Demon Lord, this is the real Demon Lord, just like Woban, a person who can do whatever he wants and only act according to his own mood.

Thinking of this, Yi Lixin pushed a step forward and let out the door.

Lin Hui walked into the mansion leisurely, and soon found Alice's room: "For the next thing, you'd better not eavesdrop, or I will be very unhappy! "

Lin Hui smiled like this, but in Yi Lixin's eyes, it was extremely scary.


Opening the door, Lin Hui saw an extremely luxurious big bed, no, it should be said to be luxurious. As Lin Hui said, it is the same as the one in the princess' bedroom in fairy tales, and its shape and size are extremely luxurious. , There is also a veil-like ceiling, the veil hangs down at will, and there is a little wave in the breeze.

Because the spiritual power is too strong, but the physical quality can not keep up, therefore, Alice's face is pale now, there is no blood, although the breathing is steady but very weak, giving people a feeling of pity.

Under such circumstances, coupled with his stunning appearance, any normal man would have the urge to kiss him, let alone a man like Lin Hui who was loyal to his desires.

As long as you have an idea, it is half the battle.

"Hmm! Lord Tyrant, what do you want to do?" At this time, someone who didn't understand the style appeared.

Lin Hui walked over to the bed and sat down. Looking at Alice, who was beautifully dressed and showed defensive eyes, she felt like a princess, but more like a little girl next door.

Lin Hui gently arranged some messy hair for Alice's body lying on the bed.

"Well, Lord Tyrant, how can you touch a girl's body so casually?" Alice made a rare embarrassment to Lin Hui.

Lin Hui looked at Alice and smiled: "Isn't it good to look like this, anyway, there are no outsiders around now, and those people in your family don't dare to eavesdrop on our conversation. Why don't you relax more?"

Alice came to Lin Hui angrily, her appearance of a good girl had completely disappeared, just like a little witch, she wanted to kick Lin Hui's foot: "Really, I didn't expect Your Excellency Tyrant to be such a person. Merry Demon King, really!"

"Do you know how devastating what you said before is to a girl!" Alice puffed out her cheeks.

"What's the matter? Can't it? Or is it that Princess Alice is not allowed to marry?" Lin Hui said with a playful smile.

Alice pouted: "It's not that I can't say that, but I haven't made up my mind yet. What's more, I'm getting bored this month! No matter what excuses I make, Yi Lixin won't let me out."

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and lightly flicked Alice's forehead: "You are ashamed to say, your current body is really bad, I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when you see it, if you continue to use your spiritual body Going out, your lifespan will definitely be shortened, and your body will collapse. Your spiritual power itself surpasses that of most people, not counting godslayers, you are probably the number one person in the world, but your body The quality is really poor, and it is a pity that there is no room for the talent that is too excellent!"

Alice rubbed her temples: "It's a pity there's no way, isn't it?"

Lin Hui suddenly made a move that made Alice panic, and gently lifted the incomparably smooth chin of Alice's body lying on the bed.

"Ehhhh? Lord Tyrant, what are you doing?" Alice's face flushed, and she was extremely flustered.

A blush appeared on the face of Alice who was lying on the bed.

Lin Hui smiled: "If you just bully a girl who can't resist like this, it's really unfulfilling! What do you think, Alice?"

In Alice's surprised eyes, Lin Hui sang the spirit of words: "I use this spirit to bring blessing and glory to the people in front of me, I use this spirit to heal all the wounds in the world, and I use this spirit to dispel everything. The ominous, all curses and disasters, disappear in front of me, give this person the power of the gods!"

Afterwards, Lin Hui kissed her whole body, gently hugged Alice's slender body, pressed her lips closer to him, and sent a gentle spell into Alice's body , to correct the problems caused by her multiple use of the avatar, and give her the power to protect her.

Chapter [-] Then, please take me away!

"Hmm..." Alice's body let out a soft moan like a dream.

A powerful force was continuously sent into Alice's body, and Lin Hui carefully repaired the damaged part of Alice's body.

Immediately, Alice's pale complexion began to turn ruddy.

What was originally only a slight gasp became more intense.

Lin Hui was even more able to feel the soul-stirring temptation of this delicate body in his arms.

Originally thought that the girl who had to lie on the bed for a long time because of her health would be a little nutritious or slender, but Lin Hui could feel that the girl's body in his arms was not at all at all. Slim, on the contrary, the plump place is very plump, and it doesn't look like malnutrition at all, oh, or in other words, it should be the so-called papaya porridge that is usually eaten, otherwise it will not have such charm.

Moreover, Lin Hui is now more certain about one thing, that is, girls are all fragrant, and the breath that Alice exhales now gives people a sweet feeling, making Lin Hui who is in close contact with Alice now feel like Taste like honey.

The ability of Alice's overly powerful mental power is called telepathy. This ability is very powerful, and Alice's spiritual avatar is derived from this ability.

And the more you use telepathy, the more it will erode the human body. That's why the more Alice creates a spirit body, the weaker her body will be. Therefore, in order to prevent Alice from creating a spirit body and running around, That's why Yi Lixin placed a barrier in the museum to prevent Alice from wandering around the world.

And once the spiritual avatar is used later, Alice's body will get worse and worse, and even shortened life expectancy is absolutely possible. Once Alice's body is not enough to support her life, Alice's body will get worse and worse. will die.

And the protection given by Lin Hui at this moment is equivalent to a kind of blessing, and he gave part of his power to Alice. Even if it is a purified, very small part, it is enough for Alice to move freely in three or four years. It can't be said that they have the powerful strength over there like Erica and others, but at least they are much higher than ordinary people.

Just when Lin Hui continued to protect Alice, Alice's spiritual avatar could no longer be seen, and the whole person disappeared at once.

And Alice, who was held in Lin Hui's arms, opened her eyes slightly, her clear eyes captivating.

Lin Hui's protection was over, just when Lin Hui wanted to let go, Alice's hands suddenly wrapped around Lin Hui's neck: "Aren't you going to propose to me? This is not the attitude of a suitor what!"

Saying that, Alice pressed her lips to Lin Hui's again.

Lin Hui was suddenly a little stupid when he encountered this scene, but the meat that was brought to his mouth was not eaten for nothing!

The two kissed for more than an hour before it ended.

"How do you feel? My suitor?" Alice smiled slyly.

Lin Hui stretched out his hand and held Alice's little head: "What else can I do? My princess!"

"Hey, Lin Hui, are you telling the truth?" Alice was a little confused now, like a little girl who was at a loss.

"What?" Lin Hui looked at Alice curiously.

Alice looked into Lin Hui's eyes and said very seriously, "It's what you said to Yi Lixin, you fell in love with me at first sight, so you came to propose!"

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "At least, it's not fake that I like you!"

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