"Zi, it's almost time for you to tell me, what's wrong? Why, no, or am I lacking in strength?" Lin Hui looked at Yayun Zi who was traveling with him through time.

There was a sad expression on Yakumozi's face, an expression that Lin Hui had never seen before, or an expression that should not exist on Yakumozi's face at all.

Lin Hui suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the Eternal Pavilion, which should have been in Gensokyo, actually appeared here, which is unbelievable in itself, and listening to the conversation between Yayunzi and Yayi Yonglin, Lin Hui can feel that Yakumo Zi seems to have had some choices in the past, but they all failed. Are they so optimistic about themselves this time?

Or rather, make a last-ditch effort?

That is to say, the appearance of Yong Ting in front of him cost a huge price, and the price must be so heavy that Lin Hui didn't dare to guess at all.

"Insufficient strength?" Lin Hui did not let Yayunzi take him around, but tried to use his own strength to keep up with Yayunzi's footsteps.

"It looks like you've cheered up! Do you want to know all the answers? Then I'll give you a goal. The world of Hakoniwa is the world with the highest level of power among all the worlds I've confirmed, and it's not like there are other worlds. It can be compared with the world of Hakoniwa, but that world is in line with your current power system, one digit, as long as you reach one digit, you will be able to know everything!"

Yakumo Zi said lightly, and then returned to Lin Hui's body again.

"Single digit? This is really a huge challenge for me!" Lin Hui couldn't help but feel a little distressed. Speaking of which, the size system of Hakoniwa World was so huge that when he first saw the setting It's not too clear either.

But what is certain is that the three-digit number is the omnipotent field, and the two-digit number is the omnipotent field, which is equivalent to the power of the truth level of the universe. This is no joke, and the one-digit number, at least what Lin Hui saw So far, I have only mentioned that the strongest god-killer can blow the wind of decadence together in the single digits.

But the description of one-digit numbers is simply too vague, not just one-digit numbers, but also two-digit numbers. Three-digit numbers are fine, at least one can see a little bit of eyes, but the two above, Lin Hui is fundamentally Don't know how to do it.

Lin Hui's current strength is considered to have reached the three-digit standard, and it is still a lot beyond that, but he is still unable to enter the three-digit level. That is to say, Lin Hui still has shortcomings.

"Really, a single digit?" Lin Hui scratched his head, and then said, "I will achieve it!"

The time shuttle has also reached its destination.

Lin Hui fell down, surrounded by Tiangong City surrounded by a fire. It was certain that this was the scene he had seen five years ago.

"Then, next, it's time to find origami. In this world, origami, eh? It looks like you don't need to look for it!" Lin Hui saw that in this world, there is actually a reversed origami, That is, Origami in the state of the Savior Demon King.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A sad voice resounded in the sky above Tiangong City, like crying, like anger, like despair, like death!

"Sure enough, this is not the world line that I have existed. At least, if I was there, such a thing would never happen!" Lin Hui muttered to himself.

Watching the surrounding area being continuously destroyed by the light cannons emitted by Origami.

Lin Hui rushed to Tobiichi Origami's side and grabbed Tobiichi Origami's arm.

Yuan Yi Origami bombarded directly with a light cannon, and was smashed by Lin Hui's backhand. The splendid brilliance gradually disappeared at this moment, just like the scene in Yuan Yi Origami's memory five years ago, at his most desperate moment. , that figure stood in front of the boundless attack and smashed it to pieces.

Tobiichi Origami's eyes gradually gathered a look: "Teacher... teacher?"

"What a fool, what the hell are you doing?" Lin Hui shouted.

"I... I actually killed my parents with my own hands, I actually killed my own biological parents with my own hands, I... I didn't believe the teacher's words, I..." Tobiichi Origami's current mood can no longer be described as excited. , despair and darkness, the demon king form on Tobiichi Origami is the best explanation.

"Origami, please wake me up. Five years ago, weren't your parents dead? Why are you like this now?" Lin Hui grabbed Yuan Yi Origami's arm.

