Chapter [-] Endless?unsolved enemy

"'Cai Piao', that's right, we've already played against each other several times, and it should be possible to achieve this level."

Shabrak didn't have much atmosphere. On the contrary, he was very leisurely, as if he was not the one who was wiped out just now. No, this statement is not accurate. It should be said that it was not him who was defeated just now.

"'Bad Blade' Shabrak!"

The wound on Hirai's body was also healed by Yoshida Kazumi, and Will Emina and Shana also stood up and faced Shabulak.

The current lineup against "Bad Blade" Shabrak is extremely luxurious.

First of all, one of the three pillar gods in the red world, "God of Punishment" and "Tian Earth Tribulation Fire" Alastair and his contractor "Bright Eyed Crusher" Shana, plus the long-established "God of Retribution" "Dream Crown Belt" Tiamat and his contractor "Ten Thousand Skillful Hands" Will Emina Carmel, as well as the famous battle mad group in the red world, "Ravaged Minions" Marcosias and Contractor "eulogy reciter" Marchionne Duo.

This is just the power of the Fire Mist Warrior. On the side, there is a very powerful Fire Mist Warrior "Red Flame Witch" Nakaoka Mami, one of the subordinates of the most powerful Fire Mist Warrior "Scarlet Flame Witch" "Cai Piao".

As well as the artifact holders Hirai Yuki and Yoshida Kazumi who were gifted by Lin Hui and played a role in turning things around in this battle.

Facing such an incomparably powerful lineup, on the other hand, Shabrak was the only one on his side. In addition, after his powerful "Stigma" of Freedom Law was cracked, Shabrak should logically be There is no chance of success.

However, Shabrack still did not retreat, even if Will Emina and Phyllis had fought against Shabrack several times, they could not guess Shabrack's thoughts.

"Maybe it's the regret I left behind that I couldn't kill with one hit. I solved you guys, and the work may be a lot easier. Maybe it's a lot easier."

Shabulak once again rode the waves of flames and poured down directly towards the crowd.

Shana's back stretched out a pair of flame wings and flew directly into the sky. The rest of the people, Ma Qionglin, stepped on the book and avoided it at once, and Willemina and Felice also did the same. Leaving the roof at once, Hirai Yuki took Yoshida Kazumi onto the huge body of the metal dragon and flew into the sky.

"Don't try to escape!"

Shabulak missed a hit, and the whole person quickly turned his direction and attacked in the direction of Yoshida Kazumi, because Yoshida Kazumi was able to crack his law of freedom. Without Yoshida Kazumi, the balance of victory would be tilted towards Shabulak.

"Don't try to escape it's you!"

Shana leaped down directly and slashed directly towards Shabrak.

Shabrak raised the sharp blade in his hand to block Shana's attack. However, he did not expect a ribbon to wrap directly around his waist, pulling it violently and falling to the ground. At the same time, the ribbon happened powerful explosion.


Intense smoke and dust rose slowly from the ground.

A breeze blew, and Shabrak appeared in front of the girls again intact.

"How could this be? Couldn't he be killed?"

Hirai Yuan saw that Shabulak could not be injured under such an attack, so how could Hirai Yuan fight? Even if she could use the divine weapon, she could compete with the Red World Apostle and even the Red World Demon King, But her physical strength is not infinite, and Shabrak seems to not consume the power of existence at all.

"Yes, this is 'Bad Blade' Shabrak, the notorious killer in the red world. His stamina is extremely high. No matter how many times he beats him, he can reappear."

Willemina explained.

"The danger is extremely high."

Even Tiyamat commented on Shabrak like this, which shows how dangerous Shabrak is in Tiyamat's heart.

"Isn't there any good way? 'Wan Tiao Qiao Shou', 'Cai Piao', haven't you fought with him many times? Or, is there any good way for 'Scarlet Flame Witch'?"

Marjoram was a little helpless in the face of an enemy like Shabrak. After all, it was too terrifying. If they couldn't be killed all the time, they would be the ones who were consumed.

"No, at least Mami-sama has never played against Shabrak, but if it is Mami-sama, maybe you can find the reason for Shabrak's abnormal durability."

Felice shook her head. Although she knew Lin Hui's plan, she didn't think Shana could pass this test. With such an intractable opponent, can Shana really do it?

"Alastair, what do you think?"

Shana asked, while dealing with the sharp blade flying below, the terrifying dark red flames kept flying towards the sky, separating the girls.

"Well, it's hard to deal with. It's an enemy that's not easy to deal with. I don't have any clues now. If it was Lin Hui, what advice would he give?"

Alastair was thinking from Lin Hui's point of view, but there was no good way.

"Lin Hui?"

Shana's eyes lit up: "Yeah, maybe you can find it... No."

Shana shook her head: "Only this time, I can't ask Lin Hui for help. After the former Red World Apostles came to Misaki City, Lin Hui accompanied me to crusade, but this time the movement was so big, it was impossible for Lin Hui. I didn't sense it, which means..."

Shana looked around and saw a tall building not far away. Lin Hui stood there and nodded to herself, while Lin Hui was standing next to Lian Nanxi and Konoe Shicai.

"Sure enough, Shabulak was the test object Lin Hui gave me, and it was precisely because of Shabulak's strength that Lin Hui allowed me to join forces with others."

"It's not that the Fire Mist Warriors can't join forces. This is the purpose of this test, right? Maybe, together, we can defeat Shabrak."

Shana is full of confidence. For Shana, since Lin Hui has already come, she must not let Lin Hui down.

"Then come on, let's fight back the powerful enemy Shabrak!"

Alastair cheered for Shana.


