Reverse Origami as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Are you all right? Teacher, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Huiyi pointed at the center of her eyebrows, and completely sorted out the three memories of hers. Because the experience of Yuanyi origami is different, when the world line is merged, different experiences will produce different processes, which will lead to the current situation. Tobiichi Origami of different world lines will appear in turn. If Tobiichi Origami is to be fully integrated, then she must integrate her memories of different world lines.

Reverse Origami and cover his head: "Really, is it? Great, so it turns out that it's all right, great!"

"Teacher, thank you, thank you for being able to save me! Otherwise, I almost made a big mistake!" Flip Origami looked at his hands.

"Teacher, can you help me seal this power? I want to feel the warmth I feel from my other two different experiences in life!" Tobiichi Origami smiled at Lin Hui.

This Tobiichi Origami and Lin Hui didn't have much intersection, but it's not that Lin Hui took away his own chastity in the second world line, and therefore lost his own chastity in the other two world lines.

Rather, I feel fortunate that the current situation occurs precisely because of the difference in the second world line!

Lin Hui traveled through the past alone and changed the past of all world lines. He was able to undo the big mistake!

Lin Hui touched Yuanyi Origami's head: "Of course, this is my purpose! So, enjoy this one-time life!"

Lin Hui lifted Yuan Yi Origami's chin and kissed it. At this moment, Yuan Yi Origami's spiritual costume turned into a light spot and disappeared. This spiritual power did not flow into Lin Hui's body, it would be better to say , This spiritual power itself was created out of thin air. It is the spiritual power that will only be generated due to the generation of different world lines. Therefore, now this spiritual power has disappeared directly, which also means that the three kites and one origami are also The formal fusion began, as if one person had experienced three lives.

However, from now on, Tobiichi Origami has only one life, and the fusion of world lines ends here.

Chapter [-] Today's Tobiichi Origami is very different!

It was already afternoon, Tobiichi Origami opened his eyes, the bed beside him still had a faint warmth, Tobiichi Origami took a deep breath, and then got up, his face still expressionless However, as long as you can look at Tobiichi Origami, you can see the joy and joy in Tobiichi Origami's eyes.

A person has three different experiences of life, although each period is only five years, but each period of life is different, the beginning and the end, although different at the beginning, but at the end they are the same. It melted, and Tobiichi Origami knew exactly how she had come all the way.

These three periods of life represent three different experiences of my own. The journey of each road is really hard, but the final result is very satisfactory. If I want to say why, that is, the difference between these three periods of life. The only thing that hasn't changed is the love for Lin Hui.

Not only the second world line and the third world line, but also the first world line was influenced by the experiences of the other two world lines. Now, Tobiichi Origami's love for Lin Hui is even deeper and stronger.

In addition to knowing last night that he is the first among all elves, then this is enough to make Tobiichi Origami cheer.

The moment the door was opened, a scent wafted through the nostrils.

Lin Hui came out from the back of the kitchen: "Yo, Origami, don't you take a break? But it's just right. I'm ready to call you. It's past [-] o'clock in the afternoon. Let's take a break after dinner!"

Yuanichi Origami looked at Lin Hui, and his heart was filled with emotion: "Yeah!"

For Lin Hui's words, Tobiichi Origami will never refuse, let alone deny it, but will always listen to it. Tobiichi Origami is such a girl, as long as she really walks into her heart, then even if He will embark on a wrong path, and Tobiichi Origami will go down like a candy.

In the original book, Tobiichi Origami did not know how many times he compromised for Shidou Wuhe, retreated again and again, assisted in secret again and again, and disobeyed orders again and again. Even in the end, Tobiichi Origami remained the same.

