Therefore, Felice kept searching, kept searching, and in the end, she still searched to no avail. In fact, if Felice went back once, then she would know the message left by Nakaoka Asami, and she would not have to run around outside anymore. However, Phyllis just never went back, and Mami Nakaoka couldn't contact Mami Nakaoka for a while, which was embarrassing.

"Actually, Zero Hour Mizi was caught in the gap of the world, and should have been randomly transferred to other torches, but because there are no torches in other worlds, so I came here to pursue me, who has an aura similar to Mami. Now, I also found Mami's location with the help of the zero-hour fan."

Lin Hui shrugged: "That's the way it is, so it's really normal that you haven't heard of my deeds, because before that, I wasn't in this world at all."

"Don't you think it's strange? I have things like Achilles and Athena that really only exist in myths, don't you think it's strange? Even in the ancient times, I haven't heard of it, right? ?"

Lin Hui chuckled: "These things belong to the world where gods, demons, etc. exist, and I am the representative of human beings in that world, no, it should be said that it is all worlds, as long as it is the world I have come into contact with , they will make me their king."

Lin Hui stretched out a hand: "This is proof, proof of a power completely different from the power of existence in this world."

Lin Hui's hand was entangled with an extremely wonderful power, which was more noble and mysterious than the power of existence. Even Alastair in Shana felt it. If he had this power, then his own There is absolutely no problem with manifesting in this world.


On this day, because of Hecate's speech, three girls were very worried, Shana's training was temporarily stopped, and the two girls, Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan, also left in a trance.

The impact of Lin Hui's words on them was too great.

Another world really exists.

Chapter [-] Where to Go

Hirai margin was lying on the bed, and the whole person didn't know what to say. After going to Lin Hui's house today, Hirai margin felt that his worldview was broken again.

Recalling the encounter with Lin Hui for the first time half a month ago, it was the first time I understood the inner world of this world.

There are man-eating monsters called Red World Apostles and the fire and fog warriors who fight against these monsters. I have also seen that although they are human, they can also fight against the Red World Apostles. Even those powerful fire and fog warriors can't be compared. Superhuman presence.

After that, in those few short hours, Hirai saw a world completely different from the world he once lived in. Some people have died, and the only ones left there are the ones called "torches". The remnants of the dead will burn up sooner or later.

This is the case with his own family, and Hirai Yuan did not know when he had no parents of his own.

And all of this, Hirai Yuan can't remember at all when she lost everything. If she hadn't contacted Lin Hui, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to recall it even when she died, right?

Because of this, after Hirai Yuan got the Noble Phantasm to protect him from Lin Hui, the whole person was extremely happy. Coupled with Lin Hui's appearance, his gentle words, and his powerful strength, Hirai Yuan knew that Lin Hui was The object that he can't reach, but he still wants to fight hard. It is precisely because he understands how big the gap between himself and Lin Hui is that Hirai Yuki can understand that once this undeserved love is completely formed, then there will be pain in the future. how big.

Now, Hirai Yuan is holding his pillow and looking at the ceiling, he has already received Lin Hui's answer, Lin Hui is not without feelings for himself, he also likes himself, but why does he feel a sour feeling in his heart Woolen cloth?

In the water world, when he was in danger, the first person to stand up was Lin Hui. That hero-like figure stood in front of him and directly taught those people a hard lesson.

want to cry.

Hirai Yuki didn't know why, but he wanted to cry. Obviously, he just had a crush on Lin Hui, so he shouldn't have a crush on him, right?

No, it's not like.

As Konoe Shina said, he still doesn't understand the meaning of liking.

"Is it very bothersome? Konoe-san is really bold, but she still admits it even though she knows it, it's great!"

A tear fell from the corner of Hirai's eyes: "Are you going to give up? Isn't it suitable for us?"

"But if Mr. Lin Hui doesn't bother, then don't we have no chance from the beginning?"

"But, it's so difficult!"


