"Didn't I say so?"

Lin Hui said with a smile: "My strength is very strong, you don't have to worry."

"However, Zero Hour Mizi was noticed by the other party, and my identity was somewhat exposed. Although Xiu Denan definitely didn't know what my identity was, during the battle, he discovered the power that exists in my body. huge."

"What? This is very dangerous!"

Shana didn't expect such a thing to happen. When she came over just now, she was a little far away, and she didn't hear Xiu Denan's whisper.

But think about it, if Lin Hui didn't pay some price, it would obviously be unrealistic to defeat Xiu Denan so easily.

"It's very dangerous, so Shana, you have to become stronger, come on."

Lin Hui put his hand on top of Shana's head and touched it gently.

Shana was stunned for a moment, then her face suddenly turned red: "Noisy, noisy, no need for you to say that I will do the same."

"We have an appointment!"

Shana said firmly.

Yes, it's agreed. Shana once agreed with Lin Hui to protect Lin Hui. In order to maintain the balance of the world and implement her mission and responsibilities, Shana will risk her life to protect Lin Hui's safety.

"Then get ready. Next, I think it may not be too peaceful. Maybe a large number of Red World Apostles will attack here, and I think most of them should be directed at me."

Lin Hui shrugged: "I don't know what the masquerade will do, but, even 'Thousand Changes' has been defeated so badly in my hands, so the other party shouldn't act rashly, right?"

"Perhaps there is a possibility."

Alastair pondered for a while and agreed with Lin Hui's point of view: "However, don't be careless, no one knows what the masquerade will be."

"Go back, today's class isn't over yet!"

Lin Hui said to Shana.



"What? Defeat the 'Thousand Changes'? Is that the 'Thousand Changes'?"

Marchionne looked at Lin Hui with a look of surprise.

"Hey hey hey, isn't it? Even that 'Thousand Change' is not your opponent? Hahaha, it's so interesting, I suddenly want to fight you now, hey, come on!"

"Shut up, stupid Marco."

Marjoram punched the book, and then took a deep breath: "It looks like I really underestimate you."

Chapter [-] More and more enemies

Lin Hui's strength is very strong, and Ma Qionglin knows it. From the very first time she appeared, Ma Qionglin could see that the opponent blocked her own attack effortlessly. The silver that he couldn't win after fighting for a long time, he could also arbitrarily take the opponent out of the zero-hour fan, and disperse his flame clothes with one blow. All kinds of signs can show that Lin Hui's strength is too strong.

However, now Lin Hui has even easily defeated the "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan, which shows how terrifying Lin Hui's strength is.

Once "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan really shows his strength, he is definitely not an opponent that can be easily dealt with. If Ma Qionglin shoots himself, then there is a great possibility that he will be defeated and die. This is still no sacrifice. The result of the Noble Phantasm given to the Three Pillars by the Serpent.

This is the strength of "Thousand Changes" Xiu Denan, otherwise, he would not be one of the three pillars of the masquerade, and he would not be the "general" who led the battle.

In the original book, Xiu Denan broke through the strongholds of many outside houses by himself, killed many fire and fog warriors, and even after taking out the Noble Phantasm, he killed the four gods of the earth in the "Shana Reconstruction War". One's Cinta Hill.

As for Lin Hui's strength, Ma Qionglin couldn't see more clearly in the next training.

Shana's melee strength is very strong, at least for Ma Qionglin, if Shana gets close, then the loser is likely to be her.

However, under such circumstances, no matter how Shana launched her attack, she would be easily blocked by Lin Hui, and even under Lin Hui's attack, Shana was completely suppressed.

Speed, strength, explosiveness, and responsiveness are all far above Shana's. Every single blow is the limit that Shana can endure. Under such circumstances, Shana constantly makes breakthroughs in her own strength.

Of course, melee training is only one aspect, and it will not become the mainstream for Shana to become stronger. The real power of the Fire Mist Warrior should be the fundamental flame of the Fire Mist Warrior, as well as the law of freedom.

Anyway, the tool man has already got his hands on it, so the training of the free-spirited method can be left to these two people to get it done.

Moreover, in the previous battle, Shana has already vaguely captured the feeling of her own freedom, and now she only needs to show this achievement.

Lin Hui also discovered this situation. He was very surprised. He didn't expect that because of his intervention, Shana quickly discovered the power of her own flame and began to master the power of Kia Raster. During the battle", Shana understood her own power essence in Xingli Hall, and now something unexpected happened, but it added more fun.

Really looking forward to the future!


"What's the matter, Shi Cai?"

On this day, Lin Hui looked at Hecate who had just returned from outside. Seeing that Hecate was in a strange situation, he asked.

Hecate shook his head, then seemed to open his mouth, closed it again, and returned to his room.

Lin Hui didn't understand Hecate's strange appearance, but he knew that maybe he was slowly discovering his feelings. At this time, Lin Hui felt that it would be more appropriate for him not to interfere too much, because Only when Hecate himself understands such feelings can he truly understand the so-called feelings.

However, Lin Hui was completely unaware that this was because of himself.

No, to be precise, it should be from Lin Hui's own memory fragment.

Hecate is often a little restless in class these days, and occasionally blushing suddenly. Although Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan discovered the situation, they were a little embarrassed to go to Hecate because of the previous events. .

Because they can see it, good guy, even a cute girl like Konwei Shicai likes Lin Hui, no, it should be said that the two have been together for several years, and Lin Hui is so strong and handsome. It's weird if you don't like it.