Yuan Yi Origami originally planned to serve Lin Hui for dinner, but now the situation is reversed. Lin Hui used a tone and eyes that could not be rejected to make Yuan Yi Origami feel the warmth of being taken care of. This is because Yuan Yi Origami has since I haven't felt anything since my parents passed away three years ago.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Yi Origami cherishes every minute and every second of the present, and acts like a spoiled child to Lin Hui. Even if she does not feel this way herself, Lin Hui can clearly feel that this is the What Tobiichi Origami needs to do.


After lunch, Tobiichi Origami went back to sleep again accompanied by Lin Hui. Last night was so rambunctious, that up to now, Tobiichi Origami's mental state has not been adjusted.

is not that right?Lost her virginity within a day, and witnessed her parents' death with her own eyes. She reversed, was rescued by Lin Hui, knew Lin Hui's identity, and kept messing around with Lin Hui. Finally, she merged the three world lines of herself, Yuan Yuan. It's no wonder that an origami is not tiring.

Rather, it is not easy for Tobiichi Origami to persist until now.

Tobiichi Origami's hand clung to Lin Hui's hand tightly, you can see the restlessness in Tobiichi Origami's heart, no matter how strong Tobiichi Origami is, she will always remain a girl!

Lin Hui lay down on the bed with Yuan Yi Origami. As the most important person in Yuan Yi Origami's life, Lin Hui hugged Yuan Yi Origami in his arms, allowing her to sleep comfortably and have a good night's sleep.

In the past five years, Tobiichi Origami has woken up from nightmares many times. Every time the dream is the same, his parents were swallowed up by the sudden fire. Huge psychological shadow, even Tobiichi Origami's parents who were still alive comforted Tobiichi Origami, but it was of no use.

So that after the death of Tobiichi Origami's parents, sleep is only a necessary process to maintain life activities for Tobiichi Origami.

However, today was different. Tobiichi Origami slept peacefully, and saw his deceased parents, and proudly told them that he had found someone he could rely on for the rest of his life.


"Are you awake? You seem to be in a good mood." Lin Hui looked at the girl in his arms who gradually opened his eyes.

Tobiichi Origami nodded: "Well, let you stay with me for so long."

"It's okay, do you need to go out for a walk?" Lin Hui looked at Yuan Yi Origami and felt that she needed to change her mood now.

As for Lin Hui's proposal, Yuan Yi Origami had no reason to refuse, let alone everything Lin Hui said.

Tobiichi Origami is an action-oriented girl. Since she wants to go out for a walk, she has to change into lighter clothes, and she has taken off all her clothes in front of Lin Hui without any hesitation, showing her best side in front of Lin Hui. In front of Lin Hui.

Lin Hui is not a serious person either. Naturally, he admires this kind of beauty. Anyway, he has already seen it all over, and even touched the edges, but the beauty is not too much.


Outside, the two set foot in the park together, sitting on a bench and looking at the stars.

"What do you think next? After knowing everything." Lin Hui held Yuan Yi Origami's small hand.

Tobiichi Origami was a little confused and shook his head: "Before I just wanted to seek revenge for the elf who nearly killed my parents, but I didn't expect that person to be me, if it wasn't for the teacher, I would have made a big mistake, but, Revenge is impossible, and I don't know what to do now."

"Come to Ratastock! At present, I am saving elves like you there. I hope you can help me." Lin Hui gently hugged Tobiichi Origami's shoulder.

"Okay!" I no longer have a reason to stay in AST. In this case, Lin Hui has already figured it out for himself, so he just needs to follow Lin Hui's wishes. Anyway, Lin Hui is his own god!

Thinking of this, Tobiichi Origami showed a shallow smile.

After knowing everything, Tobiichi Origami really had a huge change. When facing Lin Hui, he would often smile.

"It's so beautiful to laugh, I'll laugh more when I get a chance in the future!" Lin Hui reached out and touched Yuan Yi Origami's little head.

"It's not too early, we have class tomorrow, let's go back to rest first! Oops, I don't know why I'm going to complain about Kotori tomorrow!" Lin Hui didn't care about this, anyway, he was a dead pig and wasn't afraid of boiling water.

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