Yoshida Kazumi looked at the moon outside the window, and sat at the table, feeling a little lost. In fact, no one knew that Yoshida Kazumi fell deeper than anyone else. She was a very strong and determined girl. To anyone, Yoshida Kazumi is a girl who looks a little soft, but is actually extremely strong.

It is precisely because of her inner tenacity that Yoshida Kazumi was able to accept what Lin Hui said. The most coincidental thing is that Hirai Yuan's family has disappeared, and even Hirai Yuan has no idea how many family members he has. However, Yoshida All of Yimei's family are still alive, including her parents and younger brother.

Two girls with completely different experiences became friends through such a coincidence, and fell in love with the same person again.

It is precisely because I like it that I can see my heart more clearly than anyone else. Yoshida Kazumi originally planned to deepen his relationship with Lin Hui and then confess, no, he will definitely confess today.

If it wasn't for Hecate's words and the revelations, I'm afraid Yoshida Kazumi would have told Lin Hui her feelings today, right?

This is a boldness that no one could have imagined.

It is precisely because of the partnership of Yoshida Kazumi and Lin Hui in the water world that Yoshida Kazumi feels that he is very well protected.

When being acted with Lin Hui, Yoshida Kazumi didn't need to worry about it at all, because Lin Hui would definitely protect himself. This was the conclusion Yoshida Kazumi came to.

Lin Hui is like his own Prince Charming, and he is young (?) and rich. He is also a person who has stepped into an abnormal world but can absolutely protect himself, especially he is very gentle.

All kinds of conditions add up, it would be strange if Yoshida Kazumi would not be moved.

However, today's events made Yoshida Kazumi feel a pain in his heart. Under Lin Hui's almost perfect appearance, he also has the same shortcomings as other men. No, it is precisely because Lin Hui is so perfect that if If there is no defect, it is called abnormal!

Yoshida Kazumi was speechless by this idea of ​​her own, but when she thought that Lin Hui still had a lot of girlfriends in other worlds, Yoshida Kazumi had no way to let go, at least in a short time.


Shana sat in the bathtub, picked up some water with her hands, and leaned against the edge of the bathtub, thinking about the affair that happened today.

It turns out that this irritable feeling is called liking. Did I fall in love with Lin Hui?

But, that guy, that guy...

When Shana thought that Lin Hui would kiss me with other girls, Shana would feel very uncomfortable, no, it was extremely uncomfortable, she felt unpleasant.

Shana doesn't want Lin Hui to have too much contact with other girls, nor does he want other girls around Lin Hui, as long as Lin Hui has himself by his side, it is enough.

"Lin Hui..."

Shana doesn't know what to do, because Will Amina has never taught Shana how to deal with this situation.

Shana didn't know what to do with this young and tender love.

As a fire and fog warrior who maintains world peace, Shana should not think about these, she only needs how to perform her duties as a fire and fog warrior.

However, today, Shana was completely surrounded by strange emotions. Obviously, as a fire and fog warrior, she should not have such emotions. Shana knew it.

However, Shana just couldn't control herself. During this time, all the figures in Shana's mind were Lin Hui. Even if she wanted to forget, she couldn't forget it.

Chapter [-] The Budding Love

"Alastair, Will Emina, what should I do?"

Shana sat in the bathtub and lowered her head gently. Shana felt bitter in her heart for this kind of thing, but it was impossible for Shana to give up.

Maybe Shana is not as trapped as Yoshida Kazumi, but Shana is the one who has stayed with Lin Hui the longest, including the battle. Lin Hui is secretly helping Shana solve some difficult problems, so that Shana can Turn danger to safety.

In every battle, Shana thinks of Lin Hui, thinking that Lin Hui is by her side, she can be extremely powerful, and the power will flow out of her body. However, this time, Shana is really confused.


"Lin Hui, what are you going to do? Let's talk about it..."

Alastair was trying to teach Lin Hui a lesson in the tone of an elder. Others might be distracted by Lin Hui's topic, but Alastair wouldn't. He always focused on the most essential issues. .

