All the traps set in the torch have been dissolved by the one just now.

This is also the reason why Lin Hui did not eliminate the torches but was waiting for Fariagni to act. The big possibility is that Fariagni was beheaded by Shana before he could activate the secret technique.

"You... what did you do?"

Fariagni did not expect that his last card was cracked by Lin Hui.

Lin Hui chuckled: "It's nothing, just reset your secret technique to the state before it was used, and just wipe it out. This is the ultimate anti-secret magic weapon!"

Lin Hui played with the dagger in his hand, said carelessly, and then threw it back into the crimson space behind him.

"Damn it, damn it! You damn it!"

Fariagni rushed towards Lin Hui directly.

"Fariagni, yours is followed by me!"

A flaming sword slashed directly in the air, and the terrifying heat wave made Hecate couldn't help but raise a hand and put it in front of him.

"Go away, damn crusade tool!"

In an instant, all the phosphorus seeds prepared by Fariagni on this day were released. These phosphorus seeds were not only the props for him to hinder Shana, but also the props for him to devour the people around him and replenish the power of existence.

Now Fariagni is madly caught up in everything, and he just wants to kill Lin Hui. This is Fariagni's limit.

"not good."

Shana killed several phoenix dolls with one sword, but more phoenixes were about to run aside to devour humans.

"Forget it, Shana, you can deal with Fariagni with peace of mind. Leave these miscellaneous soldiers to me. It's time for you to see, Fariagni, my true strength."

Chapter [-]: The Strongest Despair

"Real strength?"

Fariagni didn't expect Lin Hui to say such words, but Hecate was a little surprised. She thought that Lin Hui would use the same move that defeated Sanzhuchen with one move. According to Katie, if you want to kill so many scattered phosphorous seeds in one breath, it is estimated that only the attack with a very wide coverage can do it.

Shana, on the other hand, recalled this morning's duel training, Lin Hui's incredible speed and strength, and the superb swordsmanship that made Shana suffer so much.

However, no one expected that a crimson light suddenly began to appear from Lin Hui's back. Suddenly, ripples slowly appeared behind each scattered phosphorus, a gorgeous treasure. Protruding from the crimson space.

Aiming at the phosphorous particles that were about to devour humans, they shot out directly.





The sound that penetrated Phosphorus' body was recalled to everyone's ears, and the Noble Phantasm bombarded the ground, setting off a gust of wind, blowing Lin Hui's black windbreaker continuously, and even Hecate and Zheng Zheng who were beside him. Shana, who was fighting with Phosphorus, was almost stunned.

Because the Phosphorus in front of Shana was all shot through the Noble Phantasm.

Swords, spears, swords, and halberds, as long as the names of weapons that can be said, can be seen in this area. Not only that, each of these weapons is a powerful treasure, and each of them is a piece of history. A weapon with a very resounding name left on it.

In Celtic mythology, the son of the sun god Lug, known as "Curran's Bulldog", has the title of "Child of Light". A heart of phosphorus.

In Celtic mythology, the chief warrior of the Irish Knights of Fiona, known as "unparalleled in the world", the two magic swords of the "Shining Appearance" Dirumdo Odina, Mor-alltach The Ripples of Passion (Beag-alltach) pierced through the body of a Phosphorus, pinning it to the ground.

The supreme pillar god in the Aztec mythology of Central and South America - Quezal Coyatl's chain sword traversed the body of a phoenix rushing towards Lin Hui, causing its upper body to fly directly over Lin Hui's. On his side, his lower body fell directly to the ground.

The weapon of the fifth emperor of Rome, Nero Claudius, Aestus Estus, directly pierced a phosphorous seed flying in the air through his body, killing him completely.


There are all kinds of Noble Phantasms flying out from the crimson space behind Lin Hui, and the flying out of each Noble Phantasm represents the demise of a Phosphorus.

No matter how much phosphorus is in Lin Hui's extremely local fighting style, there is no possibility of surviving. No matter where he escapes, no matter how concealed he hides, as long as it is within Lin Hui's perception range, then the opponent's side will definitely be there. Crimson ripples will appear, and a Noble Phantasm will fly out.

At this moment, even Shana was stunned, and Alastair, who had already speculated about it, was completely silent.

