
Will Emina was standing on the other side of the ring track. She mainly came to follow Lin Hui and the others, but since Lin Hui didn't go down to play, and just lost it, Will Emina could only follow him. Back here, I plan to wait and see. No matter what, Shana and the others are here, and Lin Hui will always come back.

"I said, Will Emina, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Will Emina.

Will Emina was taken aback: "Why are you here?"

Lin Hui yawned: "I said to you, are you really stupid? Come here dressed like this, if I can't find out I'm blind, you don't see the people next to you, all look at it with a strange look with you?"

Will Emina opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but as soon as she saw the eyes of the people around her, Will Emina couldn't refute it at all.

"Okay, I'll send a message to Lian Nanxi now, and let her help fool it."

Lin Hui said, took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Lian Nanxi, and then showed a helpless and sighing look to Will Emina: "Come with me, you don't want to know what happened these days. what's the matter?"


Will Emina followed behind Lin Hui. Regarding the events of the past few days, Will Emina was indeed a little restless. She was worried that Shana had started to hate her. If that was the case, she would So sad for Will Amina.

Lin Hui took Will Amina to an open-air cafe. After Lin Hui ordered two cups of black tea, he did not immediately begin to explain to Will Amina, and Will Amina was patiently waiting. .

After the black tea came up, Lin Hui took a sip and nodded slightly: "It's not bad, you can taste it a little."

When Willemina heard the words, she also took a sip, but shook her head: "It's incomparable to you."

"It's a far cry."

This is the evaluation given by "Dream Crown Belt" Tiamat.

Well, there is no way to do this. After all, Lin Hui's craftsmanship is really superb. Will Amina has drunk the black tea that Lin Hui brewed, and the mellow taste has made Will Amina unforgettable to this day.

"Also, the taste is indeed not as good as mine, but the enthusiasm I have injected into it is the same as the enthusiasm injected by the people here. There is no difference. What the other party lacks is only time and technical training."

Lin Hui put down the teacup and looked at Will Emina: "We had different evaluations just now, and our values ​​are also different, not to mention, there is still a difference in philosophy between you and me, and then In addition, the impression when we first met was not very good, so there is a gap between me and you, can you admit it?"

Will Emina nodded: "You are right, because I can't agree."

"The relationship is not right."

"Me too, but for Shana, this makes Shana very distressed. You are the one who raised her, but the one who taught her. The two of us are not in harmony, which is a kind of inconvenience for Shana. It's a great feeling, it's a little uncomfortable for her to be sandwiched between us."

Lin Hui began to tell her plan: "She wants to create an opportunity for us to make our relationship better, at least, if we can't meet like a familiar stranger, at least we have to see Then you can smile and say hello.”

"Xia Na, she wants us to be friends. If it is Shana asking me, then I will naturally not refuse, but if I tell you directly like this, you may force yourself for Shana."

When Lin Hui said this, the words stopped.

"Is that so? No wonder she behaves like that these days."

Will Emina suddenly realized.


"Yes, that's why she hides it from you. Of course, she also wanted to hide it from me. Unfortunately, I know Shana, so Shana just told me about it, because it's not bad for me, but it must be I hide it from you, so Shana wants to create an opportunity to make the relationship between you and me harmonious, but I see that you are restless these days, afraid of what to do if it hurts you, so I decided to tell you."

Lin Hui showed a smile: "You don't need to worry, Shana will never hate you, Will Emina."

Will Emina nodded: "Thank you, I will continue to maintain as before until she feels that the opportunity comes."

"keep status quo."

At this moment, Lin Hui showed a smile, and this smile was a little bit bad.

Chapter [-] I'm super good at deceiving people!


Lin Hui raised a finger at Will Emina and shook it: "It's impossible to keep the same state as before, because ah, aren't you the same as before?"

"If you suddenly changed back to the same as before, what would Shana think? If you suddenly stopped doubting, then Shana would doubt whether her plan was leaked. What she wants is between you and me. It can really eliminate the estrangement and get along well with each other.”

Lin Hui began to analyze carefully with Will Emina; "If she realizes that this plan has been known to you in advance, then she will definitely think that you are forcing yourself, which is not good."

Will Emina listened to Lin Hui's words, savored it carefully, and said, "That's right, you're right."

"It makes sense."

Even Tiamat thinks that Lin Hui's words are very reasonable. Indeed, it was originally planned, Shana even used a white lie for this matter, if Shana noticed it in the next time. , but it is not beautiful, so that Shana's heart is directly lost.