"Don't be in such a hurry, it's Shana who makes the final choice, and, Alastair, don't be too hasty to make a conclusion. There will be opportunities to teach me a lesson in the future."

Lin Hui shrugged his shoulders, then said with a smile, "Actually, it's better if you make it clear, so that Shana and the others won't bother me in the future."

"What do you want? Do you know how this matter hit Shana?"

Alastair's voice became more severe: "I shouldn't have let Shana contact you."

"Who can explain such a thing as love? Shana has fallen in love with me, which also shows that I am very attractive, but I didn't say it at first, but, Alastair, I can promise you, I like Shana, I really like her, I like her more than anyone in this world!"

Lin Hui looked at the pendant on the table and let out a long sigh: "Speaking of which, Alastair, if Matilda Saint Milu is resurrected, how can you say about your relationship with her? Do you understand?"

Alastair was silent.

Lin Hui didn't speak either, and the two of them made the living room quiet.

Lin Hui sips black tea while flipping through books. This is one of Lin Hui's few hobbies.

"I don't know, but she's dead, so don't talk about it anymore."

Alastair didn't know what kind of answer to make either, because he and Matilda Saint Milu once had mutual affection for each other. Although neither of them said anything about it, this could indeed shake Yara. One of Stell's minds.

"Well, then, just like you, Shana and me, this is only Shana's choice."

Lin Hui closed the book with a snap, and looked at Alastair with a deep meaning in his eyes: "I like Shana being able to choose the path she wants to take, Alastair, can you please Let go and let Shana choose once?"

"You won't hurt her?"

Alastair doesn't know what Shana thinks, but based on what Alastair knows about Shana, Shana probably won't compromise, because Shana is a very proud and self-improving girl.

"Why do you want to kill her? What I want to do and what you do are the same thing, just making my own contribution to balance the world."

Lin Hui secretly changed the concept of the main characters and events of the two sides, but Lin Hui did not say anything wrong, although the preparation time was longer in the early stage.

"Do you have anything else to hide from us?"

Alastair said this.

"Are you hiding something from you? It's quite a lot, but even if it's your close relatives, you can't tell all your secrets, right?"

Lin Hui smiled: "No matter when, I am thinking about improving Shana's strength now, in this world."

Afterwards, Lin Hui began to walk into his room. There was only a cup of hot black tea on the table.


Lin Hui sat on the chair in his room and continued to flip through the books in his hand. As for things in this world, Lin Hui saw similarities in the past. Because of the disappearance of some people, the whole world's culture has undergone tremendous changes and so on. Things made Lin Hui see something different from this world.

Just like the butterfly effect.

Afterwards, Lin Hui's door was opened, and just as Lin Hui was waiting, a smaller figure walked in.

"elder brother."

"Hecate, why are you doing this today?"

Lin Hui did not call Hecate by her pseudonym, but directly called her by her real name.

"Because I like the leader."

Hecate also reacted instantly and replied Lin Hui directly.

From the moment Hecate entered this room, the whole room was isolated. No one could break through this barrier and hear the conversation between Lin Hui and Hecate.

"Like? Can you be sure? I remember, your emotions are only starting to emerge now?"

As a person who mastered the Seven Original Sins, Lin Hui can clearly feel that Hecate's feelings are very weak and almost undetectable. This is still the state after Lin Hui personifies Hecate, if it is still the state of the apostle of the Red World Lin Hui couldn't even notice it.


Heikati suddenly covered her chest: "As long as I see the memory clip, the leader is with other girls, I feel very wrong here, it's really uncomfortable, there is a very painful feeling, I don't understand why , but, if it is the will of the leader, I am willing to accept it."

Lin Hui put down the book and walked over directly, because Lin Hui was surprised to find that the emotion on Hecate was indeed very weak, but just now, suddenly, a strong emotion broke out. The original sin increased in an instant.

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