"Is that all right?" There was not a trace of pain on the face of the garden god Rinne, but there was only peace and serenity.

"Enough!" Lin Hui nodded.

Lin Hui vaguely remembers the character of the garden god Rinne, although the impression is not very clear, but he knows that the other party has a huge affection for the protagonist Shidou Wuhe from the beginning, and even if he kills the other party, resets the world. To keep Gokawa Shidou in this world, to protect Gokawa Shidou, to protect Gokawa Shidou, even in the face of false happiness, Sono God Rinne wants to be with Gokawa Shidou.

However, no matter what choice Gokawa Shido makes, Sono God Rinne will love Gokawa Shido deeply. Gokawa Shido is naturally happy to choose himself, but even if he chooses someone else, Sono God Rinne will choose blessing. It is the garden god Rinne, who is crazy enough to make Itachi Shidou happy even if he kills it.

It's just that Wuhe Shidou is now replaced by Lin Hui. Therefore, if Lin Hui's wish is to die by himself, then the garden god Rinne will also smile and go on the road. Although he can kill Lin Hui and reset the world, because of Lin Hui's strength is too strong, and this is simply a pass. Therefore, the garden god Rinne can only choose his own death.

"That's good!" The garden god Rinne laughed when he heard Lin Hui's answer.

"Dad, she's about to die, why don't you take action?" Lan Yumengcong took a deep breath and said.

Although the garden god Rinne is acting crazy, Lan Yu Mengcong also understands the garden god Rinne's approach. If killing some people can make Lin Hui stop taking such risks and don't need to fight against those terrible enemies, Lan Yumengcong will naturally take action without hesitation, even if Lin Hui hates her!

This is the person who loves to the extreme!

Lin Hui smiled bitterly: "She wants to kill you all!"

"However, she is the same as us, who loves you deeply!" La Furia and Lin Hui smiled at each other.

"If that's the case, it's such a pity that he died before starting the strategy for me!" Lin Hui snapped his fingers, and immediately, everything around him began to turn around: "Time is running against the flow!"

Lin Hui performed a time retrospective on an area. In an instant, he turned the time back to the point in time before the roots of the garden god Rini penetrated the body of the garden god. Lin Hui smashed the branches with one blow. This is theoretically possible. Yes, as long as the injury factor is eliminated, the injured person will not be injured.

"Eh? This is me?" The garden god Rinne looked at his body and clearly felt that he was about to die, but he recovered suddenly, which was a little incredible.

"Okay, your injury has recovered. Since you're going on a date, get ready! But let's say in advance, I don't have any good feelings for you at all!" Lin Hui turned to his face. Fly home.

Wuhe Qinli rubbed his head: "Tsk, it's really difficult! It's really not a good choice for a strategy god to use strategy!"

"Eh? What does Lin Hui mean?" The garden god Rinne was still a little confused.

Wuhe Qinli pointed at the garden god Rinne with a lollipop: "In short, I want Rinyou to attack Lin Hui, and it's enough to make Lin Hui's heart move!"

"But why? Me, what the hell is going on? Don't I want Lin Hui to stay here?" A crazy look began to appear on Rinne's face again.

"Then let's make a bet! As long as you can successfully make Lin Hui's heart move, then Lin Hui will naturally stay by your side, and we will also leave this enchantment, so that the anxiety factor you are worried about will disappear. Yes, but on the other hand, if you can't do anything about it, then your spiritual power will be sealed by Lin Hui, how?" Lan Yu Mengcong made a bet.

The garden god Rinne looked at Lan Yumengcong: "Is what you said true?"

"Let's be honest, I'm Lin Hui's daughter anyway! Do you accept this bet? Of course, we will also try to seal up Lin Hui's related memories! Let him stay here in peace!" Lan Yu Mengcong added on a very tempting condition.

"I promise!"

Chapter [-] Let Lin Hui be moved!

Under the temptation of Lan Yu Mengluo, the garden god Rinne agreed to go on a date with Lin Hui, and was determined to make Lin Hui's heart move.

"Nice job!" Wuhe Qinli could only praise Lan Yu Mengcong like this.

Because the starting point of the garden god Rinne is all centered on Lin Hui, then as long as Lin Hui is used as a condition, the garden god Rinne will definitely agree.

