Ogata Mayu also seemed to be looking forward to this time, and excitedly dragged the girls to the women's locker room.

And Lin Hui followed Chi Suren and others to the men's locker room.

When Lin Hui put on a swimsuit, his naked upper body didn't show much muscle, but he was white and clean, and his body looked a little slender, giving people a very strange feeling. His handsome appearance and silver shattered hair directly revealed Lin Hui's noble temperament, which made many people on the way look sideways.

After all, there are too few people like Lin Hui. Even Sato Keisaku, who is by Lin Hui's side, feels that he is a little bit inferior to the other party, because Lin Hui's nobility radiates from his bones, as if he is a man who has continued Like a prince who came out of a large family of hundreds of years.

"Lin Hui, what did you do before? It feels like..."

Chi Suren couldn't find any adjectives to describe Lin Hui at the moment.

"What are you doing? In the past, let's dispatch manpower. Now, after earning enough money, I will travel around with my sister."

Lin Hui smiled casually, but even such a smile was very magical.

"Wow, Lin Hui, your smile is so beautiful."

At this time, Ogata Zhenzhu said exaggeratedly: "However, compared with your smile, it is estimated that these are the only ones."

Afterwards, Ogata Matake showed himself in front of several boys, wearing a swimsuit that showed the navel. Although his figure was flat, it was not bad under the background of this swimsuit, but Ogata Matake was Don't care: "Next, I will invite Shi Caijiang!"

Hecate came out from one side of the corridor, wearing the blue lace swimsuit Lin Hui chose for her, which surprised the extremely boy next to him, because Hecate is usually very inexistent. A person, or rarely speaks, but at this moment, a swimsuit makes Hecate even if he doesn't speak, his presence suddenly increases.

"Hee hee, don't stare blankly, next is Lian Nanxi sauce."

Like a host hosting a catwalk, Ogata Zhenzhu called out the name of the next girl to come out.

At this time, Lin Hui was also a little curious. He really wanted to know what kind of swimsuit Lian Nanxi chose.

However, it is estimated that it will be conservative, because the other party seems to rarely contact boys.

Afterwards, Lin Hui seemed to have seen an angel, but the white backless swimsuit did not show the angel's wings. However, with the short pink hair, it gave a very dazzling feeling. There is a little playfulness in the purity.

"How is it, Lin Hui, isn't it good?"

Lian Nanxi showed a smile and turned around in front of Lin Hui, making Chi Suren and others stunned. A pure white elf was dancing.

Lin Hui smiled and said, "It's cute, it suits you very well."

"Hee hee, I know it, you lower down."

At this time, Lian Nanxi waved to Lin Hui: "I'll tell you a secret!"

Lin Hui blinked and was suddenly curious, then looked at Lian Nanxi, saw the slyness in Lian Nanxi's eyes, and was suddenly curious about the secret in Lian Nanxi's mouth, so he slowly lowered his head.

At this moment, Lian Nanxi kissed Lin Hui on the face with lightning speed.

Suddenly, all the three women who were waiting in the back of the corridor couldn't sit still, and their mentality exploded.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Shana jumped out first, her face flushed red and she was a little overwhelmed.

"That's right, Lian Nanxi sauce, you... you just..."

"No...not possible."

Even Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi felt ashamed, while Hecate's eyes fluctuated for a while, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking, this is just a reward, boys like this, I'm just teaching you how to grab a boy's heart."

Lian Nancy closed one eye and said with a wicked smile.

Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi were relieved immediately. Lian Nanxi had mentioned similar words to them before, but Shana's mentality was not very good, and it was not as easy to recover as Hirai Yuan and Yoshida Kazumi.

That's right, Lian Nanxi's behavior this time is aimed at Shana, a fire-mist warrior who is pure to the core but has a very high self-esteem.

Well, after all, it's the contractor of "Tian Earth Tribulation Fire", it is very normal for Lian Nanxi to want to tease.

Just as Lian Nancy thought, Shana's mentality exploded.

Before Lian Nanxi came home, Lin Hui would only stay with Shana. Although that time was only one day, it made Shana very fulfilling.

