Lin Hui intends to give it a try to see if Will Emina has something else happened recently. If something really happens, then with Will Emina's character, she wants to be alone. It is not impossible to deal with it.

"Then, Marcoyassis, if you find anything, tell me, and I'll take a look."

Lin Hui started to follow Will Emina. Although the two had had unpleasant experiences before, after passing through the training space, the relationship between Lin Hui and Will Emina improved, although they knew that it was Lin Hui. Hui made it out, but the relationship between Will Emina and Lin Hui has indeed improved.


Along the way, Lin Hui found that Will Amina was indeed the same as usual, but also felt that Will Amina was a little frowning, as if she was worrying about something. Do you want to ask?

"It's not good to hide."

At this time, Tiamat said to Will Emina.

"Well, I know, if I feel like I can say something I'll say yes."

It was a strange feeling that Willemina was even hiding it from Tiamat.

After Lin Hui heard it, he immediately felt that the situation was not very optimistic. With Will Amina's character, how could even Tiamat hide it from her?

There's something odd in here, so walk out.

"Yo, Will Emina, what's wrong, are you worried?"

Lin Hui patted Will Emina on the shoulder, which startled her.

"Lin Hui? Why are you here?"

The two of them leaned against the railing of Misaki Bridge together and looked at the river surface of Zhennan River: "It's nothing, it's just that you feel weird, what happened?"

"No, nothing..."

Willemina was interrupted by Lin Hui just as she was about to deny it: "Nonsense, your face is full of your thoughts, you just won't hide your expression."

"Can you tell me?"

Lin Hui said with a smile: "Anyway, we are also comrades who have 'lived and died together'!"

Chapter [-] Fate?

Will Emina froze for a moment, then looked at Lin Hui's smile, Will Emina's heart trembled, and then shook her head: "I'm sorry."

"No comment."

Although Tiamat doesn't know what happened to Will Amina, since Will Amina doesn't want to say it, Tiamat will not force Will Amina.

Because these two people have very similar personalities, they have been able to live together for hundreds of years.

Lin Hui shrugged, he knew that it would be absolutely impossible to ask Will Emina what to ask now, but Lin Hui still wanted to ask, and he still appeared in a way that Will Emina could not have imagined. Will Emina's side, because, in this case, Will Emina's atrium will definitely have a flaw, then it is probably easier to make a cliché at that time.

Now Lin Hui is also a little anxious, because he will launch another set of plans for Lai soon after. Once the plan is launched, all the layouts will be completed, and Lin Hui will guide Shana to become the real one. "The scorching crusader", after that, Lin Hui will give Shana the final trial.

However, at this time, there was something wrong with Will Amina. You must know that anything wrong with it may lead to her death in that trial. As Shana's life A very important person among them, if something goes wrong, then Lin Hui probably doesn't want to get Shana's forgiveness.

Taking this into consideration, Lin Hui wanted to ask Will Emina to explain her problem, so that she might be able to give some advice or something, or let Will Emina temporarily forget about this problem.

But even if it fails now, then there is still a chance next time, and Lin Hui will not worry about it. Anyway, it will take time before the next plan is launched. If not, then let that person restrain a little bit, although the other party does not Likely to obey his own orders.

"That's it, then I won't ask, hey, Will Emina, you have to live forever, because you are a very important person to Shana, I'm just a human, and for Shana, I may only be able to Be a passer-by in her life, maybe after I die, Shana still has to rely on you for comfort."

Lin Hui chuckled lightly and said some incredible words.

"What do you mean by these words?"


Will Emina suddenly felt that there were a lot of inconveniences in Lin Hui's words, as if she knew that she would definitely die.

"It's nothing, I feel it, I'm not a fire fog, and no one can become my contract devil, and I can't let my existence disappear, I'm the only human who can't be a container, I can tell frankly now You, Will Emina, I am the only one who can not worry about being eaten by the Red World Apostle, because once the Red World Apostle dares to eat me, then there is only one fate for the other party."

"Assimilated by me."

"I am the King of Humans, the overall representative and sum of the human race. The Apostles of the Red World can't bear it. This huge existence is not something they can touch. However, being killed, or getting old, these are all irresistible."

Lin Hui seemed to be indifferent to this, and stretched out. If there is a day, I hope you can comfort Shana instead of me.

Afterwards, Lin Hui moved away, leaving Will Amina standing on the Misaki Bridge alone. The lonely figure made people feel a little lonely and lonely.


It was late at night, but Will Amina couldn't sleep. She was wearing light green pajamas, standing in front of the window, watching the dripping raindrops and the sound of beating on the window, just like Will Amina's heart. The silent tears.

"What happened."

Tiamat couldn't help it either, Will Amina really looked wrong.

"That man is really the same as Merichim, Tiamat."

Willemina murmured: "As strong, as responsible, as persistent, as committed to the end, as inseparable as the 'blazing-eyed crusader', equally... in love 'Scorching Eyed Crusaders'."

"You shouldn't be..."

Even Tiamat was surprised, because Will Emina's tenacity was enough to amaze people, and it was precisely because of this tenacious spirit that Will Emina kept repressing her true self, constantly repressing her true self. Suppressed and patiently endured, Will Emina is the same as always, even if she understands that the person she loves does not love herself.

Unrequited love, living with the person she loves for hundreds of years must be very painful, but Will Emina is still able to face the future with a smile and may become a "flame hair". The child of the Eyeful Crusaders".

However, today's Will Amina has spoken out her inner voice, how can this not surprise Tiamat?

"Yeah, it's obviously a man I will never agree with. I know that it was an incident designed by that man, but I just can't control my feelings."