"He... didn't come, he didn't come! Teacher, that person, didn't come!" Yuan Yi Origami cried at Lin Hui with extreme sadness.

Lin Hui also saw that in the burning and collapsed house, a white-haired girl looked at it with anger and hatred, and made a voice like a vengeful ghost: "I will definitely kill you, absolutely I'm going to kill you!"

Are you in sync with your childhood feelings?

In addition, due to the existence of the double world line, the third transformation occurred because of my own failure to arrive, that is to say, the world line I was in was the third world line, and Tobiichi Origami went to the first one before. There is one world line, and the second world line has its own existence, so such a tragedy did not happen. Therefore, what I need to change is the third world line I am currently in and the first one that I have not yet reached. world line.

However, Lin Hui remembered very clearly that Yuanichi Origami in the form of an angel said something like this: "I still think it's too late!"

Why?Why do you say that?Why say such a thing?Unless Tobiichi Origami has experienced such a thing before, that is, the Tobiichi Origami I met is not the Tobiichi Origami in the second world, but the origami in the third world that did not exist before, then, In other words, that Tobiichi Origami is the young Tobiichi Origami who is crying now.

To rearrange it again, the original Tobiichi Origami on the world line is the same as the original. He didn't want to kill all the elves because he changed the plot of his parents being killed by the elves, so he returned through Tokisaki Kurumi's Twelve Bullets. In the past, but did not come to the first world line, but came to this side, which is the third world line, at the divergence point that appeared from the first world line, and then returned to where I was when I returned. the second world line.

Afterwards, Tobiichi Origami on the second world line reconsidered the relationship between humans and elves because he changed the plot by himself. Is located in the current third is the world line, and did not return.

After that, what I met was the elven Tobiichi Origami in the third world, that is, Tobiichi Origami also returned to the past through the power of Tokisaki Kurumi, but it was not the third world line. , but the second world line, that is, the world line that has changed the plot by himself, so he will say such words!

The conclusion has been reached!

"Then let's change from here!"

Chapter [-] The world line of fusion!

"Origami, I should have said that, your hatred is borne by me, your anger, your darkness, and your sadness are also borne by me, so don't cry anymore, if you say, because you can't stand it all If so, then let the sad fact disappear and usher in a happy ending again!" Lin Hui did not feel his breath on this world line, which means that his existence is the only one.

No wonder Kuang San would say that his strength in normal state is not enough, because even if he is sent to the past, he can only send it back to the second world line, and he can't come to the third world line at all!

"Teacher?" Yuanichi Origami looked at Lin Hui, and the attack on his hand stopped.

"Although it is a newly acquired power, let me use it!" Lin Hui's left hand exuded invisible fluctuations: "Is the dead resuscitated? Although it has been done before, it has not changed from the past. Everything in the future, this time, let me try it out!"

Lin Hui stretched out his hand. At this moment, the originally collapsed house recovered like a time-lapse, and the fallen couple also stood up again at this moment, still trapped in the burning house. .

Lin Hui pressed down and all the flames disappeared.

The hatred in the eyes of the little girl who was sitting on the ground gradually disappeared. Lin Hui waved to the little girl: "Little girl, I hope you can live happily and happily in the days to come!"

Tobiichi Origami, who was grabbed by Lin Hui's arm, was shocked. What a familiar sentence. I don't know how many times this sentence appeared in Tobiichi Origami's dreams. The spiritual pillar that supports Tobiichi Origami.

The space distortion on Lin Hui's body was restored. Under the reflection of the flames, his black and red hair fluttered in the wind. However, the fiery red was not the original color of the hair. Tobiichi Origami remembered it clearly, because fiery red was dyed. Yes, it was dyed by the light of the flame, the real color, yes, just like the color in front of him, it was pure white, even purer than his own hair.

"Teacher, you!" Tobiichi Origami was shaking!

"Origami!" Lin Hui kissed him without hesitation.

Tobiichi Origami cried, but it was not sadness, but tears of joy, because the person he had been looking for was by his side, and he was always watching him!

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