Lin Hui is obviously a little excited, because Nakaoka Mami has been away from him for a long time. As early as when she was in the battle world, Nakaoka Mami was shaken by a time-space storm that came from nowhere and caused the world channel to vibrate. into another world.

You must know that there are so many worlds, even if Lin Hui does not have a designated item or something like aura, there is no way to teleport the vertex, and he will not know which world he will go to if he teleports randomly.

Fortunately, Lin Hui originally had a system that could open the world channel between the two worlds. Now Lin Hui himself has mastered the two worlds of time and space, and can also open the world channel between the two worlds.

However, Nakaoka Mami is different. She doesn't have the ability to open two worlds like herself, so she can't return to the origin of the Myriad Realms, and being unable to return to the origin of the Myriad Realms can only result in her being unable to transmit information. Come, it is extremely difficult for Lin Hui to find her.

Lin Hui thinks it is a fantasy to find Nakaoka Mami from the thousands of worlds. Just like now, Lin Hui doesn't know how to go to Gensokyo because there is not enough breath and items to become a designated fantasy. township goals.

Although the system had told him that such a thing would be noticed by him at a certain point in time, the problem was that the only system that had been contaminated with Yakumo Zi's aura also self-destructed in order to restrain himself, who had lost his feelings, when he left the world. .

In other worlds, no, it should be said that all worlds, including the forbidden world, all the items that have been contaminated with Yakumozi's breath have all been destroyed by Yakumozi. Even if they have met the Queen of Halloween, there is no Queen of Halloween there. There is enough breath to make Lin Hui locate.

For a while, I lost two beloved ones. Although one of them knew where he was, he couldn't find it, and the other didn't even know where he was.

Originally, Lin Hui wanted to go to other worlds in the next world to see if there was any news from Nakaoka Mami, although the possibility was extremely low.

But today, I accidentally got an item from Tokisaki Kurumi that has the scent of Nakaoka Mami. It seems that Kurumi used the nine bullets to see this item. The owner has seen Nakaoka Mami's memory, although Tokisaki Kurumi has never seen Nakaoka Asami, but I have seen the photos.

However, Tokisaki Kurumi was not sure, and just told Lin Hui.

Lin Hui suppressed his excitement and went back to the source city of Myriad Realms immediately after shopping with Maine and Hill.

"This is it."

At this time, Wanli Guguang was holding a very strange item in his hand.

It was an object similar to a sphere, but not spherical. There was an hourglass-like device on the periphery. These devices were connected by a gear, and in the middle of the object was a somewhat dazzling light group.

That gear drives the surrounding hourglass-like device to keep rotating around the central light group.

The moment Lin Hui saw this item, his whole memory seemed to be awakened, and he took this item from Wanli Guguang.

"It turns out to be this thing, that is to say, Mami is in that world, it's too coincidental, then, let's take a trip and see what the world is like now."

Lin Hui said in a very nostalgic tone.

Of course, this is not because Lin Hui has been to that world, but this world is also an anime that was buried deep in Lin Hui's memory. Although Lin Hui can't remember many things, the general plot direction is still clear.

Lin Hui's memory is very good, it can even be said to surpass all existence, no matter how subtle things and subtle changes, Lin Hui can find them, but it does not mean that Lin Hui will remember everything, just like Lin Hui has The wisdom of a world, but not everything can be understood.

In the past, in order to deal with the gods and to use power, Lin Hui would constantly read those myths. Now it is no longer necessary. There is nothing like sitting on the throne of the wise, with eyes that can see the same, and can connect to the world in an instant. The source is quicker to understand the essence of the method.

Therefore, Lin Hui will deliberately forget most of his memories, and Lin Hui's memories have almost been forgotten in the past. Since entering the two-dimensional world, it has been the result of hundreds of millions of years of source baptism, and it is not necessary. Lin Hui would not remember it.

However, the moment he sees something unique to that world, such as this zero-hour fan in Lin Hui's hands now, Lin Hui will remember the information about that world.

"You know this thing?"

Akashia looked at Lin Hui, a little curious.

"Well, this thing is called Zero Hour Mizi, I'll take a look!"

Lin Hui checked it, and there was a situation that surprised Lin Hui: "It's really unbelievable, such a thing can happen, it seems that the world is indeed not the world I know, then, I also You have to go to that world."