But Konoe Shina's desire for monopoly is also very strong, no, it should be said that no matter what girl is, she doesn't like her boyfriend's fascination, right?

If a boy is liked by many girls at once, then those girls will definitely use every means to find a way to let other girls give up, or let the boy only notice himself.

That is to say, the so-called jealousy.

However, the actual result was far beyond the expectations of the two. Konoe Shina actually took the initiative of the two of them and invited them to visit him and Lin Hui's home.

The two of them had also heard that Shana and the lovely woman named Lian Nanxi who they met last time in the water world also lived in that house.

However, Konoe Shicai was very disgusted with the two of them approaching Lin Hui, but why did they invite them both?

This is something that Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai can't figure out.


"Is this... the so-called 'like'? Human feelings are really difficult to understand."

Hecate was lying on the bed, closed his eyes, and began to immerse all his mind into digesting the power of the world.

The fluctuations on Hecate also began to gradually become stronger.

A large number of memory fragments were used towards Hecate, and Hecate accepted them all.

Many of them are Lin Hui's struggle against a powerful enemy, or the king's attitude in the face of the enemy's destruction. These make Hecate feel extremely curious, but these things are not her memories. , Now Hecate is creating memories of himself and Lin Hui.

And these Lin Hui's heroic appearances were all recorded by Hecate.

However, these are not the most critical, the most critical is the other memories mixed in.

Although it wasn't too much, Hecate clearly felt that he was very uncomfortable. When watching these memory fragments, Hecate was really unhappy.

Lin Hui and girls from other worlds kissed, Lin Hui and girls from other worlds rubbed their ears, and told each other their love. The atmosphere was so warm that Hecate frowned.

This is also the reason why Hecate is so sensitive to the so-called "like". Because he has seen it a lot, Hecate also roughly understands what his situation is.

"Enemies, more and more..."

Chapter [-] The time of the test has come

Hecate is still immersed in those memories, but now Hecate can clearly tell other girls that Lin Hui is really too careless, at least from Hecate's memory, he can see that he has a relationship with Lin Hui. There are no less than twenty girls who have been in a relationship, and there are no repeats.

There are girls from other worlds, and several of them are from the same world. Some of the girls not only do not stop Lin Hui's philandering behavior, but actually agree.

Basically, girls in the same world will hold groups, and if this world continues to fight infighting, Hecate will feel that the world he is in will lose. Their real opponents are not people from the same world, but other worlds. girl!

Besides, Hecate also knew that there was a "traitor" from another world mixed in in his world. Asami Nakaoka was the first girl Lin Hui came into contact with in the world where she lived, and her threat was stronger than others. .

It was because of these memories that Hecate was more conscious than the other girls and wanted to unite, otherwise, they would really lose.

Of course, although Hecate knew that he liked Lin Hui, but as for what is "like" and what is the so-called "love", Hecate has no idea at all, just from the actions and methods in the memory fragment, Hecate made a judgment in comparison with it, but Hecate did not understand this feeling.

Is physical contact really that fascinating?

What does the so-called emotional integration feel like?

He had already made up his mind, but he was unwilling.

Hecate does not understand, if this is the so-called "like", then why would anyone want to have this kind of feeling?

That night, it was rare for Hecate not to go to Lin Hui's room to sleep, and after taking a bath, he slipped into the bed by himself.

Hecate did not understand why his heart was in chaos. He had been yearning at any time in the past, hoping to fill his empty body, but now, Lin Hui has done it, but Hecate wanted to return to In the previous state, you don't have to think about it so much, and you don't have to be troubled by such emotions.

However, if Heikati really wants to give up these feelings, these memories, Heikati herself is unwilling, and now Heikati is caught in an endless loop, not knowing what to do or what to do How to face Lin Hui.


do not like?

Hecate can't tell, but what is certain is that Hecate knows that he likes Lin Hui, but why he likes it, and whether it is the kind of like in the memory fragment, Hecate can't make a judgment.

It was still too difficult for Hecate, who was a girl with a budding relationship, to judge such a thing by herself.


On the rest day, early in the morning, Lin Hui was still in bed. After all, she no longer needed to supervise Shana herself. Shana herself would work hard to train to become stronger. Last night, Ma Qionglin was drunk and went crazy. Lin Hui Qi, however, knocked her unconscious with one punch and threw her into her room, but the living room was so messed up that he had to clean it up. Although it was all cleaned up with just a wave of his hand, Lin Hui came It is said that this is obviously unnecessary and has to be done more.

Therefore, Lin Hui has a reason to stay in bed today.


The doorbell was rang, Lin Hui got up and glanced outside, and saw two young girls standing at the door, almost spitting out.

How can they come?

Lin Hui was a little stunned.

And Shana also stopped the exercise in her hand and went to open the door, and she saw Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai edge.

"Why are you here?"

Shana's whole person is a little vigilant. When they were in the water world, Yoshida Kazumi was in a group with Lin Hui, and the relationship between the two improved rapidly, while Hirai Yuki was shot by Lin Hui and took away the person who bullied her. Good luck crammed into her body, making her luckier than everyone else.

Lin Hui's actions made Shana feel uncomfortable.

"Well, Konoe-san invited us here."

Hirai Margin said carelessly, showing a smile, which made Shana unable to express her anger, but Shana felt something was wrong.

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