Benjo Erya shook his head helplessly, the deeds in the book began to fade, or even disappeared completely, which means that the other party has been involved with Lin Hui, and history will change!

A few time-space butterflies flew out of Lan Yu Shallow's body, making herself and Benjo Erya suspended in the air: "Then go quickly, Dad, if you go late, it will be bad!"

Lin Hui nodded, and then, the whole person rushed to the place where Angel and Mosaic were fighting.

"Mom and dad, run away!" A little white-haired girl looked at her parents trapped in the house, and she was very anxious.

"Come on, Origami, you go first, Mom and Dad will catch up right away!" As Tobiichi Origami's father, this man showed a very manly side.

"Yeah, Origami, listen to Dad, you go first, and Mom and Dad will come out to find you right away!" Tobiichi Origami's mother looked at Tobiichi Origami. Although she was in pain, she couldn't show it on her face.

Trapped in the house by the fire, this situation is basically lifeless. They finally sent their daughter out before, and they have missed the best time to escape. The only worry is their daughter.

"No, Mom and Dad, I want to be with you!" Tobiichi Origami said, and was about to rush into the house. At this moment, an angel-like girl appeared in the air, and a ray of light blasted directly towards the house.


At this moment, two cries of pain seemed to be heard. For some reason, Tobiichi Origami's parents did not hate the angel who was about to kill them both.

The speed of a black shadow was faster than the light, and the backhand smashed the beam of light, and the wind stood at the highest point of the burning house, pressing it with his hand, and suddenly, the fire in the house was extinguished in an instant.

Tobiichi Origami immediately looked at the man in black in front of him with excited eyes. His hair was like a star shining in the dark night, half black and half black. He and the angel were opposed to each other.

Tobiichi Origami didn't know who this man was, but he kept all this silently in his heart.

That powerful and invincible figure was completely engraved in her heart, and in the future, she must find this person.


The angel standing opposite Lin Hui saw Lin Hui's face, but had an unbelievable look: "I... thought it was too late! I didn't expect it to be you, Teacher Lin Hui!"

Lin Hui blinked: "You know me?"

"It's so hard for you to hide me! However, I won't let go anymore! Thank you, Teacher Lin Hui!" The angel girl gradually faded away.

Lin Hui scratched his head: "What's going on? What a strange person! Well, forget it. Anyway, people were rescued, so it doesn't matter."

"Little girl, I hope you can live happily and happily in the days to come!" Lin Hui compressed his voice and transmitted it to Yuanichi Origami's mind.

Yuan Yi Origami looked up at Lin Hui, and at that moment, Lin Hui disappeared.

"I will definitely find you!" Tobiichi Origami secretly swore in her heart.


On the other hand, Lin Hui didn't know that he was being missed at all, but even if he knew, he would probably be full of joy, after all, she was a lovely and beautiful girl.

Suddenly, a group of mosaics appeared in front of him, and Lin Hui stopped abruptly.

"Yo, isn't this a mosaic made of elves? What? You want to block my footsteps?" Lin Hui looked at this group of mosaics. Although he was a little apprehensive in his heart, he was not afraid of him. With [-]% confidence, he pressed the opponent to the ground in a hundred ways. In the end, the opponent only had that strange ability that would make him a little uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, you don't know me yet. It seems that this should be our first meeting!" Mosaic's voice seemed to be a kind of mechanical synthesis, which made people very uncomfortable.

"Don't you know me too?" Lin Hui suddenly had a bad premonition. Did someone set him up again this time?

Mosaic seemed to see Lin Hui's fear and chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm not your enemy, but I just want to give you such a thing. Also, your problems need to be solved as soon as possible, it's best You have already told me the method, so I will help you, who let you be me..."

Mosaic's voice disappeared, and Mosaic disappeared, only these two black and white hairbands were floating in front of him.

Lin Hui reached out and grabbed the two headbands: "What's the matter? Who is this guy? It seems that this guy's real body hasn't been revealed in the anime, ah, it's really a headache, isn't it my enemy? What's wrong with me? This guy looks like he knows a lot!"

"And, isn't this what Shidou Wuhe gave to his sister Kotori? Why did I send it instead? Forget it, no matter, it's a delicious little loli anyway, let's go and have a look!" Lin Hui was delighted thought.

The consciousness of the universe really favors me!

Yes, there is a big surprise waiting for Lin Hui!

Chapter [-] What's wrong with this?Lily?

"Well, where is it? It can't be preempted by Shidou Wuhe, no, I remember that in the original book, it was the mosaic that reminded Kotori to save Shidou Wuhe. It's not right, it's so strange, right?" The more Lin Hui thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out.

The previous angel girl Lin Hui knew very well that it was Tobiichi Origami, which meant that she would become a teacher in the future?Um?First of all, that Tobiichi Origami is in the future, that is to say, if Tobiichi Origami is in the future, he will definitely know himself, so do you want to change it?

However, that group of mosaics all know themselves, which is a bit unintelligible, and they also say that they are not enemies, how can it be suspicious.

Lin Hui himself is a person who doesn't like to play cards according to common sense. In this case, it is better to give everyone a big surprise. Anyway, the future will always move forward. I will become a chess piece, but a chess player. I don't want to experience the unpleasant feeling in the world of "Godslayer" again.

However, the most important thing now is to find the key people in this fire.


Lin Hui suddenly heard a voice, a little red-haired loli fell to the side, crying continuously, and a blue-haired person fell down not far from her.

Lin Hui was instantly refreshed: "I finally found it."

Afterwards, Lin Hui fell to the ground, ignoring the flames around him, and walked in front of the little girl: "What's the matter, little sister, what are you crying for?"

"Ah, big brother, don't come here, I, I'm a monster! I will breathe fire!" As soon as the little loli looked up, she saw Lin Hui, she was shocked, and flames erupted from her body.

Lin Hui was not afraid at all, and hugged the little Loli directly in his arms: "It's okay, big brother is a person who is not afraid of flames! Look, am I okay? Besides, how could such a cute little sister be What about monsters? Don't just think about it."

Little Loli suddenly wrapped her arms around Lin Hui's neck and burst into tears: "Woooooo, big brother, big brother! Big brother!"

"Don't cry, today is your birthday, right?" Lin Hui comforted.

Little Loli looked at Lin Hui: "How did the big brother know?"

Lin Hui touched the little head of the little loli: "Big brother is a very powerful person, not only know that today is your birthday, but also know that your name is Wuhe Qinli, right!"

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