It did think of this situation, but when it really saw it, Alastair's heart also exploded.

What... what a luxurious way of fighting, no wonder they can kill many apostles of the red world in an instant, so that they can only convey the news that "human beings carry a zero-hour fan", and have such a huge number of Noble Phantasms, no wonder He will disdain Fariagni's Noble Phantasm.

Just the Noble Phantasm displayed at this moment is enough to make people's mind explode.

Lin Hui also did say that all the miscellaneous soldiers came to him to deal with. Indeed, in this way of fighting, even if a group of Red World Demon Kings arrive, they will only be killed. Strong man", even Nakaoka Mami can't stop the overwhelming number of Noble Phantasms, not to mention that these Noble Phantasms have not yet released their real names.

Although Shana can also feel that when those Noble Phantasms are in Lin Hui's hands, there is a difference between being called out by Lin Hui and being ejected directly. The same is true of the previous vows, the Sword of Victory and the Ten Thousand Talismans that will be broken, although It takes a lot of power to activate.

However, even this is impossible to be underestimated, Lin Hui is really too deep and unfathomable.


Fariagni has three Noble Phantasms, a sharp sword and two spears on his body at the moment: "Damn it! Why? Why do you have so many Noble Phantasms, impossible! Impossible!"

"That's right."

Lin Hui suddenly laughed: "Speaking of which, your 'Marianne' seems to be saved. For example, let Mami Nakaoka use her wheel of time to rewind time, a phosphorus is not completely If you take your life, you can indeed save it back, and of course, I can do that too!”

Lin Hui continued to stimulate Fariagni at this time: "Also, it doesn't matter if the reserves of my power of existence go back hundreds of years."

Hearing this, Fariagni's eyes suddenly lit up. After hearing that "Marianne" was still saved, Fariagni's whole person was not as hysterical as before, although, the person who could save "Marianne" It's your own enemy, but as long as you catch the opponent, you don't have to be afraid.

"Your power of existence can be traced back hundreds of years? Just kidding, a person's power of existence cannot exist so much."

Fariagni also seemed to have calmed down. He pulled out the Noble Phantasm inserted into his body and threw it aside. Although there was trauma on his body, it did not prevent him from starting to think calmly, how to The burning-eyed crusaders took Lin Hui away in front of him and asked him to go back in time.

"Yes, it is impossible for an ordinary human being, but I am not an ordinary human being. My true identity is the only human king in this world who was born in the human race. My body is engraved with the history of mankind from ancient times to the present. Everything now and in the future, I can be said to be a human being who has been united by all human beings from ancient times to the present. It is because of this that I can be endowed by the world with all the Noble Phantasms born from ancient times to the present. ."

Lin Hui crossed his arms and said, "I am above the human race, but the king of the human race! The king of humans!"

When Lin Hui said these words, Shana and Alastair immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

And when Fariagni heard this, he didn't have the slightest doubt. It would be better to say that such seemingly crazy words confirmed Lin Hui's inconceivable, so many Noble Phantasms, such a powerful fighting ability Makes sense.

"Human King?! Haha, great, great! I didn't expect such an incredible human existence, that is to say, only you can activate 'devour the city', great. You give it to me come on!"

Lin Hui showed an indifferent smile. The strongest despair is to destroy the greatest hope given to others. Such despair will bring people to the edge of collapse and madness.

Chapter [-]: The End of Madness

It was said a long time ago that the power of existence is the energy that maintains the existence of all things in this world. The "Red World Apostle" is the fundamental energy necessary for the appearance and mobilization of freedom in this world. In order to achieve its purpose, "The Red World Apostle" "It will attack humans, turn humans with similar energy into soul fires, and gain "the power of existence" after swallowing them.

And now, a human king who contains the entire world and represents all human races appears. This human king also contains the entire history of mankind in his body. Then, the power of existence in his body will be terrifying and massive!

Shana knew this. If the power of existence contained in an ordinary human body is compared to a drop of water, then the power of existence in Lin Hui's body is a whole ocean, no, even more.

Because Lin Hui represents the complete embodiment of the past and future of human beings in this world.

Now Shana completely understands why Nakaoka Asami would trust such a person who is full of mysteries.