Lin Hui said this, and then was about to leave.

"Is the breath up there enough? I feel very weak."

At this time, Luo Hao opened his eyes and looked at Lin Hui.

"Of course Mami's breath is not enough, but the breath of the other guy in this thing is completely sufficient."

Lin Hui showed a smile: "I'll go first."

Afterwards, a huge formation appeared under Lin Hui's feet, emitting a faint ray of light, wrapping up Lin Hui and disappearing into the origin of all worlds.


The next moment, Lin Hui came to a dark place full of incomparable strangeness. Here, as if all the energy in the world had failed, there was a strange green light floating around.

Afterwards, Lin Hui turned to look behind him, where there was a huge temple.

"Well, you're already home, why don't you come out to meet?"

Chapter [-] The Second Masquerade Leader

"Who are you?"

A somewhat old voice rang in Lin Hui's mind.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have come here, don't you want to take out your body?"

Lin Hui held the [-]-hour fan in his hand and looked at this huge temple. There was a huge disc in the center of the temple. On the disc, there were circles of runners. A wonderful symbol, and in the center of the wheel, there is a pattern like an eye.

No, Lin Hui can feel that this is an eye, an eye that belongs to someone else, and that eye should be specially sealed here with the huge being sealed in this temple, so that one day its unsealed.

"My body? This can't be done at present. At least, I think there is no way to succeed now. This seal is the strongest fire and fog warrior in the ancient times. The red flame witch Mami Nakaoka set up a very special order to seal me. Mysterious technique, banished me forever in the gap between the two worlds, and buried the divine body of this seat forever in the 'long-term trap'."

The voice paused for a while, and then continued: "Until now, this seat has still not found a solution to this technique, even the three major family members of this seat have no ability to solve this technique, unless it is the Scarlet Flame Demoness. Otherwise, there is no way."

Lin Hui chuckled lightly, then walked to the temple, the whole person floated to the center of the disc, then stretched out a hand and aimed at the eyes in the center, and gently peeled off the eyes, looking at the floating in the center. Eye on hand: "It's no longer needed, go back!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui threw it casually, letting the eye travel through time and space directly back to Belupeolu.


"how is this possible?"

The three-eyed, long-haired woman in a dress has a tall figure, wears a large chain-shaped ornament on her body, wears an eye patch on her right eye, and notices her right eye that has returned: "My right eye should be the same as the body of the leader of the alliance. They were sealed together in the slit between the two realms, why did they suddenly return?"

At this time, a girl who was kneeling in front of the altar wearing a big hat, a big cloak, and shoulder-length light blue hair suddenly opened her eyes: "I... I heard the voice of the leader... …”

"Could it be that the leader of the alliance has returned? Immediately recall the general!"

Women in dresses with long hair ordered immediately.


Lin Hui ignored the surprise of the owner of the eyes and what was about to happen, instead he aimed at the disc in front of him and threw a punch.


"Do you want to use brute force? It's impossible... how could it be?"

A crack began to expand along with the place where Lin Hui's fist hit, without breaking open. If the strength of the sacrificial snake is extremely powerful, then the strength of Nakaoka Mami, who used to be the main attacker, is mainly reflected in various Above this kind of ability, especially the contract demon king of Nakaoka Mami, its strength can be compared to the red world demon, and this seal is woven by the contract demon king of Nakaoka Mami, specially made to seal the sacrificial snake, it doesn't work. No amount of brute force can crack it, otherwise, the Serpent Serpent will not be able to find a way to crack it after it has been sealed for so long.

But now, the cognition of the sacrificial snake has been subverted, and Lin Hui actually shattered this technique by winning his fist.

"Impossible? I'm sorry, I'm just a human being who makes the impossible possible, especially to create miracles!"

Lin Hui then put his hand on the [-]-hour fan, and directly pulled out the consciousness and sent it into the divine body of the sacrificial snake that had already been revealed.

The Ritual Snake opened his eyes and looked at Lin Hui in front of him, feeling incredible, Lin Hui's performance was beyond the Ritual Snake's cognition.

"A miracle? Then, as a human, why did you release this seat? You should know that this seat is the devil of the red world. In order to create the ideal city 'The Great Binding Lock' that satisfies the apostles, it will be immemorial. The fire and fog warriors stopped you, and you have power far beyond them, shouldn't you kill this seat?"