Lin Hui's simple and clear explanation, as well as the powerful strength that attracts Shana all the time, especially when fighting against "Hunter", Lin Hui's calmness and resourcefulness when he brings the opponent to a dead end, Shana was amazed.

On weekdays, Konoe Shicai can only go to school, and Shana can be alone with someone like Lin Hui who makes Shana feel attracted to her. Although Shana doesn't know why, she just feels very excited.

As a result, there is now a Lian Nancy, especially Lian Nancy's actions just now, which completely stimulated Shana, making Shana's mind very confused now.

Chapter [-] Lucky Yoshida Kazumi


Lin Hui flicked Lian Nanxi's forehead angrily: "really, don't make such a thing happen!"

Lin Hui felt a bit of a headache. Although he had a good impression of the girls present, he had to do it step by step, one by one. Although Lin Hui had challenged multi-line operations before, it was too brain-consuming. Lin Hui himself is a relatively lazy person, and if he can save a little effort, he will save a little effort.

As a result, Lian Nanxi is ready now, and directly raised the difficulty of her strategy from the simple mode to the level of hell. Although Lin Hui dug out the memory of Shana's world from his memory, it was precisely because he learned about the girls' behavior. Personality, this made Lin Hui even more headache.

"Well, really, it's not good to give you a reward, you are really hard to serve!"

Lian Nanxi deliberately said such ambiguous words, which made the three boys on the side really envy and hate.

"Okay, we are all here to play. Now that everyone has changed into their swimsuits, let's go."

At this time, Ogata Zhenzhu seemed to see that the situation on the scene was not good. If this continues, it is estimated that a full martial arts will be staged on the scene.

After hearing Ogata Zhenzhu's words, Lin Hui suddenly felt relieved, but looking at the unkind eyes of a few girls around, Lin Hui knew that he would be stared at to death next. Let's not talk about the cute and cute Hirai Yuki, Yoshida Kazumi and Shana alone are enough to fight, especially when Yoshida Kazumi learns the truth of this world, and Shana is almost standing on the same starting line.

And Lian Nanxi seemed to be pushed out a bit. She was pushed out by the four girls, yes, the four girls, including Hecate Giving Lian Nancy an excuse to draw closer between herself and Lin Hui, neither Yoshida Kazumi nor Shana wanted to see it, and Hirai Yuan was not happy either, Hecate just acted on her own instincts, in the dark. Under Katie's judgment, Lian Nanxi didn't know why she was an unpopular figure in her heart. It was clear that having a good relationship with the other party was beneficial to the progress of the "Psalm of Great Life" of the alliance leader, but Hekaty didn't want to do this. Do.

After coming to the park, there are entertainment facilities such as water slides, wave pools, etc., as well as some good rest spots, which make everyone dazzled. I have to say that this place is indeed crowded with people. It is normal to attract people.

Moreover, as a new opening, Lin Hui immediately noticed the horse-riding battle on the water. Well, for Lin Hui, this activity is really unfriendly.

A couple of a man and a woman, although the ratio of men and women here is a little out of balance, but the problem is that there are four girls here who want to form a team with him. If Lian Nanxi also wants to come in, the number of girls will suddenly reach six , and there are only four boys, that is to say, at least two girls will be single.

In this way, Lin Hui felt that he seemed to have a great sense of crisis.

Following Lin Hui's gaze, other people also noticed this activity. Immediately, everyone's mind became alive. Anyway, this activity was quite good, and it was with the mind of forming a team with the people I liked. People are no longer a minority.

The four girls surrounding Lin Hui looked at each other, and Lin Hui seemed to be able to see the electric current released from the eyes of both parties.

Lin Hui now feels that it was a huge mistake to bring Lian Nanxi out. Who let Lian Nanxi make trouble for him? If they didn't make trouble, it is estimated that these girls would not suddenly realize such a problem.

As a result, at this time, the glasses boy Chi Suren came up with an idea: "Let's draw lots, and whoever is drawn will form a team with whomever is drawn."

Lin Hui immediately praised this witty boy with glasses. As expected of a person with glasses, he was indeed very wise.

However, the next moment, Lin Hui was slapped in the face.

