Such as Monkey King, Perseus and the like.

One of the two is the famous protagonist in "Journey to the West", and the other is world-famous for beheading the monster Medusa.

Throughout the ages, there have been thousands of myths born through the hands of human beings, and some of them naturally disappeared or suddenly deteriorated.

And if the myth changes, then the nature of the god will also change, and that is the law that the god whose essence is the myth can never get rid of.

Just like Athena, she was originally the queen of the gods who reigned at the center of Mediterranean mythology. Later, the feminist society was denied, the era of male sovereignty came, and myths were tampered with by men. Athena, the queen of the gods, was thus degraded. The godhead was also divided, two of which became Zeus' wife Metis and his daughter Athena in Greek mythology, while the part belonging to the snake was degenerated into the monster Medusa.

Fortunately, the myth that Athena is the queen of the gods in the Mediterranean has not disappeared. Therefore, the essence of Athena's godhead has not changed, so Athena can still restore the identity of the Trinity and once again rule the gods.

"However, if a myth is completely tampered with, then the god at the center of this myth will also be tampered with!" Alice's eyes were full of meaning.

"If it is said that Lancelot came to this world a thousand years ago, however, within a thousand years, his own myth has been completely tampered with, then Lancelot's original myth has disappeared. The person is Lord Gnivia!"

Lin Hui seemed to have caught something: "Gunivia must have a purpose for doing this. If it is for the King of the End, then what is the purpose of tampering with the myth? Once the myth has been tampered with, if Lancelot dies, Then it really disappears from this world, because the myth that originally belonged to him no longer exists."

"Lord Genievia, who used to be the goddess of the earth, sacrificed herself to create the Holy Grail, and then it was the previous Lord Genievia, who took a shortcut in order to let the last king come. ."

"That is, weaving a legend similar to the last king into a myth, and then spreading it out. After the myth is formed, like the Marquis of Vauban, use the ritual of letting the god of disobedience descend to summon the last king."

Lin Hui smiled: "That myth is the legend of King Arthur? But it doesn't look like that now!"

Alice nodded: "Well, Lord Gnivia added himself and Lancelot to this myth and became King Arthur's concubine and courtier, so that all myths are close to the legend of the last king."

"It's a pity that the myth has not yet been formed, and the summoning ceremony has not yet been launched. The previous generation of Lord Genievia died and was reincarnated several hundred years later. However, these hundreds of years have made this myth out of formality. , was re-woven and tampered with by many people."

"In the end, King Arthur was born and became an independent myth, and also a new god, a similar but different existence based on the last king."

"At the same time, Lancelot's mythology has also been changed, and he has become the Knight of the Lake in the legend of Great Britain. The real body is buried in the long river of history and is no longer known."

Alice explained for a long time: "This is the truth of King Arthur!"

Chapter [-] Find the truth from the long river of time!



Mordred looked at the white horse knight in front of him: "It's not bad, it's really strong!"

Lancelot looked at the girl in front of him and the little girl who threw a flying knife on the side. Both of them were still terrifyingly strong. They were not godslayers but could have the strength to fight the god of disobedience. .

"Mordred, brave girl, you are indeed strong! Yes, my identity is indeed not Lancelot, but now I am Lancelot!" Lancelot riding on a white horse Take off his helmet.

A beautiful blond hair fluttered in the wind in the air, revealing a beautiful face, with fighting intent burning in his eyes, looking at Mordred: "Come on, let's fight as much as we like!"

Gnivia looked at Lancelot who was struggling to fight, and couldn't help but start to get anxious. After all, that Demon King could come at any time, but he was already being targeted. Once that one came, It's all over.

Mordred slashed at Lancelot with a long sword that shone with crimson thunder.

And Little Jack is paying attention to Lancelot and Gnivia. Once Mordred can't support it, Little Jack will throw out the throwing knife to stop Lancelot's attack, but the most important thing is Still have to block Gnivia's way.

Don't look at Little Jack's strength, but it is precisely because Genivia is a woman that he can really feel that huge power from Little Jack.

As long as Little Jack is willing, he can create a thick layer covering this beach in just a few seconds, activate his own Noble Phantasm in ten seconds, and kill Gunivia in one breath, perhaps, Guniwei Ya won't die, but serious injuries are the minimum.

And in that case, even little Jack had a [-]% chance of winning against Lancelot.

"Go, my beloved daughter!" Suddenly, Lancelot turned into a flash of lightning and charged directly at Little Jack.

"Hmph, don't try to run!" There was a lot of dense fog around Little Jack.

However, Lancelot's lightning directly dissipated the thick fog and stabbed directly at Little Jack.

"Hey, hey, your opponent should be me! Jack, go, stop her!" Mordred directly blocked in front of little Jack.

"Yeah!" Little Jack was about to run away thinking about Gnivia, but Gnivia roared and untied the dragon-snake seal on his body, turning into a huge white dragon and heading towards the king of the end. Fly away to the sleeping place.

"Don't try to disturb my beloved daughter! Mordred, come on, let's keep fighting!" Lancelot, who turned into lightning, was obviously three points stronger than before, forcing Mordred to Got a little chaotic.

And little Jack couldn't catch up with Gnivia, who had turned into a white dragon, so he had to come back and deal with Lancelot, who had become extremely powerful, with Mordred.


"Is the truth buried in history? It's interesting, then, let me have a look!" Lin Hui let go of Alice's hand.

"Huh? Lin Hui, what are you going to do?" Although Alice didn't quite understand, she should make a lot of noise from Lin Hui's appearance.

Lin Hui waved at Alice: "Stand far away, don't let it affect you! Next, I want to take a look at the real body of Lancelot who came a thousand years ago."

"How could it be possible?" Alice was shocked. If it could be done, then all the gods and myths would be invisible in front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui took a deep breath, the space around his body changed a little, the space around Lin Hui's body and the space where Lin Hui is now are not the same space, the time in the space where Lin Hui is now is rapidly regressing As he watched, everything was reviewed in front of Lin Hui's eyes.

A rushing river of time completely drowned Lin Hui, and Lin Hui was struggling against the current like a fish.

The surrounding history was all recorded in Lin Hui's mind, things that happened decades ago, things that happened hundreds of years ago, and even things that happened more than a thousand years ago.


In that era, there was no so-called King Arthur legend. In that era, people were not as good as they are now. In that era, people worshipped and feared myths and gods more. The gods have descended much more than now, and it can even be said that those so-called natural disasters are caused by the gods who do not follow.

However, at that time, it was not uncommon for the gods who were incapable of killing gods to become godslayers because of their luck.

Because the godslayer is a demon king!Digital demon kings ravaged the earth, such an era is not the end, so what kind of era can be called the end?

However, at this time, a goddess descended, as the earth goddess, she transformed herself into the power of a god, and yes, the steel god was able to obtain power from the earth goddess, from the earth goddess to be exact Extract the essence.

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