Ji Hiirao Lingcai opened her eyes gently, looking at the scene in front of her, the muscles on her face moved a little, as if she was smiling.

Lin Hui let go of Ji Hirao Lingcai's lips: "It seems to be recovering well."

"Because Dad is here!" Ji Qi Lingcai seemed to be reluctant to leave Lin Hui's embrace, wrapping her arms around Lin Hui's neck.

"Why do you do this?" Lin Hui looked at Ji Qi Lingcai.

Ji Hiirao Lingcai smiled and replied: "Because I believe in Dad, just like Dad, you believe in me! I will not embarrass you, even after I fall, Dad, you will come to save me! Before! I didn't dare to do this without you, but, I know, now because of you, I can't do it! I don't want you to worry about me, but I really want you to See, your daughter, Lin Lingcai, has really become stronger, stronger, I can follow you to fight!"

"Dad, you are not alone on your way forward in the future! I can already accompany you all over the world!"

"What a stupid girl! So, before accompany me to travel all over the world, do you have to recover first?" Lin Hui scratched Ji Hiragana Lingcai's nose.

"Dad, please help me! This way I can recover faster!" Ji Hiragana Lingcai said to Lin Hui so frankly for the first time.

Lin Hui glanced at Ji Hiirai Lingcai: "You are not afraid that I will be killed by Xuecai!"

However, even though he said so, the clothes on his body had disappeared.

Ji Hiiragi Lingcai smiled: "Anyway, Dad, you're not dead, you just got stabbed a few times, it's alright! The big deal, you 'stab' her daughter first and come back!"

Lin Hui pinched Ji Hiirai Lingcai's small face: "Where did you learn such a dirty idea! It's not allowed to be like this in the future!"

The night has darkened, but the nightlife is still growing!

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight You Can't Even Take Time Off!

Seeing that his bosom looks exactly the same as Ji Hiragana Yukina, but the amount of milk is Ji Hiiragi Lingcai, who surpasses Ji Hiragan Yukina, Lin Hui can only say this, youth out of blue is better than blue!

Seeing the happy smile on Ji Hiirao Lingcai's face, Lin Hui was already thinking.

"Is there too much harm? What a scumbag!" Lin Hui said helplessly, this time he really ate his daughter and accomplished a feat.

I hope that I won't be hacked to death when I go back, ah, yes, although Ji Hiiragi Yukina agreed, there is another Hwangsaka Sayaka, this girl protected Lingcai so well that Lin Hui even thought that Because she didn't have any fun with Ji Hiirah Yukina, she planned to start to develop Ji Hiiragi zero dishes from a young age, but unfortunately, Ji Hiirai zero dishes were also eaten by herself.

I feel like my life is suddenly in danger!

It's not just Huangsaka Sayaka's problem, there is another person, that is Lanyu Shallow. She also has a daughter with her, Lanyu Mengcong, which is expected to be miserable now, and Nangong Na, who is almost equivalent to the lord of the harem. Yue, although Lin Hui had no scruples when he was not with Nangong that month, but since he was with Nangong that month, Nangong that month became more and more like the head of the family, which made Lin Hui is very embarrassed.

Especially in the few years when Lin Hui was sleeping, Nangong did his best to manage the world that Lin Hui had returned to him that month, and helped Lin Hui to sweep away the future crisis and nip all the hidden dangers in the bud.

If Nangong Nayue knew that he had married his daughter, then hehe.

Ah, the journey of my life is really sad!

"Yeah!" Ji Hiirai Lingcai stretched comfortably, lay in Lin Hui's arms, twisted her body, found a more comfortable position and fell asleep on Lin Hui's body.

Lin Hui was twisted by Ji Hiirai Lingcai, and became lustful again. There was no way, who made this body so attractive, you know, Ji Hiiragi Lingcai has a vampire physique. Although there will be wounds, it will quickly disappear. Okay, and I'm used to the small breasts of Ji Hiiragi Yukina, and occasionally tasting the big breasts in the appearance of Ji Hiiragi Yukina has a different flavor.

"Daddy bastard!"

Ji Hiirai Lingcai murmured, and buried herself in Lin Hui's arms.

Lin Hui stroked Ji Hiragana Lingcai's hair lightly, then tiptoed off the bed, put on his clothes, washed himself, and left the room.

Ji Hiiratina's injuries have completely recovered, and her mental strength has returned to its best state. In addition, the potential in the previous battles has been continuously awakened by the fighting spirit, and even the third Beast has gradually awakened.

The current Ji Hiiragi Lingcai will not lose even if she is against Jiada, at least she can fight to a tie.

The combat power class of the Lin Empire is basically with Lin Hui as the highest level, then Agulola as the second master, followed by Jia Da, Lan Yu Mengcong and others, then Nangong Nayue, Xiandumu Aye, etc. Strong witch.

Of course, these are just people in the world of "Blood Attack". If you count other worlds, it is incredible. Akashia's power is also extremely strong, with a terrifying strength no less than that of Agulora. Chi Yemeng Xiang and Chi Yemengxiang also have strengths that can be compared with Nangong Nayue and others. It can be said that Lin Hui's empire is growing, and with the journey of more worlds, Lin Hui's power will become stronger and stronger.

As soon as Lin Hui came downstairs, he saw a busy figure in the kitchen.


The figure seemed to be frightened by the spilled oil, screamed, and started to prepare in a hurry, but Lin Huiguang knew it, the sound in the pot should not be able to do anything good.

Lin Hui shook his head helplessly, and walked into the kitchen to see that the petite voice was frantically shoveling an unknown object that was charred in the pot.

"I didn't expect Yukina-chan to make such a cute voice!"

Lin Hui said something unexpectedly.


Ji Hiiragi Xuecai didn't expect to hear Lin Hui's voice at this time. She was so frightened that she almost jumped up. The pot was knocked over at once, and all the oil and black objects in the pot were overturned.

Lin Hui was a little bit, and suddenly, everything including the pot was fixed in the air.

"Really, don't do this! Xue Cai, what if you get hurt?" Lin Hui rebuked.

"But you are too embarrassed to say it! Don't go to accompany Lingcai, these things..." Ji Qixuecai felt a little sour in her heart when she said that, what is this?

Although I was mentally prepared, I knew my daughter's intentions, and I pushed Lin Hui in the back, but when things came to an end, I was still very uncomfortable, I knew that this was something I shouldn't have done, but my own The daughter shares the same man with herself, how can she face her daughter in the future!

Lin Hui hugged Ji Hiiragi Xuena: "I can take care of everything! It's okay! Xuena, you don't have to feel any unease about this!"

Ji Hiiragi Xuecai hugged Lin Hui: "Lin Hui, you bastard, you big radish, you scumbag, but I just don't know why I fell in love with you!"

"Isn't this a lot more frank! Well, leave the next thing to me!" Lin Hui patted Ji Hiragana Xuecai's little head.

Ji Hiiragi Xueca nodded, trotted all the way back to the room, and let out a whimpering sound: "Ah, what did I just say!"

Lin Hui shook his head: "This mother and daughter are really different! However, in general, it's really hard to relax!"

Lin Hui began to clean up the tragic situation in the kitchen, and began to prepare an exquisite and delicious breakfast for Ji Hiirai, and by the way, he also began to prepare breakfast for others.

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