East Edge looked at Mami Nakaoka, and a huge momentum rose from her whole body, trying to compete with Mami Nakaoka: "That's natural, because we are here to compete with you."

"Hey hey, Miss Nakaoka, I didn't expect you to stand on the side of the masquerade party. This is something that no one would have thought of."

Sansbury filled his hatred as soon as he opened his mouth.

When Nakaoka Mami heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: "Good news, you actually dare to call me with that name, it seems, it's impossible not to beat you today!"

"Please tell us, 'Red Flame Witch', why did you stand on the side of the masquerade ball? With your character, it is absolutely impossible to make such a choice."

Sintahir seems a little dissatisfied.

Nakaoka Asami stabbed the long sword on the ground and sighed slightly: "No way, who made my beloved choose this side? His will cannot be changed, then I will definitely unite with him, because , he is my whole world!"

Mami Nakaoka sighed slightly: "Moreover, there are some secrets in it. I told you, but you don't understand. For him, for us who are familiar with him, this is exactly what he will do."

Then, Nakaoka Asami pulled out the sword: "Okay, without further ado, let me see how much you have grown in these days?"

Nakaoka Asami stepped on the ground, and suddenly, the whole ground seemed to be shaking.

When Cinta Hilton caught Sansbury and Westerly, they teleported a short distance.

East Edger waved his fist and slammed it with a powerful force.


A loud bang exploded directly, and East Edger directly took Nakaoka Asami's vampire Brotzaog.


However, the next moment, there were several wounds on East Edger's arm, and the blood arrow flew out directly.

East Edge jumped back directly, looked at his injured arm, and looked at Mami Nakaoka: "As expected of you."

"Easter Edger, your strength is definitely more than that, but I know it, don't worry about it today, let's fight as much as you like."

Nakaoka Asami carried the vampire on her shoulders, and said in a domineering manner.

Yes, it is this gesture, this gesture full of boundless domineering is the "Red Flame Witch" that everyone respects and awes!

The rain is still falling. Although it was almost shattered by Nakaoka Asami's attack just now, this was maintained by Sintahir, one of the four gods of the earth, with all his strength. Even though Sintahir is not good at fighting, , No matter what, he is also one of the four gods of the earth, and it is impossible for him to be destroyed by Nakaoka Asami's sword so easily.

"Sister Nakaoka, it's really heart-wrenching, this time we are actually on opposite sides!"

Immediately, several dolphins jumped out of the water, and there were still flaming flames in their bodies. It was Wester Xiuya's attack, and it was also her best method.

"Westercia, how many times have I told you that if you fight, you must make up your mind and cry like what it looks like!"

Nakaoka Asami sternly criticized, and at the same time, the sword cut all the dolphins in half, and a huge explosion occurred on both sides of Nakaoka Asami's body.


Suddenly, dozens of dead people wearing golden masks were cut into several pieces before they rushed to Nakaoka Mami's side.

"Oh, as expected of Nakaoka-sama, she really won't leave any flaws!"

Sang Si Bai Lei smacked his tongue and said, masking other people, Sang Si Bai Lei can still speak up, even without any scruples, but Nakaoka Asami is the only one who can teach him to not find Bei, at this time, Even his arrogant, cruel and ruthless Contract Demon King "Dread of Deterrence" Tezcatlipoca didn't dare to say a few more words.

"You stinky boy, you haven't had enough, have you?"

Nakaoka Mami was speechless, everyone else was fine, so Sansbury, a relatively young kid, would call her big sister when she saw her, and let Nakaoka Mami beat him every time he saw him, which made him often talk to Nakaoka. Mami plays hide and seek.

"How tiny is the star we live in."

"Look at the world of stars and confirm in my heart."

"Whoa, whoa—!"

Countless meteors flashing with celadon-colored flames charged straight down, mercilessly bombarding Nakaoka Asami.

Seeing this scene, Nakaoka Mami immediately smiled: "Sure enough, among the four, only Sintahir and East Edger, the two of you are the most worry-free."

Nakaoka Mami stabbed the ground with a sharp sword: "However, if you want to defeat me like this, you must be underestimating the 'Red Flame Witch' too!"

At this moment, with the foot of Nakaoka Mami as the center, a Tai Chi pattern suddenly appeared, spinning constantly, and a coat of flames formed around Nakaoka Mami, and the whole person burst out with a huge and terrifying atmosphere at this moment: " This should be my first time using this power in this world!"

