"Well, please give me more advice!"

Then Lin Hui looked up at the sky; "The rain seems to be getting heavier and heavier, Yoshino, where is your home, I'll take you back, otherwise, it will be troublesome if you catch a cold in the rain, remember Oh, be sure to take a hot bath after you go back, and it's best to drink a cup of ginger tea to warm up your body, so that you won't catch a cold easily."

Yoshino looked at Lin Hui's smile, how warm this smile was, like a ray of sunshine that cleared away the clouds and mists that filled the sky.

"Sitina doesn't have a home, don't be embarrassed, Lin Hui." Yoshina was embarrassed to say it, but Yoshina had no scruples.

Lin Hui nodded Yoshina's head: "Don't say that, although my parents may be a little long-winded, it's not okay to run away from home, because no matter what, my parents will always do it for your own good. Talk more, otherwise, people like ordinary people won't care about you!"

"Hey, why did the big brother come?" Yoshina asked curiously.

Lin Hui smiled helplessly: "Then, just treat me like a nosy person! But Yoshina is really brave!"

"Yeah, Yoshina... Yoshina is Yoshino's...friend! He's also Yoshino's hero!" After Yoshino heard that others agreed with Yoshina, her mood became very good, and her whole face became stern. With a cheerful expression.

"Oh, Lin Hui, you are very good at talking. I haven't seen Yoshino showing such an expression for a long time. You are very good at coaxing people! Otherwise, you can be Yoshino's brother!" Yoshino laughed said.

Yoshino's little face was a little red, and she seemed a little embarrassed by Yoshina's words.

Lin Hui touched Sitina's head, and then lightly put his hand on Sitino's head: "Actually, Sitina, you are the ideal self in Sitino's heart, and it is what Sitino believes in. Friends, it's just that Yoshito is unable to communicate well with the outside world because of fear of life, and that's why you appeared!"

Yoshina's expression sank a little: "Lin Hui, what do you mean by that?"

"Yoshino has always been under your protection and can't grow at all, just like a young eagle can never take off under the protection of an eagle! If you are like this, Yoshino will never be able to make changes, because of your existence, Yoshino's courage is limited, and it is precisely because of your existence that Yoshino has become like this!" Lin Hui's words were very sharp and hard to hear, and even the original harmonious relationship between the two of them. The atmosphere was ruined.

"Lin Hui, I originally thought you were a good person, but now it seems that you are just a person who doesn't know anything!" Yoshina looked at Lin Hui and said in a low voice.

"Thank you, I didn't intend to be a good person at first, because a good person is relatively short-lived, I still like to be a bad person, and a bad person lives longer!" Lin Hui said following Yoshina's meaning.

"You... go away, you are not allowed to talk about Yoshino like that. Yoshino is Yoshino's friend and Yoshino's hero!" Yoshino looked at Lin Hui, and the cheerful smile on his face changed in an instant. get very angry.

"That's right, for me insulting your hero like this, your friends should show such an angry expression, isn't it still possible to do it? For people like me, even if I can't beat you sometimes, you must Go fight! Remember, although it is wrong to hurt others, sometimes, some people will not fight back even if they are injured, but when someone touches the most important thing in their heart, even if they don't want to, they must To fight back, not for yourself, but for what you want to protect, what you want to protect."

Lin Hui grabbed Yoshino's small hand and slapped his face fiercely: "Remember this feeling, don't forget it! However, if you hit me, I will get it back in the future. !"

Yoshino looked at this unreasonable man, as if something was touched in his heart, Yoshina looked at Yoshino and Lin Hui at the same time, both of them were silent.

Afterwards, Lin Hui looked at the rain dripping from the sky: "However, this is not a good weather, I hope we can meet on a sunny day next time, try to change yourself, become strong, change You have to be brave, you have this qualification, the so-called friend is not just hiding behind your friends, but should walk side by side, when your friends are insulted, you must stand up to protect your friends!"

"Remember my words!"

Chapter [-] Ushers in change!

