Lin Hui looked at Prometheus expressionlessly: "Whether you will regret it, that is up to me to decide!"

"Prometheus, you are the son of Iapetus and Clymene, the goddess of fame in Greek mythology. Although you are the descendant of the gods of the Titans, you are on the side of the new generation of god Zeus. , therefore, you were allowed to stay on Mount Olympus by Zeus, and this was your first experience!"

"Afterwards, you made human beings out of your own body, and at the meeting of the gods, you deceived Zeus and used the bones of cows to worship the gods, while the meat was left, which gave you the deceit The godhead is a deceitful deity."

"The gods got the offering of bones and were very angry, so they refused to provide fire to humans. Therefore, you stole fire and gave fire to humans. Therefore, you are the god of theft again!"

Prometheus smiled, showing no fear at all, and the golden swords around him did not move.

According to reason, Lin Hui has continuously stated that the godhead of Prometheus is composed, and the golden sword will continue to attack, tearing apart the godhead of Prometheus, but now the golden sword does not have any action, indicating, The essence of Prometheus chanted by Lin Hui is wrong.

"Do you think it's strange, maybe, don't forget, I also took away a lot of the power of the Sun God, so..." Prometheus seemed to want to ridicule Lin Hui.

"However, the above myths are all fabricated by you. Your true essence is to constantly plan, conform to the times, and when you understand that the Zeus side will win, you stand on the Zeus side with your excellent wisdom, so that you can avoid After the fate of being exiled, you saw the development prospects of mankind with excellent wisdom, and you chose the side of mankind after weighing the pros and cons!"

"Your seemingly ignorant behavior is indeed the best manifestation of wisdom. Then, because of the emergence of fire, the future of mankind has been smooth sailing, which is not good for the development of mankind, so you shot down various natural disasters, man-made disasters, diseases, etc. Wait, let human beings suffer from setbacks and grow up in such setbacks."

"You chose human beings, but brought disasters, as if you cut off your own future, it is the best embodiment of your essence!"

"The wise man who sees through everything and the fool who acts stupidly, that's who you are!"

"Therefore, Prometheus, you are Prometheus and Epimetheus at the same time!"

The surrounding golden swords all shook, and then all stabbed towards Prometheus!

"How is it possible?" Prometheus was shocked: "How could you know all this!"

"I saw that in the long river of time, there was a person and I wanted to look at each other. I was guessing the identity of this person. When I learned that there was a mastermind behind the scenes, I was sure that that person was the mastermind behind the scenes. , but I understand that the seemingly unreasonable behavior of the mastermind behind the scenes in front of me is his biggest reliance, and he uses his actions to cover up his essence! Prometheus will not do such behavior that will reveal his identity Yes, so that person can't be Prometheus! Once I have this conclusion, I can't beat you!"



The shield of power around Prometheus is about to be shattered.

Lin Hui raised the long sword high, and countless golden swords began to merge onto the long sword: "However, you and Pandora have a very deep relationship, which makes me suspicious, because Pandora is a virgin, but in mythology, Pandora is married to Epimetheus, so I am sure that Epimetheus is either a non-existent person or one of the godheads of other gods!"

"However, what really made me guess everything is the magic book, the Prometheus Slate, the power to take the gods and use them is the power of the god of theft from Prometheus, but it is impossible for humans to use gods Because the human body cannot bear it, it is only possible to use it with the gift of God, otherwise, the human body will collapse before it is used.”

"That power is the gift given, and given is the power of Epimetheus, who has given all his powers to animals!"

Lin Hui slashed down with one knife, directly slicing Prometheus in half.


The skin on Prometheus was completely shattered, revealing his true face: "It's really amazing, as expected of my younger brother!"

"You, you are...!" Lin Hui widened his eyes.

"Prometheus" said with a smile: "I said it long ago, you will regret it!"

Chapter [-] Identity, the power of destruction!

"Who are you!" Lin Hui looked at the man in front of him. After the appearance of Prometheus was shattered, an extremely surprising face appeared.

The man patted off the fragments on his face: "Why, haven't I explained it clearly? I remember I said it twice, is it because your ears are not good? My dear and stupid brother !"