It's just that it will be troublesome if the garden god Rinne wins this bet, they will all leave the barrier, and only those whose memories have been modified will be left in this barrier, and Lin Hui's own memory will also be lost by Lan Yu. Meng Cong and others seal it off, then it means that Lin Hui must stay in the enchantment forever.

"But it's not good to keep Lin Hui's heart moving. Lin Hui said that if you don't give your sincerity, you won't get the other party's sincerity. Although the garden god Rinne fell in love with Lin Hui like crazy, it was undoubtedly angered. Lin Hui, although he took the initiative to die to make Lin Hui forgive her, but the relationship between the two parties has dropped below freezing point. I did it!" Wuhe Qinli had a headache.

"I have to treat every girl who likes me equally, and never do anything to hurt girls. This is my principle. Once the principle is violated, even myself will not forgive myself. All The strategy must be based on the conditions that I give my sincerity! To kiss a girl who has no feelings for me like this has violated my principles!" Although Wuhe Qinli also has Lin who is changing clothes at home Hui discussed it, but without a doubt, Lin Hui refused.


Outside the door, the garden god Rinne was already waiting there.

She wears a light pink shirt and a light white skirt with a slight lace, giving people a very fresh and bright feeling. There is also a rabbit-shaped hairpin in front of the right forehead, which makes people's eyes shine. Wearing white shoes and a brown sling bag on her shoulders, it gives a bright feeling overall.

Lin Hui said involuntarily, "It's very beautiful, it suits you very well!"

"Thank you...Thank you for the compliment!" The garden god Rinne's face was slightly red, and she was a little embarrassed.

"Rin Mi Rin Mi, cheer up! Your purpose is to attack Lin Hui, not to be attacked by Lin Hui. If you go on like this, you will be finished!" Wuhe Qinli said in the earphone.

The garden god Rinne suddenly reacted, indeed this time, it was about her own bet, she couldn't lose, she absolutely couldn't lose, because she had a reason why she couldn't be sealed, and only she knew about it.

"Lin Hui, your clothes are... very suitable for you, Lin Hui, you are really handsome now!" Lin Hui usually wears a black trench coat, but he casually wears some inside, a white shirt, black shirts and the like.

But this time Lin Hui dressed up carefully, wearing a light blue suit and a burgundy tie, with a white shirt lined inside, and a pair of shiny black leather shoes on his feet, giving a fresh look The feeling of being refined, at first glance, the man in front of him looks like a man in his twenties, and at another glance, the man in front of him still has the maturity of a man in his thirties, and at the third glance, the man in front of him seems to have With the stability of a man in his forties.

The current Lin Hui is the kind that gets more and more attractive as he looks at it, and his lethality to girls is not so great, not to mention the girl who has reached the top level of favorability towards Lin Hui.

It is not unusually difficult to conquer the mountain of Lin Hui.

"Yeah, thank you for your compliment!" Lin Hui's words were neither salty nor light, as if he was greeting him normally.

This time, Lin Hui's opponent is not only the garden god Rinne, but also all the employees including Wuhe Kotori and Fraxinas. If he really speaks, his heart will definitely be moved. After all, a man Different strategies from women.

Men chasing women, separated mountains, women chasing men, interlayer yarn, this sentence is not a joke.

"Although it is said like this, it is not so easy to operate in practice!" Wuhe Qinli wiped the sweat from his forehead, Lin Hui's affection for the garden god Rinne can be said to be the lowest point, and it may even be possible It is a negative number to break through. It is undoubtedly difficult to attack Lin Hui in such a situation. What's more, Lin Hui himself is the god of strategy. It is really difficult to attack under such circumstances!

"So, what are you going to do next?" Lin Hui asked a question.

"There are options, everyone starts to choose!" Wuhe Qinli looked at the options in front of her, she knew that Lin Hui deliberately guided them out.

"Well, the three options can only be said to be very common, so choose one!"

"Well, why don't we go to the aquarium first!" Rinne, the garden god, listened to Wuhe Kotori's instructions in the earphone. Although she didn't know if she could improve Lin Hui's favorability today, she could only look forward to it. , if only she did win.

"Let's go then! I remember the way to the aquarium is this way!" Lin Hui took the lead and walked forward.

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