A powerful flame rose from Nakaoka Mami's feet, and a terrifying force enveloped Nakaoka Mami, and the flames burned, forming a huge flame tornado.

The crimson flames almost dyed the sky the color of blood.

The next moment, the flame tornado dissipated, and countless flames appeared behind Mami Nakaoka with a pair of huge wings, and the excess flames rose to the sky, forming a huge pattern, which was the pattern of the divine beast named Suzaku, On the periphery of the pattern, there are incomprehensible words: "Suzakuyu!"

Unlike East Aizhe's Meteor, Nakaoka Asami's "Suzaku Rain" is very large, covering all the four gods of the earth, including the dead people summoned by Sansbury. in it.

Those meteors fell into the rain of flames and were instantly swallowed up, disappearing directly.

"Boom boom boom!"

A strong explosion sounded directly throughout the battlefield...

Chapter [-] The girl who reversed the tide of battle

The earth was burning, but the rain could not extinguish the burning flame like blood.

In the past, Nakaoka Mami has never used this freedom method, because the consumption of this freedom method is extremely huge, and in the situation where it is difficult to replenish the power of Nakaoka's existence, once Nakaoka Mami uses this trick, it is very difficult It is easy to fall into a state of weakness.

Moreover, with the strength of Nakaoka Mami, after the battle of the ancient times, it is no longer necessary to use this trick, and in the battle to seal the sacrificial snake, because the sacrificial snake is too large, it is easy to spread. Other fire and fog warriors can't use this trick.

However, now Nakaoka Mami doesn't need to worry at all, because Lin Hui is by her side, and the power of existence she can use can be said to be almost endless. Moreover, the place where Nakaoka Mami and the four gods of the earth fought , there are no fire fog warriors or red world apostles who dare to intervene, so don't worry about hurting innocent people.

The super-powerful freedom method, which once destroyed a combined fleet with one blow, once again shocked the people of this world with absolute oppression.

This is the strength of Nakaoka Mami. She can fight against the four gods of the earth by herself and completely defeat them. She deserves the name of the strongest fire and fog warrior.

It's a pity that this time, it is on the opposite side of all the fire and fog warriors, and it is no longer the spiritual pillar that can be used by all the fire and fog warriors as the last line of defense. Therefore, the effect is to bring all the fire and fog warriors extremely terrifying. pressure.

Each of the four gods of the earth lay on the ground, with burn marks all over their bodies. Although they did not die, they were seriously injured and were basically unable to fight any more.

"everything is over."

Nakaoka Asami said in a calm mood.


Immediately, four sounds of breaking the air came.

Nakaoka Mami immediately took a defensive stance, however, she saw four long swords radiating white light pierced into the bodies of the four gods of the earth.

In an instant, the four lightsabers standing on the ground exuded an incomparable brilliance, illuminating this somewhat gloomy battlefield almost in an instant, bringing a trace of fire and fog to all the warriors who fell into the haze. Dawn of hope.

In the light, the four ancient fire and fog warriors who had fallen down stood up again.

When the light dissipated, there were no scars on the four gods of the earth, and even the aura was raised to the highest limit, and all the states were almost perfectly restored.

"Is this the power of an artifact?"

Sintahir felt his state and was extremely surprised.

"Hee hee hee, it's really scary, but it's true that I told that little girl that this kind of power is enough to change the situation of a war."

With a wave of his hand, Sansbury once again summoned countless dead people to surround him, ready to start fighting.

"Well, this kind of power that can help others is really great! Rather than fighting, I really prefer communication without getting hurt."

The words of Westerasia made even the "Bell of Clear Drift", who is her contracted demon king, not knowing what to say, but once she really had to fight, Westercia would not know what to say. Soft hands.

"I'm sorry, 'Scarlet Flame Witch', everyone understands your strength, so we're going to borrow some less glorious means here."

East Edger's burly figure burst out with a strong momentum again; "We will definitely stop you here."

After hearing it, Nakaoka Mami suddenly smiled: "Well, this is you, then, let's try it out."

"You should also know that the longer you fight with me, the more powerful it will be for me!"


