"No, you did it on purpose!" Wuheqin said blankly to Lin Hui: "Is there anything else?"

Wuhe Qinli still has some little expectations in his heart, because today is a very special day, and as a result, Lin Hui actually asked her out today, which surprised Wuhe Qinli, so I want to hear it, Lin Hui will have something to do next what action.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

"Is there anything else? Don't you have a good time today? Let's continue tomorrow! But now I have to send you home! After all, I borrowed you for a day today, so Shiori will probably be in a hurry too, for fear I'll eat you! Haha!" Lin Hui acted as if he didn't know anything.

Ah, yes, I shouldn't have expected anything myself, after all I never said anything about it.

Wuhe Qinli's fiery expectations were like being poured into a basin of cold water in an instant, and he felt very uncomfortable inside.

"Go back!" Wuhe Qinli's voice was filled with disappointment.

"What's wrong? Today is a special day!" Lin Hui said with a smile.

Wuhe Qinli, who had no hope, looked up at Lin Hui again: "A special day? Lin Hui, what do you mean?"

"Today is my first date with Kotori-chan! I will give you a present at this time of year!" Lin Hui reached out and touched Wuhe's small head .

"Ah, that's right, that's really great!" Wuhe Qinli replied, but the dissatisfaction in his heart was growing. He touched his hairband, Wuhe Qinli didn't know where he was. Think about something.


Soon, Wuhe Qinli came to the door of the house, and Lin Hui had already turned and left.

Kotori Wuhe was very disappointed, but she knew that there was another person waiting for her at home, and her sister Shiori Wuhe must know what day it was today.

As soon as I entered the house, I found that the house was completely dark. I kept pressing the switch, and the lights in the house couldn't turn on. At the same time, a familiar voice rang.

"On the same day five years ago, I gave you two hair bands!"

"On the same day four years ago, I gave you my work!"

"On the same day three years ago, I gave you a one-liner drawn just for you!"

"On the same day two years ago, I gave you a song written just for you!"

"On the same day a year ago, I appeared in front of you!"

At the same time as the sound fell, the lights of Wuhe's house all turned on, the salute sounded, and countless colorful ribbons and shredded paper fell on Wuhe Qinli's head and body.

Lin Hui stood in front of Wuhe Qinli holding a cake, and the candles on the cake were burning one after another: "Happy birthday to you, Qinli!"

Chapter [-] It's just a gift!

"This, this?" Wuhe Qinli was stunned, and she couldn't imagine all this until she sat at the dining table.

"Idiot, how could I not remember? August [-]rd, that was the day we met, and that day happened to be your birthday! Otherwise, why do you think I gave you a gift?" Lin Hui revealed With a hearty smile, he touched Wuhe Qinli's little head, and at this moment Wuhe Qinli had already changed into a white headband.

"Sister?" Kotori Wuhe looked at Shiori Wuhe.

Wuhe Shizhi spread his hands and pretended to be helpless: "No way, this is a play that Teacher Lin Hui asked us to play together. It started in July, although I don't know why there must be so many people. Let's act together, but Teacher Lin Hui has been preparing for a long time!"

"Yeah, Kotori-chan, Dad has been thinking about you for a long time!" Lan Yumeng said with a smile, and then whispered in Wuhe Qinli's ear: "It's been more than a month. Aren't you envious?"

Wuhe Qinli wiped her tears: "Yeah!"

Yu Xiaomeijiu came over: "Okay, Kotori-chan, don't forget, two years ago, Darling wrote a song for you, and I've been practicing hard for more than a month! It's time to start! Hey!"

"The title of the song is "Love EveryDay☆HappyDay"!

soda-colored sky sunflower blooming sun

Feel the coolness of carbonic acid through the swimsuit

Rolling waves prank to shorten the distance

Get closer and don't miss this opportunity!


La~? EveryDay HappyDay in love


Woo~? Sing it EveryDay HappyDay

"Lucky Day"

At the end of the song, Yu Xiao Meijiu looked at Wuhe Qinli with a smile.

The tears in Wuhe Qinli couldn't help shedding, and there was no way to stop the tears, because this song was written to her by Lin Hui, a song specially composed for her.

In her room, there were also a collection of works that Lin Hui gave her and a one-liner drawn for her. She didn't know why such a famous tyrant would send her such things, but until she knew When the tyrant was the big brother she dreamed of, she understood.

But she never imagined that those were all birthday gifts for her. From the day they met five years ago, Lin Hui had already prepared everything for Wuhe Qinli.

"To Kotori's fourteenth birthday, and for everyone here to gather, cheers!" Lin Hui filled everyone's cups with juice and raised the cup first.


The girls raised the cups in their hands, touched each other, and drank it. After that, the girls started chatting with each other.

And Lin Hui is also serving up the dishes. After all, Lin Hui cooks and cooks the dishes himself. Tohxiang, a snack foodie, is very excited. Of course, except Tohsaka, other people are also It is full of expectations, after all, Lin Hui's cooking is not so simple to eat.

Wuhe Qinli made a wish, blew out the candles, and began to distribute cakes.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Lin Hui." Shiori Wuhe came over and thanked Lin Hui.

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