Tobiichi Origami watched this scene, and her heart suffered a huge shock. Lin Hui's words before were not without reason. Indeed, what she saw was that the man blocked the attack of the elf, and then she saw the elf disappear. She naively thought that it was that person who destroyed the elves, so she should be the same as that person, and take it as her duty to destroy the elves.

But thinking about it, it seems a bit wrong, because the elf disappeared by itself. Although I can't remember it, I did not see that person take action, and that person did not say that he wanted to destroy the elf, that person just blocked The elf's attack extinguished the fire and saved his family. In the end, he left a message of blessing.

Other than that, I left.

I really want to know, I really want to know, I really want to know what happened at that time, Tobiichi Origami hugged his head: "I want to know what happened at that time, what happened at that time, why did that elf attack my house? That person, Who is it?"

"What happened to the robot?" After Tohka wiped away her tears, she looked at Tobiichi Origami crouching on the ground, tilted her head and asked, "Forget it, leave her alone, Lin Hui?"

Lin Hui walked in front of Yuan Yi Origami, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Yuan Yi Origami: "There are some things, don't force it, when the time is up, you will naturally know everything, I want to tell you. There is only one thing, that is, if there are spirits appearing and asking for help, then I will definitely lend a helping hand! Tohka is just the first object I save."

Yuan Yi Origami was stunned and took Lin Hui's handkerchief uncontrollably. She is now in a state of confusion. The events of five years ago, the thoughts of the past five years, and the impact of today's shocks have completely subverted her cognition. , The most important thing is that, for some unknown reason, the only man who had a good impression of him in the past five years, except for the benefactor who saved his family, actually stood on the opposite side of him.

He took the route of destroying the elves, and he chose to save the elves.

Is it really possible to save the elves?

"Tohka, let's go, the date is not over yet!" Lin Hui extended his hand to Tohka.

Tohka was stunned for a moment, then trotted all the way to Lin Hui's side: "Date! Date! Date!"

At the moment when the two girls staggered, the two sides invariably raised an idea: This person is an opponent!

"By the way, Lin Hui, what is a date? Is it food? Could it be something even better than the previous ones?" Tohka asked dumbly.

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "Dating is just a matter of men and women coming out of the house together, playing together, eating together, and doing activities together. What you said about eating is part of the dating!"

"Oh, this is a date? So, Lin Hui, what are we going to do next? For a date, we..." Tohka Yatojin looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui pointed to a store: "Next, let's go there!"

Yuanichi Origami watched Lin Hui leave with Tohka, and stayed where he was, staring blankly at Lin Hui and Yatoshen Tohka leaving, wondering what he was thinking about.


"No...impossible! There is such a thing, the battle that was about to break out has been resolved like this, and the favorability value of the elf 'Princess' has reached the explosive table! It is completely ready to enter the next stage!" Kawagoe looked With all this, it is completely unimaginable.

La Furia looked at all of this and smiled: "Sure enough, this is the Lin Hui I know, so I said, just leave everything to Lin Hui to handle! What we have to do It is enough to support Lin Hui at the worst moment."

Wuhe Qinli can see Lin Hui's strength in the younger sister's mode. No wonder Lin Hui is completely dismissive of the elite team he has done, and he can find the hidden harem route in the galgame game and clear the level once.

"It is possible to turn the hostility of the conflict between the two sides into a strategy under such circumstances. This, this is simply the god of strategy!" Nakatsukawa couldn't imagine such a thing happening at all.

After taking Tohka to eat this food street completed by Ratastock, Lin Hui brought Tohka Yato to the video game center.

"After eating, then it's game time!"

" this...the secret base of the robot army?" Yatogami Tohka was taken aback.

"No, this is the place I said you can play on a date!" Lin Hui grabbed Yatoshen Tohka's small hand and came to the claw machine: "Anything you want?"

Ye Dao Shen Tohka looked at the situation around, and suddenly, his eyes lit up: "Hey, Lin Hui, I want that!"

As expected by Lin Hui, Yato God Tohka was referring to the soy flour bread doll.

Lin Hui took out a few hundred yuan coins: "OK! Tohka, this is my first gift to you!"

Lin Hui gently pressed the button and caught the doll easily.

Lin Hui took out the doll from the exit and handed it to Tohka.

After Tohka took it, the whole person couldn't put it down: "Lin Hui, thank you so much! However, the time is almost up, I think I have to go back too."

"As I said, I have a way not to let you go back, to let you live in this world, to let you exist in this world, Tohka, would you like it?" Lin Hui looked into the eyes of Tohka, the god of the sword. , said the words to bring this date to a successful end.

"Really, is it possible?" Tohka Yakami looked at Lin Hui.

Lin Hui nodded: "I can do all this, so, are you willing?"

"I am willing!"

"Then, please be my guardian elf and kiss me!" Lin Hui gently hugged Tohka Yatojin.

Ye Dao Shen Tohka was stunned for a moment, then the whole person threw himself into Lin Hui's arms, and directly printed his lips on Lin Hui's lips.

A spiritual power flowed into Lin Hui's body, and the tenth particle of Kaba's tree of life, the kingdom, lit up.

Chapter [-] Persuasion, I can't lose this power yet!

The clothes on Yatoshen Tohka's body that were transformed from spiritual power disappeared, and Lin Hui could clearly touch the smooth and tender skin on Yatoshen Tohka's body.

Just when Lin Hui wanted to let go, the whole person was stuck by Tohka Yatoshen: "Don't, it will be seen!"

Although he is an elf, he still possesses the shame of being a human.

Lin Hui hugged Tohka, the God of Night Sword, and everything was distorted by the space around Lin Hui. Others couldn't see Tohka's body at all, and even electronic devices couldn't see it.

Lin Hui put his windbreaker on Tohka, completely covering up that incomparably attractive body.

After Ratastock recovered the two, Yula Furia took Tohka to change clothes, while Lin Hui went to meet Wuhe Kotori in the mode of hiding from his sister.

"Yo, Kotori-chan, are you okay?" Lin Hui looked at Wuhe Qinli with a wicked smile on his face.

You know, it would be a shame to let Wuhe Qinli in the sister mode stay in the command room of this Flacxinas for a day. If it is the commander mode, don't worry at all, but the current Wuhe Qin Li is a very shameful little sister!

"Brother Lin Hui is a bad guy!" The voice was sweet and glutinous, making people feel refreshed.

"Okay, I won the bet between us!" Lin Hui snapped his fingers.

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