"Why?" Lin Hui was puzzled.

"The person where I am hiding is not yet found, but once found, everything will be over, remember, you are the fool, the fool Epimetheus! The only person who can fight against that person! Go to Athena for all your doubts, although she doesn't know everything, she will definitely be able to help you!"

Pandora's voice sounded in his mind, Lin Hui stopped, turned and left Netherworld.


"Huh, I hope everything will get better in the future. I didn't expect him to do such a thing. I hope everything can end in this period! Through my hands, the best child I have created, At the same time, he is someone who can be my husband!" Pandora breathed a sigh of relief after watching Lin Hui leave.

"This really makes me sad, Pandora, shouldn't your husband be me?" A young man walked out slowly.

Pandora looked at the young man in front of him: "Then you are still here! Epimetheus."

"No, you should be called..." Pandora looked at the young man in front of her.

"Why don't you go on? That's right, once you say that name, I will be able to find you!" Epimetheus laughed: "It's a pity, I also love you very much! It's a quick start!"

Pandora sneered: "You are so embarrassed to say it! I never thought such a thing would happen, but now, my real husband has appeared, the fool Epimetheus, no, the fool Lin Hui, he will knock you down!"

Epimetheus looked at Pandora: "That must be done! I will definitely find the thing you are hiding!"

"You have no fighting power at all, you can't win against me!" Pandora is very proud, and she is the most perfect goddess created by the gods, and she is not afraid of Epimetheus at all.

"Yeah, this is also my biggest mistake. I didn't expect you to find out!" Epimetheus sighed while stroking his forehead.

"However, after the arrival of the Fool, that thing will definitely surface, even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it! It will appear with the appearance of your husband Epimetheus! I'm already too far ahead. , as long as I can get it, you should be very clear!" Epimetheus sneered: "Anyway, the face has been torn, so this incarnation is unnecessary!"

Epimetheus' body gradually faded away.

Pandora looked at Epimetheus and said blankly: "Too much ahead? No, you are the one who is behind, my husband Epimetheus, no, Lin Hui, he is the one who is ahead. One, you are lost! After countless years of arrangement, you can only make wedding dresses for Lin Hui in the end!"

"I'll wait and see!"

Pandora began to pray: "Please, Lin Hui, you must win!"


Lin Hui returned with a great victory, defeated the hero who annihilated the demon king, completely killed the hero Rama, successfully obtained the power of the sword of salvation from Rama, and integrated it into his warrior incarnation. middle.

After the Divine Sword of Salvation was completely integrated into the warrior incarnation, the many powers that were originally stuck were disintegrated in an instant. That is to say, at the end of the transformation, there was still a little bit of inability to transform now. The power usurped from the gods has all been transformed into his own power.

Numerous powers began to disintegrate and recombine. From the original ten incarnations, they continued to shrink, and they formed a new warrior incarnation that combined the power of the sun, the sword of salvation, and the incarnation of the warrior. The new celestial incarnation, which combines the incarnation of a young man, the incarnation of a male sheep, the new natural incarnation of the water dragon, the incarnation of the speed of light that combines the incarnation of the phoenix and the incarnation of the somersault cloud, the incarnation of the giant power that combines the three heads and six arms, the incarnation of the Taurus and the incarnation of the camel, which combines The new Tianma incarnation of White Horse incarnation and Golden Crow incarnation, and the incarnation of Warcraft that combines the powers of black dragon and wild boar, a total of seven new incarnations.

These seven powers are not the power of the gods, but the power of the seven original sins of human beings. This is the new power that Lin Hui obtained after decomposing and transforming it. However, there are more powers sleeping However, Lin Hui needed to keep digging in the battle.

However, this battle was the most costly battle for the island country. The economic losses cannot be said to be in billions, but in trillions. Fortunately, Lin Hui still had some conscience at the last moment. In World War I, Lin Hui was dragged into the turbulence of time and space. Therefore, the loss was greatly reduced, but it still exceeded one trillion, which made people speechless. Hui suppressed.


At night, Lin Hui put down the book in his hand. The book is about the myths and legends of ancient Greece.

"What's wrong? Athena, do you want to serve me today? Don't you usually go back to your room after serving me? As a maid, you're not qualified!" Lin Hui looked at the door On the side, she had already taken off her headgear and turned into the goddess of a young girl.

"You really did it! But it's finally about to start!" Athena looked at Lin Hui and couldn't help sighing.

Chapter [-] Lin Hui and Athena

Lin Hui's eyes narrowed slightly: "It's starting? What is it about to start? By the way, Pandora said before that I can't go to her now, and also said that I can ask you any questions. Then, can I invite you? Explain it? Her Lady Queen of the God Realm of the Mediterranean Sea!"

Athena suddenly smiled sweetly: "Queen of the God Realm? Now the concubine is just a little maid of Ru, the dear master of the concubine!"

Seeing that Athena, who was originally three-none, suddenly showed such a smile, Lin Hui's heart twitched fiercely, and then he stroked Athena's face: "What a goblin!"

Athena put her arms around Lin Hui's neck and kissed Lin Hui's lips very actively.

Lin Hui, of course, was not to be outdone, and directly started a fierce quarrel with Athena!

After a while, Athena released Lin Hui's lips and smiled: "My concubine is not a fairy, but a goddess!"

Lin Hui stroked Athena's long smooth hair: "For me, goddesses and goblins are the same! What happened today?"

"Come to complete the agreement with you!" Athena leaned on Lin Hui's body: "And the agreement with Pandora, you defeated the concubine body, defeated Rama, the concubine body will always be by your side, Even if the myth disappears, even in countless distant futures, until the end of time, the concubine will accompany you to meet the final battle!"

"O concubine's predestined person! Your boldness, your bravery, the concubine has already received, then the concubine will become your property at this moment!"

Hearing such words, if Lin Hui still didn't understand, then he would have made so many girls in vain!

He directly hugged Princess Athena, while Athena's hands were still on Lin Hui's neck. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lin Hui's profile, and couldn't help showing a sweet smile.

"My concubine, actually fell in love with a mortal!"

"Because, I am very domineering, I will never allow the girl I like to slip away from my eyes!"

"Then, let your concubine feel your domineering!"

Hearing this, the lust in Lin Hui's body could no longer be controlled, and the lust ignited, as if to burn everything down!

Immediately, the clouds and rain turned, and there was no sleep in the middle of the night!


At the beginning of the cloudy rain, Lin Hui bare his chest and looked at the silver-haired girl leaning on him. Everything just now seemed to be in a dream.

Athena lay on Lin Hui's chest: "Lin Hui, you listen carefully, there is a certain process in which the mythical person I waited for has turned into a god of disobedience from the time of his arrival, which originated from a certain god. A whim! After coming to the earth, the gods will gradually infect the atmosphere of the world in the continuous journey, and finally become crazy and degenerate into disobedience!"

"Moreover, it will cause different degrees of disaster according to the characteristics of the gods. Where the sun god passes, it will turn into scorched earth, where the sea god passes, a tsunami will flood the town, and wherever the war god passes, it will cause war for no reason. !"

"I know this, but didn't the gods I see now fall into disobedience as soon as they came? Why is this?" Lin Hui stroked Athena's smooth back lightly.

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