After finishing dinner, Lin Hui took off his apron and walked towards Shana's room. Will Amina did not bother Lin Hui, because Lin Hui had already said that he would leave this matter to him. to solve.

"Miss Carmel, you actually confessed to your brother, right?"

At this time, Hecate, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at Will Emina: "I can distinguish only this possibility."

"Yes, do you have any advice?"

"Please explain."

Facing this girl who looked exactly like Hecate, Will Amina felt a little guilty, because strictly speaking, Hecate was the first girl to be by Lin Hui's side, and the others were latecomers.

"It's nothing, just, please don't do anything that makes brother sad, and no matter what brother does, please remember that what you see is not necessarily correct, brother's behavior is meaningful. "

Hecate left such a meaningful sentence and continued to watch TV, ignoring Will Amina.

Will Amina immediately began to taste Hecate's words.


"Xana, open the door."

Lin Hui knocked on Shana's door.

Shana opened the door, looked around, then pulled Lin Hui into the room, pushed Lin Hui directly on the bed, and said with a gloomy expression: "Why? How many contacts? Besides, Willemina is not the kind of person who will promise you casually."

Lin Hui rubbed his temples and seemed to have a headache: "Are you jealous?"

"No, I'm just a little angry. Why did you confess to Will Emina? You clearly..."

Shana pouted her little mouth, and the whole person seemed to be unhappy.

"Haha, isn't this a self-admission? You are obviously angry."

"Not at all!"

"Yes, I have."

"No, I said no and no."

"It's not like that."

"Noisy, noisy, noisy!"

Shana couldn't say anything about Lin Hui, so she directly took out her "killer", but this time it made Lin Hui shut up, because generally, when Shana said "noisy" for three consecutive times, it was Shana who was about to explode. It's time.

Therefore, Lin Hui did not stimulate Shana too much, but instead said, "Why do you think Will Amina can't accept me?"

"Because Will Emina is very powerful and serious, although her personality is a bit rigid, but Will Emina is a very good person and doesn't think about other things, she is a very pure fire and fog warrior. "

Shana recalled Will Amina's previous appearance. For the Fire Mist Warrior, it is normal to pursue efficiency and speed. It is also normal to constantly fight against the Red World Apostles for hatred. Will Emina is also a similar person.

"Maybe, but you certainly don't know, Alastair should know that Will Amina has changed."

Lin Hui said, "Do you need me to say it?"

"No, no need."

Alastair's words came out, and there was some helplessness in his voice: "Perhaps you are indeed a good choice for 'Ten Thousand Skillful Hands', but..."

"Huh? What are you talking about? Has anything happened to Willemina before?"

Shana was full of puzzles, because the conversation between Lin Hui and Alastair made Shana completely unaware of the situation, and she always felt a little strange.

"This is Will Amina's private matter, which cannot be told by me and Alastair. If you really want to know, then ask Will Amina."

Lin Hui suddenly grabbed Shana's right hand: "I'm so sorry, my princess."

"Your Highness Princess, Lin Hui, why did you suddenly say this?"

Shana was immediately blushed. Seeing Lin Hui kneeling in front of her on one knee, Shana's whole heart was "thumping" and she seemed a little nervous.

At this moment, Lin Hui took out a ring. There was a diamond on the ring, but there was a faint glimmer of light in it, giving people a very beautiful feeling.

Lin Hui raised Shana's right hand and put it on Shana's ring finger: "No matter what your answer is, I'll tell you now, Shana, I like you, I like you very much."

"This is my oath to you, the promised oath, no matter what happens in the future, I will be with you."

Chapter [-] The Wheel of Wind

Shana didn't expect Lin Hui to be so direct. Moreover, this was because Lin Hui was so solemn and made an oath to herself in such a formal manner. This feeling was completely unexpected to Shana.

Now Shana feels that a flame is burning in her heart, as if she is about to break through all obstacles. Shana has already touched the barrier that is blocking her. With a single poke, the thin layer can be removed. The obstacles like cicada's wings shattered.

"Alastair, please be your witness."

Lin Hui said after bringing the ring to Shana.

"Well, yes."

Alastair felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he was also happy for Shana. It was the best gift for Shana to get such a solemn oath from Lin Hui.

"Please take good care of this ring. In the future, Shana, I believe you will definitely use it. This is just a unilateral promise I made to you."

Lin Hui took out another ring and put it in Shana's hand, this ring is a little different from the ring on Shana's hand, just like a ring: "When you think the time is right, you After you can make a decision, come to me with this ring and fulfill your oath to me."

Afterwards, Lin Hui lightly kissed Shana's pretty face: "Because a kiss is an oath of both parties, so now it can only be my unilateral oath to you."

Shana's face turned red all of a sudden, and the top of her head seemed to be steaming, but Shana suppressed her shyness and put away the ring that Lin Hui put on her hand: "Well, I will definitely of."

Others may not know, but Shana already knows very well that she and Lin Hui will not be separated anymore. Therefore, Shana already feels when she has to make up her mind.

When he was first trained by Lin Hui, what were the answers to the three questions that Lin Hui asked him?

And Shana has also decided that after she became a real "blazing crusader", she completed Lin Hui's final trial for herself, that is, after she confessed to Lin Hui, because only at that time, she Only then can I proudly prove that Lin Hui's training and his own education are correct and successful.

Touching the place where Lin Hui had just kissed, Shana smiled, because Lin Hui made a unilateral oath to herself, so Shana must also respond to Lin Hui.