Will Emina clasped her chest with both hands: "Here, it feels very uncomfortable, Melichim used to be like this, but Lin Hui has done better than Melichim, I don't know why, and I don't know why. I know when he cared, maybe it was during that debate, he confronted me, right?"

"Will Emina Carmel, how can I forget this name?"

"But compared to Melisheim, maybe Lin Hui is a man, but, I..."

"'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands' once again wanted to love, but still fell in love with the man who fell in love with 'The Burning Eyes Crusher'. Maybe this is fate?"

Will Emina laughed at herself: "Is it impossible to get love?"


At this time, Tiamat suddenly spoke up: "I finally confided my heart, and finally let your ego appear, but you can't let it disappear."

"Go for it, you should be lucky, Will Emina, this time the man may not be a single-minded man, but he is definitely a good man."

Chapter [-] is enough to change the future

"How much time and effort did it take for you to live out your true self?"

"No, I understand that it is this complex and tenacious spirit that sustains your spirit."

"But as a king who came with you, in the face of such a clumsy you, you can't just use words to guide you, you can only say a few words like throwing a pebble at the sea of ​​pain, let I am very annoyed.”

"So, don't hesitate any longer. Do you have to give up this hard-won relationship like the previous one? After this relationship, do you still have a chance to pursue the next one?"

Tiamat admonished Will Amina with gentle but serious words.

"Isn't there any more, 'Dream's Crown' Tiamat?"

A hint of hesitation appeared on Willemina's face.


Tiamat's words brought the final determination to Will Amina.


For some reason, Lian Nancy, Hecate and Shana slept together. Originally, Lian Nancy slept with Will Emina, but because Will Emina seems to be in a trance recently, so Shana pulled Lian Nancy to her side and gave Will Amina some time to rest.

However, Shana never imagined that someone very important in her life would "betray" her. Well, if Shana finds out, Shana will definitely suffer a huge blow, because by Shana's side, it turns out to be an enemy Surrounding, this is something unpredictable no matter what.

When he thought of this, Lin Hui felt that he had a little misunderstanding about the way of thinking of people in this world. Obviously in other worlds everything went well, but in this world, no matter how much preparation he made, he would be beaten by others. Arbitrary plans, well, although the plan can be very stable, and even develop good results beyond his expectations, but Lin Hui really doesn't understand what people in this world think.

Why Will Emina likes herself!

Lin Hui is going crazy. He clearly prepared that battle by himself. Logically speaking, it is impossible to gain Will Emina's favorability, and it may even make Will Emina's senses of herself decline. After all, although I have shown many scenes of heroes saving beauty, it is impossible to think about it, right?

At the beginning, there may be good feelings, but later I directly admitted that it was to reduce these good feelings. As a result, now that I am better, the good feelings have not only not decreased, but have increased. What is going on?

Lin Hui was going crazy. What was going on in Will Amina's head? Lin Hui couldn't understand at all. Generally speaking, wouldn't this kind of situation arouse the disgust of girls?

However, Lin Hui overlooked one thing, that is, the first person Will Emina fell in love with was Melichim, "Rainbow Wing" Melichim.

The other party was the right wing of the "Nine Gai Libra" in the funeral bell, and it was also the organization that fought against the fire and fog warriors such as Will Amina in that battle. However, in that battle, Will Emina also loved it. I went to Melisheim, although Melisheim also fell in love with Matilda Saint Milu, the "blazing crusader" at that time, but unfortunately, this was a love without result.

Although Lin Hui doesn't understand it, if you think about it from another angle, it's fine, that is, love is an incredible product. When a relationship comes, no one can stop it, even Lin Hui.

No matter how many times Yakumo Zi erases Lin Hui's figure, it will still be branded in future contacts that will never go away. It is precisely because of this that Yakumo Zi will reduce the time she spends in contact with Lin Hui, but With the passage of time, Lin Hui became more and more clear in Ya Yunzi's heart.

This is an uncontrollable feeling. At the last moment, Yakumo Zi reappeared, opening up the world to Lin Hui. At the same time, he exhausted his last strength and left a hope for Lin Hui. At the moment of burning out, the ashes remained.

It was precisely because the ashes were rekindled and burned, that Lin Hui regained his feelings and would not embark on a path that Yayunzi did not want to see.

That night, the two could not sleep.


In the morning, after breakfast, Ma Qionglin went to drink again. Anyway, Lin Hui had a lot of money on her body. Ma Qionglin simply took a lot of it and used it for her own pleasure. Just to satisfy this alcoholic.

As for Will Emina, Lin Hui didn't expect it to be related to him at first, so he didn't know how to face Will Emina, but at least he couldn't show his heart.

"Lin Hui, can you come with me?"

Will Emina looked at Lin Hui and said, this time, Will Emina's oral fetish did not appear, but in a gentle tone that Lin Hui had never heard before.

Lin Hui scratched his head: "Okay, by the way, Will Emina, I also have something I want to tell you."

Willemina froze for a moment, then nodded.

No matter what the final result of this relationship is, Will Amina is fully prepared.


"Let me speak first."

Lin Hui and Will Amina came to the Misaki Bridge. This is the place where the two separated yesterday, and now they are here again.

Lin Hui took out a one-third circular fragment from the side: "This is a very precious treasure. At a certain moment in the future, it will definitely play an unimaginable role, and it is something that can change the future. I hope you can take care of some of it."

"Change...the future?"


Will Emina was very surprised: "Is it really okay to leave it to me? Can't you keep it yourself?"

"No, the only thing I can't come and hold, anyone else can, but I can tell you very clearly, Will Emina, I will divide this kind of thing into three, two of which will be handed over. I gave it to two other people, and I decided to keep this last one for you, trust me, it can bring you a different fate."

Chapter [-] Love makes no difference

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