The Serpent Snake can't understand why Lin Hui, who is a human, has such terrifying power, and why Lin Hui, who is a human, will release himself who was an enemy of human beings in the ancient times.

"Kill you? No need, and, you are right about one more thing, the ideal city created to satisfy the desire of the apostles is wrong. You want to carve out a huge space in the world as a paradise for the apostles. , that would be wrong in the first place, and that would be equivalent to making an enemy of the world, and the world would desperately resist because of this.”

Lin Hui smiled: "However, I don't want to see any more human beings die in the confrontation between the Fire Mist Warriors and the Red World Apostles, even if some Fire Mist Warriors contract with the Red World Demon King because of hatred, but, They are no longer human, but containers. I don't want this kind of thing to continue. So, Serpent, hand over your two powers of 'creation' and 'determination', and I will realize this for you. Wish, to change the fate of the fire and fog warriors and the Red World Apostles fighting each other."

"No, I am here to end this fate. You should know that I have such power."

Lin Hui looked at the sacrificial snake with a smile on his face, but the breath on his body was more terrifying than the sacrificial snake with a huge body.

"Who the hell are you?"

The Serpent Serpent asked such a question after being silent for a long time.

"I am the king of human beings, the king of the human race, and the only king throughout human history!"

Lin Hui suddenly grinned: "And I have another name."

"Time and space tyrant!"

The Serpent Snake suddenly widened his eyes, and then suddenly laughed: "So it is, so it is, no wonder that fire fog is so powerful, now I understand."

"I will trouble you in the future, the second leader of the masquerade party - the tyrant of time and space."

Chapter [-] finally see you

The gigantic divine body of the Serpent Serpent began to disintegrate continuously, and it kept turning into pure existence power and disappeared.

Instead, there are two light groups left in place, which are the two powers of "creation" and "determination" as one of the three gods of the red world, the "God of Creation".

The power of creation is created by the desire to collect the apostles of the red world. That is to say, this power is the power activated by the desire of the apostles of the red world. As long as it is the desire of the apostles of the red world, then this power It will drive the creator god to fulfill the desire of the apostles of the red world.

And the power of determination is to fully define the wishes of the Apostles of the Red World.

For example, if the apostles of the Red World want a place full of the power of existence, then the Creator God will define the place full of the power of existence and redefine the principles of the world. , the power of existence will not be lost, similar to this ability.

These are the two great powers of the Creator God, and the Creation God was born to satisfy the wishes of the Red World Apostles, and is completely different from the other two Red World Demon Gods.

Lin Hui absorbed these two forces into his body.

At this moment, the power in Lin Hui's body has changed. After Lin Hui absorbs the two powers of "good fortune" and "determination", these two powers are directly assimilated by Lin Hui's power, and Lin Hui can use it as he wants. These two forces have a handy feeling for the world and for creation.

That is to say, as long as Lin Hui is willing, he can now complete the wish of the sacrificial snake and complete the creation that the sacrificial snake did not complete in the ancient times.

However, doing this is no fun. Since Lin Hui has come to this world, he has to take a look at this world. What's more, in this world, there are still people he loves. If possible, Lin Hui On the contrary, I hope to be able to participate in the promotion of this world, and I can see the majestic and legendary Tsundere King.

Then Lin Hui left this space and really came to the real world where "Bright Eyes Shana" is located.

However, what is amazing is that there is a huge palace floating under Lin Hui's feet. In this night sky, it looks extremely spectacular and extraordinary.

However, there was a lot of unfriendly atmosphere from the palace. Lin Hui could feel that in this palace, there are many very powerful beings, and they are at least five or even four digits in Hakoniwa. The strong people, but it is a pity, no matter what, it is impossible for these people to hurt themselves.

Besides, as the second leader of the masquerade party, Lin Hui also had to meet his "relatives".

That's right, this gorgeous palace is the headquarters of the masquerade party - Xingli Hall.



At this time, a middle-aged uncle wearing sunglasses and a suit turned around and looked at the altar not far away. There was a huge throne above the altar, which belonged to the leader of the masquerade—the Serpent Serpent. seat,

At this time, a young man with broken white hair and a black trench coat slowly landed on this altar and walked slowly towards the throne.


"It's human!"

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