Back home, La Furia looked at the drops of water dripping on Lin Hui's body, and said with some blame: "Really, it can obviously isolate all the rain, do you have to pretend to be handsome like this? Hurry up and take a shower Bar!"

With that said, La Furia pushed Lin Hui into the bathroom, and hot water was already placed in the bathroom, as if it had been prepared for a long time.

"What a group of caring people!" Lin Hui lay down in the bathroom and recalled his encounter with the elf Loli today, and couldn't help but smile: "I guess it left a bad impression on the other party!"

Touching his cheek, the previous touch still remained on it: "Hey, Yoshino? Will you change? If it does, how will you change? It's really impressive. look forward to!"


The door of the bathroom was opened, and Tohka, the God of the Sword, appeared directly in front of Lin Hui: "Lin Lin Lin Lin Lin Lin Hui! Why are you inside?"

Lin Hui showed a pair of dead fish eyes: "I also want to ask why you came in!"


Lin Hui covered his face all of a sudden, this is definitely a good job done by Lan Yumengcong, she can't run away, Ji Qi Lingcai is a pit father, Lan Yumengcong is a black belly, what the hell is going on with the characters of these two girls what!


After a few days, it finally cleared up for a day, but it started to rain again, but at this time, the space earthquake warning came out.

Lin Hui came to Ratastock and stood by Wuhe Qinli's side, causing Wuhe Qinli's face to blushed instantly.

No way, the previous bet made Wuhe Qinli call Ouni sauce more than [-] times in the commander's mode, and then he continued to act coquettishly on Lin Hui's body, kissing Lin Hui's face several times, and he still couldn't. Not keeping a smile makes Wuhe Qinli so ashamed that he has the urge to commit suicide.

The most important thing is that with the black headband tied, Wuhe Qinli was about to transform into a younger sister mode, and he even let Lin Hui touch the top of his head, which was not part of the bet. Lin Hui was overwhelmed with joy.

After everything was finished, Wuhe Qinli directly summoned the divine power and the angel to blow up the Wuhe family. Fortunately, Lin Hui converted the space to a different space, and the Wuhe family was bombed into a different space. The home was intact, but in the end it was Lin Hui who sealed Wuhe Qinli's spiritual power back again, of course, by kissing.

"So, who is this time?" Lin Hui didn't make fun of Wuhe Qinli too much, but it was more fun that way.

Wuhe Qinli also saw that Lin Hui didn't want to mention the thing that made him feel so ashamed that he wanted to commit suicide, and said, "Look, this is the elf that appeared this time, code-named 'Hermit', a type with a calm personality , and then, what are you going to do this time around?"

Lin Hui smiled lightly: "I'm free, so, Kotori-chan, do you still want to bet again? The conditions are the same, within two days, I will defeat her!"

Wuhe Qinli roared angrily: "Since you are ready, don't hurry up, the ghost will bet against you again!"

Lin Hui left unhurriedly, but Lin Hui saw that AST launched an attack, and just ran away for Yoshino.

Sarah, let me see your change!


"This place is really a good place to hide!" Lin Hui couldn't help complaining. Indeed, in a situation like this, generally speaking, hiding in a so-called department store, then AST really doesn't have many ways to take action. The so-called annihilation spirit will blow up the department store in one breath. Although DEM is very rich, it is not something that can be spent casually.

Lin Hui stepped into it and began to sense that the spiritual power was moving forward.

Seeing a petite figure hiding in a dark corner, he smiled softly: "What are you doing here? Hide and seek?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Yoshino raised his head all of a sudden. After seeing the familiar figure, Yoshino's mood became extremely bad. Thinking of the previous conversation in the alley, Yoshino froze. Son got angry.

"Hey, hey, did you make a mistake? Why did the elf's mood index suddenly drop to a negative number when you appeared? What's going on? Please give me an explanation!" Wuhe Qinli was in the earphone He kept yelling at Lin Hui.

"Oh? Didn't I tell you? I met this child before, and he angered him!" Lin Hui said with a smile.

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