As a king, Kazushima Saeko naturally has others to take care of, but Kazushima Saeko prefers to fight.

Therefore, Saeko Poshima, Mordred, Skaha and Luo Hao often practice together, and the relationship between the four of them is also heating up rapidly, and there is a feeling of seeing each other late.

Little Jack and Wanli Guguang became very good friends and often acted together.

It can be seen that Lin Hui's life is very comfortable.

However, there is one girl who is dissatisfied, that is, Her Royal Highness Princess Alice, who is known as the most noble in Europe!

"Lin Hui is too bad!"

Princess Alice has been playing around since she followed, ah, no, after being kidnapped by Lin Hui, there is no way, because of physical reasons, you can only use the spirit body to act, but unfortunately, because using the spirit body too much, it will hurt Ellie. Silk's body does some damage, so Ellis often prevents Alice from sneaking away, except in special circumstances.

So that Alice was almost suffocated. Therefore, when her body was liberated, Alice no longer looked like the elegant and generous lady before, but became a quirky little sister next door. girl.

However, it is a pity that the goddess has intentions, and King Xiang has no intentions. Alice has already accepted Lin Hui. Lin Hui is stunned to respect her. The figure was so angry that Alice stomped her feet.

Therefore, Alice came up with this method today to take care of Lin Hui.

Chapter [-] Can't wait?

Seeing that Lin Hui actually used the space ability to transfer everything, he said with some dissatisfaction: "What, men are really like this, and they don't care when they get it! Humph!"

Lin Hui walked up to Alice with a black line, and knocked hard: "I said, are you mistaken! Do you know how tiring it is? It's an ATM and another Baggage, Alice, you're making me so embarrassed!"

Alice pouted: "It's not your money! What's wrong with letting you carry your beloved girl to carry a bag? Don't you want it? Woohoo, really, Wang actually wants me after playing with me. Abandoned, really sad!"

Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden. He was tired. When it comes to acting, Lin Hui is ashamed of himself. In addition, Alice's scheming is no less than Lin Hui's. When Si confronted each other, it was natural that she could completely abuse Alice. As long as Lin Hui was given enough time to let Alice jump into the pit by herself, even if there was not enough time, she could still be on a par with Alice.

Of course, this is a confrontation between the two. If you add a resourceful Paul Browntree, the situation will be difficult to say. Although Alec is smart, his layout ability has not reached the level of Lin Hui. Therefore, he suffers a loss. is natural.

After all, Alec was not like Lin Hui, he would overturn the table if he couldn't do it. Anyway, Wang was always willful.

It's a pity that Alec takes calmness and rationality as the benchmark, so it's no wonder that he doesn't suffer. When he is a devil, he has to look like a devil. In the end, he didn't find his way back, so he became the only one who was beaten. The demon king who was repelled by humans was the only one among the demon kings who failed in a battle with a king who was not of the same rank.

Looking at Alice's tears like rain now, Lin Hui only felt that it was not easy for Alec to survive until now, but he didn't die of anger, he was really strong!

The pedestrians around began to point, and Lin Hui couldn't help but turn a little red even if his face was thick enough to block the explosion of the atomic bomb.

A random hint of magic made the surrounding pedestrians not pay attention to the situation here, and as a result, Alice was angry again.

"What, it's so boring, I thought you would be angry here, Lin Hui!"

Lin Hui's mouth twitched: "Do you want me to be preached by Youri again?"

Alice nodded seriously: "Well, because you're funny like that!"

Lin Hui sighed helplessly: "I said, Princess Alice, let's clear up the relationship first, first of all, I did go shopping with you today, but first, I didn't do anything to you. So there is no such thing as saying that I will abandon you when I finish playing!"

"Uuuuu, Lingcai, look at how scumbag your father is, he won't recognize him in a blink of an eye!" Alice immediately found a helping hand.

Ji Hiiragi reconciled Alice: "The bastard dad has always been such a scumbag, Princess Alice, didn't you already know it, it doesn't matter, I'll just talk to my mother after I go back!"

Lin Hui almost died of anger, these two little girls.

"Secondly, it's okay to carry a bag, but the question is, why do you have to hang it around my neck? I feel like my neck is being bent!!! It's ruining my handsome image!"

Alice curled her lips: "Really, always so narcissistic!"

Lin Hui raised his head proudly: "It's not narcissism, it's self-confidence!"

Alice looked defeated.

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai shook his head: "Dad is a father, no one has the thickest skin!"

"Stupid daughter, did you say that about your father?" Lin Hui glanced at Ji Hiirai Lingcai, mainly because Lin Hui himself hadn't figured out how to deal with his relationship with Lingcai.

If I really want to say, Misaka Mikoto is a beautiful dream in Lin Hui's heart, and it is impossible to let go, but Lin Hui really hadn't thought about it before, but he looked at Ji Hiiragi who was getting more and more down. Ling Cai, who has almost the same appearance as Ji Hiragan Xue Cai, Lin Hui was still a little emotional.

When he thought that his daughter might be deceived by some kind of man in the future, Lin Hui really felt that some treasures in his heart were taken away, and he was worried about gain and loss, but the problem now is that Ji Hiirai Lingcai seems to have been taken away. People have deceived their hearts, and the lucky one is actually themselves.

When I think of ethical issues, wait a minute, it’s a bit wrong, there’s no ethical problem, um, anyway, it’s only the will of the world that will make Ji Hiirai Lingcai born. As her own daughter, only Ji Hiiragi Xuena can't live there.

Lin Hui suddenly felt like a fool. After struggling for so long, Misaka Mikoto was also the son of the world. He just liked it, how about it?Do you want to give your daughter to another man?What a joke!

Whoever dares to touch his daughter will break his three legs!

When he opened his eyes again, Lin Hui's eyes were no longer tangled. Now that he has decided, he must act. The only regret is that he will be chased and killed by Ji Hiiragi Xuecai for a long time, and the cold war will last for at least several times. In the past few years, don't even think about climbing onto Ji Hiragana's bed.

Athena looked at Lin Hui. Athena, who was as intelligent as the deep sea, could naturally see the unreasonable relationship between Lin Hui and Ji Hiiragi. However, in Greek mythology, the relationship was already in chaos. What kind of father? With daughters, mothers and sons, even three generations of grandparents and so on, even Athena has encountered a similar situation, the courtship of his own brother Apollo, and even his father Zeus coveted Athena's beauty, It's no surprise that this has long been accustomed to.

Ji Hiirao Lingcai made a face: "Those who say other people are stupid are stupid!"

Suddenly, Lin Hui and Athena's bodies burst at the same time.

"Do you feel it?" Athena looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui nodded: "Well, it seems that the guy can't wait any longer, so let's get ready early!"

Alice looked at Lin Hui and immediately understood: "Are you going?"

Lin Hui touched Alice's little head: "It's still early. At least that guy needs a lot of time to prepare for action. We still have enough time for at least two or three weeks to make arrangements!"

Alice looked at Lin Hui with an inexplicable look in her eyes.

Chapter [-] Give me everything to you!

Because of the unusual aura that was sensed in advance, the shopping this time was ended hastily, and Lin Hui and Athena began to arrange in advance. The first was the reading of mythology. With Lin Hui's understanding, he wanted to thoroughly understand a god. The best way is to teach. Although for others, it may disappear after a while, but Lin Hui can fully understand it and turn it into his own knowledge.

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