Nakaoka Mami rushed towards the four gods of the earth, and the whole person broke out with an indomitable terrifying momentum, pressing away towards the four gods of the earth.


Not only the battle situation on the side of the four gods of the earth has been changed.

The Fire Mist Warrior surrounded by other places was stabbed with a green lightsaber. Immediately, the green barrier blocked all attacks from the outside, while the internal Fire Mist Warrior's attack could be penetrated. Through the barrier, the Red World Apostle was knocked down.

Those who are injured are recovered by a white lightsaber, and their physical strength is exhausted, and those who are not enough are recovered to their peak state by a red lightsaber.

The blue lightsaber can also completely eliminate all the free-spirited methods that bring people a negative state. Therefore, from the very beginning, the entire battlefield was surrounded by blue lightsabers.

The black lightsaber can bring huge damage to the Red World Apostle, but it will not hurt the Fire Mist Warrior.

Standing on the top of the fortress, dressed in a white girl like an angel, the light behind the aperture kept splitting the lightsaber, bringing back the battle that was about to be defeated bit by bit.

On the other side, the golden Valkyrie also appeared.

The whole person rushed directly into the battlefield. Wherever she passed, the terrain of the entire battlefield was changed in an instant, and everything changed inconceivably. Sometimes the Red World Apostle who was fighting fiercely suddenly stepped on the air. , the whole person fell directly into the pothole, or was wrapped around the body by the plant that suddenly grew.

Under such circumstances, it would naturally be killed by the fire and fog warriors.

At the same time, after the Valkyrie entered the battlefield, people with the same appearance as her continued to appear on the battlefield. Wherever there was a lack of manpower, the golden sword in his hand was enough to break all defenses, even in Hubble. When Lim used his free method "Flaming Fire" to strengthen the "cannon-type" phosphorous army, he was completely blocked by the Valkyrie who was traveling on the chariot.

One person is enough to match an army, and at this moment, it is perfectly reflected in this girl.

Because there are more than [-] various summons gathered around the girl, there are flying dragons, tigers, giant snakes, etc., and even she herself is mixed in it, directly blocking the front line At the very front, the continuous reinforcements that had put pressure on the Fire Mist Warriors were cut off.

The action of the two girls changed the situation of the battle in an instant.

Chapter [-] A drop of blood

Originally, the Masquerade Ball was the largest organization of the Red World Apostles in the world. In addition, because of the rumors of the creation of a new world released by Lin Hui, the Red World Apostles from all over the world gathered here. The fog warriors are several times as many.

Naturally, it is impossible to put all these combat power into use in one go, to fight against the attacks of the fire fog warriors with continuous investment. In addition, in terms of the battle situation, the Red World Apostles have the advantage, and the fire fog warriors basically have the advantage. It's a bit difficult to maintain the front line.

Constantly increasing the number of the Red World Apostles, bit by bit oppressing the Fire Mist Warriors, this is Xiu Denan's plan.

When the Four Gods of the Earth went into battle, this disadvantage was instantly reversed, but it didn't last long, because Asami Nakaoka directly suppressed the Four Gods of the Earth, so that the Four Gods of the Earth could not distinguish the strength to prevent the defeat of the battle.

However, the problem is that now on the side of the Fire Mist Warrior, with two human beings, the human beings holding the so-called "artifacts" have achieved a victory far beyond the four gods of the earth. A girl on the fortress used that terrible support. The ability reversed the disadvantage in one breath and steered all the battles to the optimization.

The other girl was bold and fearless, directly cutting off the passage from the masquerade to the battlefield, carrying tens of thousands of summons to block the support of the masquerade, and this was also the most dangerous, because this girl fell directly into the enemy line among.

However, the girl who was like a Valkyrie was not injured, but instead became more and more brave, further widening the gap between the two sides.

Whenever the masquerade wanted to break through this line of defense, the girl would add more summons. What's more, the strength of these summons was not so simple. The powerful ones could even rival the Red World Demon King. Although the Red World Apostle also wanted to attack this line of defense that was blocking support, he was bitten by the fire and fog warriors, and once he retreated, he would be severely killed.

When Bellupiolu saw this scene, he never imagined that two humans, only two humans would turn the originally good situation around.

The current Belupeo finally understands that Lin Hui's words are indeed correct. As expected, he can only send out all his combat power, otherwise, everything will be over.

"General, please take action."

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