [-]) Order Collapsed?

Lin Hui's words fell, and everyone couldn't believe it, but what happened around him was truly unimaginable.

Everyone in the whole world can become an unimaginable existence. Everyone can have incredible powers, such as flying in the sky, or manipulating mountains and rivers. Everyone can become a shock to the world. A psychic or a magician that only appears in stories.

Originally, magicians needed to go through a lot of learning, religious beliefs and many other tedious processes before they could learn magic.

But now, because Lin Hui smashed all the phases attached to the devil, the essence of the power extracted from it was continuously integrated into the world, and each additional phase was equivalent to changing the world, which was equivalent to reshaping the world. .

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