At this moment, Shana's heart is burning with flames...

v Can the [-]th chapter win?To win!


Shana's whole body turned into a man of flame, and she swept past Shabrak's body directly, splitting into two with a sword. However, after Shabrak's whole body turned into fire powder, not far away, another Shabrak appeared, and this was the seventh Shabrak defeated by the women.

Although it is said that most of Shabrak's attacks were blocked by the girls, and they have been suppressed by them all the time, but Shabrak's breath has never been weak, on the contrary, it is the physical strength and existence of the girls. Strength has been consumed, although Yoshida Kazumi can also recover physical strength, but the problem is that this also consumes Yoshida Kazumi's physical and mental strength relatively.

Even if Yoshida Kazumi's physical strength can be restored, the mental fatigue will not disappear, just as constant high-intensity work can oppress people's breath, Yoshida Kazumi is constantly squeezing his own spirit under such circumstances .

Also, Shabrak wasn't the kind of little character that could be slaughtered.

If it was somewhere else, then Will Emina could roll up Shabrak and let Phyleth blow it away with the wind, and then they retreated to prevent Shabrak from pursuing him.

But the problem is, now that they are fighting in Misaki City, it is a defensive battle, so Shabulak must be forced to retreat, not if they want to retreat.

At this moment, even Lian Nanxi is on the field. Except for Lin Hui and Hecate, all Shana's fighting power can be dispatched. If there is Lin Hui's help, it must be a lot easier to fight. , but Shana was very stubborn and didn't want to ask Lin Hui for help, because this was her own battle.

Since Lin Hui can be sure that this is something he can solve, there must be a secret that he has not discovered.

Although Shana wanted to find out, but because Shabrak's attack was too fierce, Shana couldn't notice the strangeness at all, but felt that Shabrak's power of existence was really barely consumed. Normal time.

And now, Mardi Hirai's physical strength can't keep up. Even if he uses human sea tactics, Shabulak can cause raging waves to destroy those summons.

Although the power is definitely not as terrifying as the first time, it is also extremely terrifying. Once it is affected, Yoshida Kazumi will consume his physical and mental strength to break the "stigmata" and then carry out treatment. For Yoshida For a United States, this will be a huge war of attrition.

Yoshida Kazumi is everyone's lifeline. Once Yoshida Kazumi falls, Shabulak's "stigmata" will show off his power again, and use that terrible power to let everyone experience the power of Shabulak once again.

Lin Nancy frequently used the free method to block Shabulak's pursuit, and Lin Nancy collected the power of existence for decades. Although it can relieve the urgency of the moment, it is not a long-term solution.

Just like the declaration made by Shabrak when he realized that the women could not cause great harm to him:

"The war of attrition, the one who is at an absolute disadvantage is you!"


Shabrak wielded two swords and attacked Shana, one sword after another, making Shana struggling to cope. Even if he used a powerful attack to kill this Shabrak, the next Shabrak would appear again. Dragging the girls to death with a series of attacks.

"Xana, take a rest."

Hirai Yuan shouted to Shana, if it is a war of attrition, there are so many people on their side, and there is only one person on the other side, so they obviously have the advantage. However, the problem is that the other side can't kill them. They seem to have endless physical strength and existence. Just like the power, even if they are killed once, they will be resurrected again, but they are the ones who are in a disadvantageous situation.

"Wait a minute!"

Shana panted slightly, and flames ignited again on the Zhide Palace, and swept the sword directly at Shabrak.


The strong attack directly drowned Shabulak in it.

Just when Shana was going to return to rest.


A raging wave appeared directly behind Shana, and the wings behind Shana closed in an instant to prevent herself from being hurt, but the powerful impact directly knocked Shana into the air.



Shana fell to the ground severely, her whole body groaned, her body seemed to fall apart, and Shabulak fought with the others.

"How could this be?"

Shana supported her body with Zhi Dian Zhan, and wanted to stand up.

At this moment, a hand reached out and held Shana's shoulder: "Take a rest, you are already very good."

Shana was stunned for a moment, then looked behind her, Lin Hui and guard Shi Cai didn't know when they came so close to the battlefield: "Lin Hui?"

"Can you win?"

Lin Hui spoke softly.

Shana's eyes dimmed when she heard this sentence, but Shana couldn't say it confidently at the moment.

"I...I don't know..."

Shana's voice was very soft, but Lin Hui could hear it clearly.

"It's not like you to say such discouraged words!"

Lin Hui rubbed Shana's head and comforted her. Konwei Shicai looked at Shana. Although she was not angry, in fact, Shana was able to do this well.

"Shabulak is a strong enemy. This time the enemy may be really difficult to deal with. If there is no better way, you may need to take action. Your ability can already play a big role."

Alastair said solemnly.

Shana felt ashamed of herself. She obviously didn't want Lin Hui to take action, so should I ask Lin Hui in the end?

"You don't need to think too much, because Shana, who has been moving forward bravely, just attacking her own goal is very handsome!"

Lin Hui did not directly answer Alastair's words: "Go ahead and fight, it doesn't matter if you still lose in the end, you have done your best, that's all."

"To win!"


Chapter [-] My answer

Looking at Lin Hui's confident eyes, looking at Lin Hui's courageous smile, and recalling everything in the past, Shana's confidence that had been beaten at this moment was completely awakened at this moment.

"Well, I will win, no, I will definitely win!"

Shana gently stroked the ring on her upper right ring finger at this moment, and then stood up again. The tiredness on her body seemed to be swept away, and her whole body glowed with more dazzling brilliance than ever before. Perhaps, For Lin Hui, now Shana is the most dazzling person.

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