"Whether it's love, you need to judge for yourself, I can't give you a standard! Because everyone's definition of love is different, but Ju Ya, you can remember this feeling! Because, this It's a very precious experience for you, isn't it?"

"It's a very precious experience, I have saved it, and this feeling has been recorded, but I always feel that it is different from before. I have never experienced such a feeling, and I can't make a judgment on this feeling!" Ju Ya clutched his chest: "Now, I'm starting to understand Lin Hui a little bit! This kind of feeling cannot be replaced by the explanation in the database. I can't have this feeling without having experienced it myself. ."

Lin Hui snapped his fingers: "A perfect answer! However, today is far from over! Be mentally prepared, Ju Ya!"

"Well! I will record all of today's experience!" Ju Ya smiled at Lin Hui.

As Lin Hui said, when people are happy, they need to use such expressions to express!

Chapter [-] After the burst is precipitation!

At noon, Lin Hui took Ju Ya to a more ordinary restaurant and had a light lunch.

Ju Ya compared the cuisine of this restaurant with the cuisine made by Lin Hui and just said, "There is no such warmth."

"That's natural, but you don't need to pay too much attention now. After all, we still have activities in the afternoon, so it's better to continue if you're full!" Lin Hui didn't care: "And the taste of this store is also very good. !"

Ju Ya nodded, but now Ju Ya has behaved like a human, no longer like a robot like before. Such Ju Ya is what Lin Hui wants to see.

However, this is only temporary. The emotional outburst was brought out in an instant with the help of external force. Lin Hui spent a lot of effort to draw out Ju Ya's emotions!

Once a period of time has passed, Ju Ya's emotions will return to cool down, which is very bad. For this reason, the date can't end like this!

After lunch, Lin Hui took Ju Ya to the cinema.

"Why do you want to watch a movie?" Ju Ya game doesn't understand, because if it's a movie, then there is no such feeling at all. As long as she wants, she can watch the whole movie from the database in an instant. meaningless.

Lin Hui held Ju Ya's hand and said, "You will know when you come!"

This is a relatively complete love movie. Lin Hui specially selected it. After all, such a movie is suitable for today's date!

This time, it was Lin Hui who held Ju Ya's hand, which surprised Ju Ya a little.

The dim light around, everything on the big screen, the music that goes deep into the heart, all of these make people unable to stop the emotions in their hearts. It is no longer the intense emotion it used to be, but another kind of comforting feeling. , The feeling that can make people feel relieved is like the calm after the intense.

Ju Ya felt as if she was enveloped by a warmth, and her mood was also attracted by the exciting scenes of the protagonist of the movie. With this feeling, in the end, the hero and heroine embraced each other under the sunset. Kiss, the movie is over.

However, Ju Ya's heart couldn't calm down for a long time: "If the previous relationship was love, then what is this emotion? What exactly is love?"

Lin Hui said at this time: "The main reason for watching a movie in the cinema is for an atmosphere. In such an atmosphere, watching a movie is only enjoyable, isn't it?"

"Well, watching Hebi in the database does have a different feeling, it's really amazing! Every time I experience something like this, I will have a different feeling, Lin Hui, I want to know more about this feeling! "Ju Ya made her own request.

"Then, let's go!" Lin Hui took Ju Ya's hand, took Ju Ya to the sightseeing tower in Tiangong City, and took Ju Ya to look down from above.

"How? Do you feel different?" Lin Hui looked at Ju Ya.

Ju Ya nodded: "It's completely different from what it looks like on the map, it's really different! This feeling is really peaceful, but I can't forget it!"

"All the feelings today have been recorded, but every time I look back, I always have a different feeling. Why is this? Lin Hui, can you tell me? In the end, what is love?" Ju Ya looked at Lin Hui: "I don't understand more and more. You said that today, I will definitely be close to love!"

"Well, I did say this, and in fact, you are also close to love, but you still don't know something!" Lin Hui smiled lightly.

"I've been close to love? But when?" Ju Ya looked at Lin Hui: "According to the analysis of the data, I can't draw a conclusion at all."

"Don't rely on so-called data, love cannot be derived from data!" Lin Hui corrected.

"Ju Ya, you really don't know the so-called human beings and their emotions at all, so I will take you to experience it once today, and taste it slowly and carefully! Ju Ya, you are a smart girl, So, you will definitely understand!"

Lin Hui touched Ju Ya's little head: "Okay, it's time for us to go back, it's already very late!"

Ju Ya was silent and followed behind Lin Hui, but after getting off the sightseeing tower, Ju Ya disappeared for some time, and a dark shadow flashed not far away, and Lin Hui immediately chased after him.

"Well, on the whole, you did a good job today, you are so amazing, but the most basic things have never been explained clearly! Tell me quickly, what is love?" Stopped at the corner.

"Sure enough, even you haven't really understood my intentions. The so-called love must be obtained by yourself, and you won't understand it by relying on others! Besides, I want to know why your expression is so lonely! "Lin Hui looked at Black or Shou with a smile on his face.

"Lonely? Are you kidding me? How can I be lonely?" Black Or Shou laughed as if he had been amused.

Lin Hui shook his head: "You are like a dazed person, covering up your emotions with a fake smile!"

"You guy, what do you know?" Black Or Shou seemed to be provoked.

"I understand, of course I understand! Because I have shown your expression before, so I know that you are the same as me!" Lin Hui did not retreat in the slightest.

"Hmph, after all, is it just such a person? It seems that the choice is wrong!" He heard a sentence when he turned around and was about to disappear.

"Sometimes, girls don't even understand their own hearts! Not to mention the people who have been covering them up! Of course I understand, it's you, or Shou!"

"Are you gone? Forget it, it's almost over anyway! Tomorrow is the final battle!"

Intense and explosive emotions need to be precipitated, just as mellow wine needs time to nurture!

Chapter [-] Turns out, this is what I've always wanted to know!

When he got home, Lin Hui saw an incredible scene. Ju Ya was wearing an apron and actually brought out plates of prepared dishes in the kitchen.

"This is?" Lin Hui was a little surprised to find that these seemed to be dishes he had cooked before.

"Well, it's just that I imitated the cooking method you used to reproduce it!" Ju Ya's face was slightly flushed: "I don't know why, I just feel like it should be done!"

Lin Hui picked up his chopsticks and took a sip: "Well, it's amazing, although my cooking skills can't be said to have reached a very high level, but it's definitely top-notch, you can actually imitate such a level, Ju Ya said. Maybe she will be a good wife in the future!"

Ju Ya showed a very happy look: "I feel very happy to hear what you said. What kind of feeling is this? Has it been praised? Why do I always feel that there is an incredible feeling flowing through?"

Just when Lin Hui wanted to speak, Ju Ya suddenly said, "If you can't figure it out, you don't need to think about it, just let it take its course, right?"

Lin Hui nodded: "Very savvy! Then, take a good rest after eating!"

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