Just when Lin Hui was about to get up, Shana hugged Lin Hui's neck directly and pressed her lips to Lin Hui's face, making Lin Hui feel a little cool.


"This is also my unilateral oath."

Shana showed a happy smile, and then left the room: "Okay, it's time to go to dinner, it's time to train with me today."

Lin Hui smiled when he saw Shana leaving, there is no better development than this.

Speaking of training, Lin Hui now basically has two other people besides Shana who have also participated in Lin Hui's training, that is Yoshida Kazumi and Hirai Yuan.

Of course, according to the difference of the three people, Lin Hui also formulated a training plan for the three people.

Yoshida Kazumi has almost developed all the abilities of "Compassion of Life". What he needs to do now is to make his thoughts stronger and the effect stronger.

On the other hand, Mardi Hirai needs to master the power of the "crown of honor", focus his attention on manipulating various summons, or directly summon a large number of summons to fight with crowd tactics. However, one is consumption. Spirit, one is physical strength, so Hirai margin needs to focus on these two aspects of training.

As for Shana, it's actually some very common combat training, because Shana's opponent is Lin Hui, and Lin Hui's strength can be said to be the only existence that Shana has encountered so far that can't be defeated. However, it is precisely because Only by fighting against Lin Hui will Shana steadily approach the "power" in her heart.

However, after going out, Hecate and Lin Nancy's eyes straightened.

"Xia... Shana?! The one on your right hand is..."

Shana proudly raised her right hand, not only because of the ring on her hand, but also because it was on her ring finger.

Lin Hui is from China. No matter Shana, Lian Nancy or Hecate, there is a habitual name in that country, which is "Men on the left and women on the right", and the ring finger is usually worn on the ring finger. In place of the wedding ring, Shana now wears a ring that looks like a diamond on the ring finger of her right hand.

And Will Emina felt a little sour in her heart after seeing this scene, although Lin Hui said that he would comfort Shana and make Shana come out with a smile on her face.

But the question is, is this comfort a little too much?

This is simply a direct oath of sovereignty, and looking at Shana's appearance, I am afraid that even if she goes to school, she will not take it off.

"Okay, at least cover up when you go to school."

Lin Hui appeared behind Shana, touched Shana's little head, and then looked at the women sitting at the dining table: "Don't worry, you will have some in the future, prepare to eat."

"Then I'll call the 'eulogy reciter'."

Willemina nodded at Lin Hui, and walked towards the room where Marjoram was.


Somewhere in the world, a gust of wind blows.constantly floating in this world.

"Zero Hour Mistress..."


Outside Misaki City, a courier truck entered Misaki City. While unloading, the hands of one person and another touched.

Immediately, a small freestyle passed through the driver of the courier car to another person's hand.

After that, this person also kept in contact with other people, so that this little freedom was continuously transmitted throughout Misaki City, just like a small roulette wheel, even if it was blown by a gust of wind. can turn quickly...

Chapter [-]: The Mutation of Qingqiu Festival

When the little free law was passed in the city, even Shana and others didn't notice it, and Lin Hui naturally paid attention, but it obviously had nothing to do with him, so Lin Hui didn't pay much attention to it. These things.

However, another thing caught Lin Hui's attention.

"Are you going to hold the Qingqiu Festival?"

Lin Hui is a little curious. As far as Lin Hui knows, the Qingqiu Festival is an event similar to a school celebration at Misaki High School where Shana and others are currently.

"Well, so I might have to sleep at school for the next two days."

Lian Nanxi lay on Lin Hui's legs and said softly, "It will be very busy."

"That was really hard work."

Lin Hui was a little speechless. Looking at Lian Nanxi's appearance, he knew that Lian Nanxi didn't want to participate. He was dragged to school by Hecate and Shana.

"Isn't it, alas, how comfortable it was back then."

Lian Nanxi said a little decadently, lying on Lin Hui's legs, her head rubbed against Lin Hui's stomach from time to time, and asked Lin Hui to help her with her messy short hair, although she had nothing to do, but Lian Nanxi still I prefer the feeling of Lin Hui being with me. This feeling is really comfortable. As Nakaoka Asami once said, when I am with Lin Hui, I always have a sense of security, which makes me feel at ease. give everything to each other.

Lian Nanxi now understands this feeling, and it is exactly what Nakaoka Mami said, but the former Lian Nanxi did not have such an experience, perhaps because she has not experienced it, and because Lian Nanxi herself That superb law of freedom is pursued by countless people.

"Little Night Singing Bird" is a Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm together with the "spiral organ" Lian Nanxi and the cage in which she was imprisoned can be manipulated by a top-notch master of freedom and use the power of existence to arbitrarily construct the desired freedom method.But launching it requires a lot of power of existence, and many apostles of the Red World put themselves in in order to launch it. He was liberated by the annihilation, and was liberated by the "Red Flame Witch" Nakaoka Mami, and was brought under his command.

However, it is precisely because of this experience that Lian Nanxi can understand how incredible the sense of security being by Lin Hui's side is.

"Lian Nanxi, don't hide beside Lin Hui every chance you have!"

At this time, after Shana came out of the room, she saw Lian Nanxi lying on Lin Hui's legs, her little feet swaying constantly, looking very comfortable.

"Huh? Is Shana jealous?"

Lian Nanxi turned over and directly became lying on Lin Hui's legs.

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