Because, although it is said to be a lottery, why is everyone holding a white cloth in their hands!

"Okay, everyone has it, then, the people who get the same strap are a group."

"I said, what if two boys are drawn? Have you regrouped again? At the very least, let's distinguish the belts of boys and girls."

Ogata Zhenzhu was the first to put forward his opinion, because it would be impossible to know who would be drawn with whom. If two boys or two girls were drawn together, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

At the very least, there should be two teams of boys and girls. The horse riding station requires a combination of a boy and a girl.

"That's the fairest way."

Chi Su-ren pushed his eyes with the hand holding the strap, because the other hand grabbed the middle part of all the straps together, so that no one could detect who was holding the other end of the strap: "No one knows, then it's the best. If it's a pity that you don't form a team, then you can only regret it."

"That's it."

Ogata Zhenzhu felt a little helpless. After all, the people he wanted to form a team were only one in nine of them, and he had a higher chance of losing.

"Then, when it's all over, I let go."

Chi Suren said this, and then he released his hand.

Immediately, the people holding the straps began to pull, so that they could easily identify their teammates.

Immediately, Chi Suren knelt down, and he actually took the same belt as Sato Keisaku, which made him feel extremely sad. This proposal was brought up by himself.

Shana and Heikati's faces turned black, because the two of them actually took the same strap, and Lin Hui had to sigh, this is really the power of fate.

"I don't want it!"

Hirai Yuan also regretted leaving the stage. She and Lian Nanxi took the same belt, and it seemed indifferent to look at Lian Nanxi's expression. It seemed that this was more suitable for her, but it was a pity that Hirai Yuan lost this time. opportunity.

The remaining two groups are Ogata Zhenzhu and Tanaka Eita, Lin Hui and Yoshida Kazumi.

After seeing her team up with Lin Hui, Yoshida Kazumi immediately felt extremely lucky and excited for herself, and finally found an opportunity to have a relationship with Lin Hui.

Chapter [-] Like a Prince

Lin Hui doesn't have any opinion on the team formation. As long as he can't get off the court without being assigned with the boys, then Lin Hui will have no opinion. As for the assignment with Ogata Zhenzhu, well, Lin Hui will not either. I don't mind, but it would be better if you could be assigned with a girl who likes you, which is conducive to cultivating feelings.

The most important thing is that this matter is not his fault. Since he doesn't have to take the blame himself, Lin Hui is happy to see it.

"Well, Yimei, she's too cunning to have such a chance to get in touch with Mr. Lin Hui."

Hirai Yuan is still a little indignant to this day. In fact, when the lottery was drawn just now, Yoshida Kazumi's tape was given by himself, but now it's good, and he actually gave such an opportunity to Yoshida Kazumi.

Maru Hirai even wanted to chop off his own hand.

"That, Xiaoyuan..."

Yoshida Kazumi doesn't know what to say to comfort Hirai now.

On the other side, Shana and Hecate are also angry, but it should be Shana's unilateral reason. As for Hecate, Lin Hui doesn't think that the character of that little girl can be angry with Shana. Katie is acting completely according to the code of conduct that she is a human being.

But, amazingly, Lin Hui actually saw the dissatisfaction in Hecate's eyes.

Yes, dissatisfaction with Shana.

"Okay, don't be angry, both of you, this is the result of a lottery."

Lin Hui put one hand on a person's head: "Come on for me. Shana, if I win, then I'll treat you to eat pineapple buns all you can, how about it?"


Shana's eyes lit up instantly, and then coughed lightly: "It's not impossible, it's okay to talk!"

"Well, that's for sure."

Lin Hui blinked, letting Shana's smile show again. Before, Shana had always been pulling a face, and there was a kind of reluctance in it, but now it was dispelled by Lin Hui.

And Hecate rubbed Lin Hui's palm: "Come on, brother."

"Well, Shi Cai is very good, there will be a reward when I go back today."

Lin Hui smiled, and this sentence also made Hecate's eyes slightly brighter.

On the other side, Ikehato looked completely depressed, while Sato Keisaku was talking with Tanaka Eita, and seemed to be coming up with ideas, and Ogata Zhenzhu was with them.

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