The answer is very simple. Lin Hui cannot do anything that will harm the human race. On the contrary, Lin Hui is the one who must protect the entire human race to the end. If Lin Hui does not die, then the human race will never perish. Because Lin Hui symbolizes the human race.

On the contrary, if Lin Hui is swallowed up by the Apostles of the Red World, then the human race will completely collapse, and from the past to the future, all human beings will cease to exist.

Then, the whole world will collapse in an instant. This can no longer be explained by distortion. In the red world, reality will usher in the day of annihilation because of the disappearance of one person.

If Alastair had been told about this before, Alastair would probably not have believed that such a ridiculous thing would happen, but the abnormality shown by Lin Hui could no longer be explained by absurdity.

However, only one person at the scene knew that Lin Hui's abnormality could not be explained so simply. The extraordinary power that Lin Hui displayed shocked the world and could command the powerful means of the power of nature. In this world, no one can threaten Lin Hui at all.

Lin Hui is the most dangerous existence in this world.

Heikati hid behind Lin Hui, pulled Lin Hui by the corner of his clothes, and said nothing.

"I must, I must get you!"

Fariagni rushed over directly. Facing Lin Hui, a seductive human being, Fariagni's calm mind was already a little hot. Such a huge reserve source with abundant power of existence. , Fariagni even considered that Lin Hui could stay alive, allowing him to continuously provide himself with the power of existence.

In this way, no matter how powerful the Fire Mist Warrior is, it is impossible for him to be his opponent. Those Demon Kings of the Red World will be suppressed by him, and everyone will throw the rat because they have the card of Lin Hui in their hands.

Immediately, Fariagni had already started making phosphorus seeds at all costs, and at the same time kept shaking the bell. Suddenly, those phosphorus seeds blocked Shana from the outside, and they exploded one after another.



"The crusade tool, you leave me on the other side!"

Saying that, Fariagni flew directly towards Lin Hui, but at the same time, Fariagni also guarded against Lin Hui's sudden withdrawal of the sword of oath of victory. Fariagni would never forget the previous blow. .

Moreover, Lin Hui can use Noble Phantasms to resist his own attacks at any time, so Fariagni can be said to have all his cards, all kinds of defensive Noble Phantasms, and limited Noble Phantasms such as "Bubble Expectation". They attacked Lin Hui directly.

However, at this moment.


The intense flames burned directly, and a red lotus-like figure broke through the obstruction of the phosphorous and flew directly towards Fariagni, and a large group of flames slammed down directly at Fariagni.


"I know, absolutely can't let him succeed!"

Shana was also secretly annoyed that Lin Hui didn't tell her about this before. Otherwise, she wouldn't let Lin Hui go out alone. Lin Hui is too dangerous. If you accidentally fall into the tricks of some Red World Apostles, it will be troublesome. At that time, once other Red World Apostles find out, then Lin Hui will become the "Tang Monk" targeted by countless Red World Apostles.

Not to mention, Lin Hui is still being sought and hunted by the masquerade party.

"'Scorching Eyed Crusaders', don't get in my way!"

A transparent blue barrier directly blocked the red lotus-like flame.

At the same time, the feather-like white cloth on Fariagni's body rolled towards Shana, and a pair of "handcuffs" were hidden in the white cloth, which was a treasure used to seal the ability of the Fire Mist Warrior.

Once Shana is sealed, the power of the chin as a fire and fog warrior will disappear, and it will be torn to pieces by the phosphorus who is about to catch up.

However, Fariagni really underestimated Shana. Today's exercise alone is enough for Shana to deal with many problems. You must know that Shana was killed countless times by Lin Hui's one move today. The incoming attack will naturally respond well.

The wings of flames behind him reappeared, taking Shana directly into the air, avoiding the blow, and at the same time holding his breath.

There is no need to think about other things in battle, just thinking about how to defeat the opponent is enough.

This is the fighting style that Shana has been taught all along, and today Lin Hui made Shana understand this in a more profound way.

"Go to hell!"

When Fariagni saw this scene, he immediately took out a treasure like a pistol, which was the biggest killing move Fariagni used to deal with the fire fog warrior. Once hit, the sleeping demon king in the body It will appear immediately and burst the container.


Chapter [-]: Angry Shana

The bullet fired by the happy trigger went straight through Shana's body and flew into the distance.


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