Afterwards, I sent Wuhe sisters and Tobiichi Origami home, but this time I only did it at Tobiichi Origami's home. After all, anyway, this time I will stay at Tobiichi Origami's house again, and Lin Hui is afraid that he will not be able to go back She was skinned for cramps by her own daughter, Lan Yumengcong!

However, in the midst of so many crusades, apart from Tobiichi Origami, there was another person who also stood on Lin Hui's side, and that was the garden god Rinne.

The garden god Rinne is indeed the best childhood sweetheart. Her tolerance for Lin Hui can be said to have reached the limit. No matter what Lin Hui does, the garden god Rinne always faces Lin Hui with a smile, even in Lin Hui. When Hui was attacked by the girls, he also defended Lin Hui out loud, which made Lin Hui very grateful!



The door of the room was opened, Lin Hui sat up from the bed and looked at the girl in front of him, Lin Hui then remembered that there seems to be someone in this family who has not been settled. After all, as his own woman, there is always a bit of jealousy. .

"Mengcong, is there only one person this time?" Lin Hui showed a tired smile.

Lan Yumengcong wanted to take a step aside: "Although I think it's absolutely enough for me to be alone, they still don't worry about me!"

Lin Hui smiled slightly: "We haven't been sleeping together for a long time, haven't we?"

Ye Lai Xia Yin was a little shy: "Brother Lin Hui."

La Fulia pulled Yease Xiayin: "Xiayin, it's alright, speaking of it, I'm still a generation behind you, but I'm the same generation as Mengcong, oh, I didn't expect Lin Hui at that time. Have you made up your mind?"

Lin Hui hugged the three of them all at once: "How is that possible? I'm not a god, but I can thank God for sending you to me."

Lan Yumengcong curled her lips: "I am obviously a god-killer, so I have the nerve to say thank God."

Lin Hui brought the three to the bed at once and started a wonderful night.

However, what Lin Hui didn't know was that a camera had been placed in his room, which meant that he was currently broadcasting the whole thing live to a few elf girls in a certain room.

"Oh, so that's what it is!" Tohka thought while dragging her chin: "So it is, this is the last step!"

"Well, although I already knew it!" Benjo Erya spread her hands, as a female hooligan, Benjo Erya is not as ignorant as these elf girls.

"Then why didn't you say it? We all misunderstood at the beginning!" Yakiya was a little annoyed and angry.

"Angry, you actually lied to us!" Yawu Yuxian said, but she took it very seriously.

Yoshino was almost too embarrassed to look at it anymore, but Yoshina on the side was encouraging Yoshino: "Yoshino, keep up the good work, you have to study hard, otherwise you will be surpassed by others. !"

Of course, Yuxiao Miku and Sono God Rinne are naturally not in this room. This room is a secret room that a slut who is proficient in various mechanical operations and various tracking and positioning skills makes the girls look for it. In other words, It's like being a sister.

The appearance of this pair of elder sisters made Tohka and Hachimushi secretly hated, and decided to seize the opportunity to learn and to rub a certain slut's spirit.

This night, Lin Hui enjoyed it immensely. Likewise, the girls also made rapid progress in their studies. After all, there are "teaching videos"!


Early the next morning, Lin Hui and the garden god Rinne went out.

Today is a day off, and the garden god Rinne doesn't have to go to school. Naturally, Lin Hui intends to take his "childhood sweetheart" to have a good time together. Before, he was in a false world. Now, Lin Hui wants to let him have a good time. Sono God Rinne feels that the real date is not in a false mood.

Both of them let go of their bodies and minds to enjoy this date.

However, there is one thing, that is, the garden god Rinne attaches great importance to Lin Hui's opinion, but he has no opinion. Lin Hui suggested watching movies and went to the aquarium.

"Ah, Lin Hui, look, the fish here are so beautiful!" As if standing on the bottom of the sea, many large, beautiful, docile, and gregarious fish were swimming around.

Of course, there are certain very ferocious and aggressive ones such as sharks that separate from other fish.

The aquarium here also has performances of dolphins and sea lions, and the garden god Rinne also bought a dolphin doll.

"As long as you like it!" Lin Hui sat on the chair, the garden god Rinne hugged Lin Hui's arm in one hand and the dolphin doll in the other.

"Yeah, but I like it because you're here!" Sono God Rinne said something that only a girlfriend would say, it's really irresistible!

Lin Hui stroked the shoulders of the garden god Rinne, it seems that in this world recently, there is a lot of enjoyment like this! ,

In the previous world, there were very few opportunities to date with the girl you like in such a quiet way!

"Do you want to compensate them in the future?" Lin Hui smiled softly.

It's a good idea to come, and it's best to have a date with everyone.

"What's wrong?" Rinne, the garden god, felt that Lin Hui was a little dazed.

Lin Hui shook his head: "Nothing? By the way, where do you want to eat later?"

"It's up to you to decide, as long as you are there, I'm very happy!" The words of the garden god Rinne are really unbearable! .

"You! I'll be very happy like this once in a while, but I also hope you can act like a spoiled child!" Lin Hui tapped the garden god Rinne's forehead.


Chapter [-] Comfort the cat that is about to fry!

For the elves, Lin Hui naturally cannot favor one over the other. Except for the garden god Rinne, Lin Hui also had a date with the eight dance sisters the next day. This was the first date with Lin Hui after the two women reconciled. Although it's a bit hard to see, after all, a man with two beautiful twin sisters, no matter how you look at it, is a scumbag with two boats.

But the Bawu sisters were having a good time. It is better to say that they came out to play with Lin Hui just for this. The two even left Lin Hui to the end of the game, but Lin Hui didn't care about it either. Because as long as they are happy, that's fine. Looking at the smiles of the two girls, Lin Hui felt very cured.

On the third day, Lin Hui skipped class again, ah, no, he skipped teaching and went to the company where Yu Xiaomeijiu worked. In a separate recording studio, Yu Xiaomeijiu sang to Lin Hui alone. , This is a new song she hasn't released yet. Lin Hui is the first to hear it. Even the manager of this company and those music teachers haven't heard the song completely, they can only talk about Yu Xiaomeijiu's music. The talent is really beyond the norm, making Lin Hui feel like he is in a dream.

Occasionally, I accompany La Furia and Yase Natsuyin to go shopping, and I accompany their awkward daughter Lanyu Mengcong on a wild tour.

Yuan Yi Origami and Lin Hui naturally did not forget, sometimes sneaking out of the house at night to go to Yuan Yi Origami to go over the clouds and rain with her, Yuan Yi Origami would not fight for anything, because now among all the elves, Lin Hui is the only one who keeps She is the only one in such a close relationship, and she is very satisfied.

Even Shiori Wuhe was sometimes asked by Lin Hui to go out for a walk, chat or something.

However, Lin Hui seemed to have forgotten who it was, so naturally it went on like this. Every day was like this, playing with the elves, joking, and living a very happy life. Besides, nothing happened recently. Strange things happened, other elves didn't appear in the world, and the Tokisaki Kuang three disappeared after appearing once, which made people puzzled.

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