For this reason, Will Amina decided to trust Lin Hui, and planned to think about her future thoughts. However, if Will Amina pretended to know nothing, it would be too difficult, because Will Emina was originally a serious and rigid person. Now that Will Emina and Lin Hui partner up to expire Shana, Will Emina also has a feeling of not knowing what it is spreading in her heart.

"And, Will Emina, I'm not going to just pretend to be with Shana, I also want to get along with you, and I want to be your companion."

Lin Hui suddenly came up with such a sentence, and showed a sincere smile to Will Emina; "It doesn't matter if you don't agree."

Listening to Lin Hui's words, Will Emina was stunned, and then showed a very serious expression: "I don't want to see that child sad, and, I choose to believe in you, and I will try to accept you. of."

"try hard."

"Then leave the rest to me. Also, Will Emina, don't you know? If you follow, your clothes are really inappropriate. Shana and the others have already discovered you. "

Lin Hui suddenly closed one eye and made a face at Will Emina.

"Then, what should we do then?"

Will Emina suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Urgent situation."

Even Tiamat lost his usual flat tone, and a little aggravated his words.

"Don't worry, I will explain Shana's side, and I will never let her notice it. You can rest assured. I don't want Shana to look disappointed."

Lin Hui looked calm, and said calmly, "You, don't worry, just leave it to me, then you just need to pretend that you don't know anything and continue to maintain your suspicions about Shana, and It needs to be done step by step, little by little, let Shana think that you are a little impatient, and you can just want Shana to tell the truth."

"Can you hide Shana?"

Will Emina looked at Lin Hui a little worried.

"Extremely difficult."

"I'm super good at deceiving people. Just relax. Maybe Shana will have some doubts in the past few days, but as long as there is no problem with you, I will help."

Lin Hui snapped his fingers: "In order not to disappoint Shana, then, Will Emina, please."

Afterwards, Lin Hui raised his teacup, touched Willemina's cup, and drank it all.

The whole person just stood up and walked towards the other side.

"It's all up to you."

"Keep it in mind."

Hearing the two voices behind him, the corners of Lin Hui's mouth rose slightly.


"Yo, I'm back."

Lin Hui sat next to Shana all of a sudden, and at this moment, Hecate and Lian Nanxi got on the Ferris wheel, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Misaki City.

Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan looked at Lin Hui nervously.

"Did you hide it?"

"It won't be a problem, will it?"

Even Shana looked over.

"'Thousands of Skillful Hands' and 'Dream Crown Band' are not so easy to fool. If there is no normal excuse, they can't hide it."

Even Alastair said this, which shows how serious Will Amina and Tiamat are.

"Relax, don't worry, the plan has not been seen through at all, I was fooled by Will Emina, and I used a very reasonable and well-founded excuse, as long as this excuse is not seen through, No, it will never be seen through, because Willemina herself is one of the parties to this excuse."

Lin Hui chuckled: "This level is within my expectation, so it is normal to release a little news, don't worry."

Shana breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this: "Well, that's good, by the way, Lin Hui, what excuse are you using?"

"I also want to know a little bit."

Even Alastair wanted to know the situation. If he didn't get in touch, it would be bad if his flaws were seen.

And Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan are also a little curious about Lin Hui's thoughts.

Lin Hui took advantage of the situation to repeat the words just now, and emphasized the relationship between himself and Will Emina, which suddenly made Shana realize that this is indeed a good excuse.

That's right, the relationship between Lin Hui and Will Emina is not very good, but the two get along day and night because of Shana's relationship, so for Shana, it's really not very good.

Shana did notice it, but she ignored it because of another thing. Now that I think about it, Lin Hui has skillfully combined the two things, which surprised Shana.

"Lin Hui, that's great."

Shana couldn't help but praise her.

"That's not it, I'm super good at deceiving people!"

Lin Hui touched Shana's little head.

"Ah, ah, I know, you said it before, you lied to me twice, but which two times!"

Shana couldn't help muttering.

"Guess what!"

Lin Hui's smile at the moment was very bad, which made Shana feel a little angry when she saw it.

"Noisy, noisy, noisy!"

Chapter [-] "Action, Start!"

The trip to the amusement park came to a successful conclusion.

Everyone gets what they need.

Shana needs to stabilize Will Emina so that she does not find out what she is doing, otherwise, there will be no surprises.

Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan also met Lin Hui and had a happy day with Lin Hui.

And Lin Hui is happy to see that Hecate is constantly having feelings, first "love", and then "joy" today, what will happen next?

Lin Hui was still looking forward to it.

Hecate, on the other hand, likes to be by Lin Hui's side, no matter where he is.

It seems that Lian Nancy should come out to relax, and she should have a good time today.

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