"Don't you think it's incredible to be able to control such a big god's layout with the ability of Prometheus? Or, you didn't expect the current development? Oh, but I really didn't expect you to be so powerful, Seeing through the essence of Prometheus is really unimaginable!"

Although the man said this, he always wore an indifferent but confident smile, as if everything was under his control: "It's very rare for you to show a surprised expression and a look of panic. You have to memorize it!"

Lin Hui let go of the golden sword in his hand and let the golden sword disappear, because the golden sword would no longer be used in the next battle. The golden sword corresponds to a god, and the person in front of him is not a god, so naturally it will not be used.

"I should feel very strange, why Prometheus can do this, not to mention Zeus and the others, even the ultimate gods such as Saturn, Shiva and even Azathoth will be defeated. And confinement, this is not something that can be done by a little cleverness, it means that it must have a very strong strength itself!"

"However, Prometheus is not a god of battle, and he doesn't have much fighting power. It can be seen from the previous battles that you were completely pressed and beaten by me when you used the identity of Prometheus. How could such Prometheus be the final victor?"

"It now seems that Prometheus was devoured and replaced by you, which is why it was able to achieve this level!"

Lin Hui's expression became grim: "So, you are using my appearance now, do you think I will be shaken?"

That's right, the appearance of the man in front of him is exactly Lin Hui's face, and the indifferent and confident smile is exactly Lin Hui's expression as always, with his flowing black hair, wearing a white trench coat that is completely opposite to Lin Hui's, the whole person is Just like a pure and flawless snow elf.

Lin Hui in white shrugged and looked at Lin Hui, whose hair had already turned white, and was wearing a black trench coat: "I said it long ago, you are my younger brother, why don't you believe it? Oh my appearance!"

"Then, let me put it another way, I am you!"

Lin Hui sneered: "Could it be that you are me from the future? Stop joking, you thought I would believe..."

"Lin Hui, he has lived in an orphanage since he was sensible. He has no parents and no mother. Even the old director of the orphanage gave you the name Lin Hui. In the orphanage, you are particularly withdrawn and have no children. I would like to play with you, but you have a cheerful personality and don't care about it. What accompanies you in your childhood is the world of novels, games and the two-dimensional world! If there is a two-dimensional world, you will enter it desperately and give up everything !"

"Later, you grew up slowly, but your mood towards the second dimension still did not change. In the days that followed, while working continuously, while indulging in the second dimension, you also donated most of the money you earned from your work to After leaving the orphanage, after the death of the old dean, you originally planned to give up your job to take over as the dean of the orphanage, but according to the old dean's last words, you couldn't. Therefore, you gave up and continued to live in the world until , you get a system that can travel through the world, and you start to complete missions and travel in various worlds, in your favorite two-dimensional world!"

"I, is there anything wrong with what I said?" Lin Hui in white looked at Lin Hui's face in black, which gradually became ugly along with his words.

"It seems that you really know everything about me! Then what? What do you want to say?" Lin Hui's face in black became unsightly.

Bai Yilin Hui shrugged: "It's nothing, it's just that you successfully passed my test and are qualified to know some secrets. I can give up this throne, and even give you my own throne to help you achieve the highest. The throne, even allows you to control me and fight countless worlds for you!"

"Conditional, right? Let's talk about it!" If Lin Hui in black knew that Lin Hui in white was able to give up everything and even turn himself into a puppet under his control, then it was naturally conditional, and the price of the condition was estimated to be very high. huge.

"No, I can't say it, at least I can't say it now, you answer me first, whether to agree or not!" Lin Hui in white shook his head and rejected Lin Hui's words.

Lin Hui in black sighed: "Yeah, it looks like there's nothing to talk about!"

"Why? I have already offered such a big benefit, and I can guarantee that I will never let you do something that hurts the people around you, just ask you to do one thing, a very important thing. Simple things are enough! Even as long as you say a word, this thing can be done, I can assure you!" Lin Hui in white did not expect that Lin Hui in black would give up such a big temptation, and was a little anxious .

Lin Hui in black raised his hand: "I believe that there are no free benefits in this world. Your conditions have not been stated so far, and I can't believe you! Besides, why do you need to give up what I want? If you want to snatch, if you want to fight, if someone stands in front of me, that person, even if it is me, I will crush it together, not to mention, you are not me!"

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