Chapter [-] This article Erya is not happy!

"I've already done it, I'll do it myself!" Lin Hui looked at the girl lying in his arms. Everything Lin Hui had just now seemed to be in a dream, and he finally dyed a girl as pure as white paper like Tohka. I got my own color, ah, everything just now was really like a dream.

Tohka was sleeping sweetly, with her hands tightly around Lin Hui's neck, still dreaming about something, but it can be found that Tohka is in a good mood now, but, not only that, Lin Hui found out that Tohka special changes in the body.

The particle represented by Tohka is at the bottom of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which is the particle representing the kingdom and the first step in the evolution of the human personality toward the angel. The kingdom itself has the power to be compatible with other particles. Once the current Tohka erupts, it has the power that can surpass the slaughter of the Duke, that is, the terrifying power of the slaughter of the emperor, not for a short time, but for a long time.

"What an incredible girl! Although I still don't understand, although all girls are human transformations, why is Tohka different from other girls! It's a bit magical! This kind of feeling of being compatible with everything is still there. It's very familiar!" Lin Hui kissed Tohka's forehead, and then fell asleep hugging Tohka's smooth and delicate body.


The next day, Lin Hui quietly got up and began to think about what Tohka should do for Tohka. You know, Tohka is a snack!I must have eaten a lot of breakfast. The breakfast like the previous one is definitely not enough, and the amount of Tohka is huge.

"Hey, that's the difficulty of being a good man!" Lin Hui was still behaving well when he got a bargain, making people want to punch him when they saw it.

Coming to the kitchen, ah, this is basically Lin Hui's permanent place. Although the garden god Rinne and Hase Natsuyin have been helping, but now Lin Hui is using more time, there is no way , the promise you made must be fulfilled!

Turning his fingers, he began to count how many meals he owed Toxiang, how many massages he owed to Sister Bawu, and how many appointments he owed Mengcong. It was really tiring!

But Lin Hui never tires of it, after all, she is her own girl!

Lin Hui yawned and started to get busy. This time, Lin Hui frantically prepared a huge amount of food. First, he made everyone's breakfast and then started to prepare Tohka's breakfast specially.

"I woke up early today, it seems that another ignorant little girl fell into your mouth and was eaten by you!" Benjo Erya miraculously didn't stay in his room, but actually walked outside. .

Lin Hui didn't feel anything about Benjo Erya's ridicule: "What's the matter? Are you jealous?"

"Ah, yes!" Benjo Erya raised her head: "I'm just jealous, what's the matter?"

Lin Hui "puchi" smiled: "You also compete with other people, it's really not like you!"

"Whose fault do you think it is!" Benjo Erya gave Lin Hui a blank look.

Lin Hui reluctantly accepted Benjo Erya's rolling eyes: "Yeah, it's my fault, my fault, okay?"

Benjo Erya began to slowly walk back to his room: "Hey, Lin Hui, can I ask one thing?"

"What?" Lin Hui was still preparing breakfast.

"What are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do? That's it!" Lin Hui said with a haha.

"Be serious!" Benjo Erya was slightly angry: "I have indeed changed your destiny, but only a little bit, and you still can't see the direction of your future, you, really..."

"A ray of light is enough, as long as there is a ray of light, I will seize this ray of hope to break open everything, to cut off all the shackles, and I will change the nightmare of the future!" Lin Hui looked back: "After all, I But Benjo Erya, the man you chose!"

"If you are smooth-mouthed, you know what to say!" But Erya Benjo couldn't hide the happy expression on her face.

Lin Hui continued to quickly prepare Tohka's breakfast, but his mind drifted elsewhere.

You know, it is true that he did use the apocalypse after sealing this article, but the scary thing is that he can't know anything about himself. What you see is not like that.

His own destiny can be affected by this article Erya. From this point of view, Lin Hui can come to the conclusion that what enveloped him is definitely a different nightmare, his strength is not inferior to this article Erya, but everything about him But they were all obscured, completely obscured, so that the strength of Benjo Erya could see his future, but he couldn't see it clearly.

His perception was blocked by a person who had the means to the sky, and Lin Hui didn't know much about people who could do this. After all, there were two possibilities for doing this. One was to prevent himself from feeling Dangerous, so let’s run away in advance. Those who will do this are the leaders and gods who stand at the apex of Hakoniwa, or the terrible behind-the-scenes mastermind who turned himself into a puppet in the parallel world, or hide his side, never. The banshee who revealed her purpose!

There is another possibility, that is, believing in yourself and believing that you can change everything in the future, so as not to let yourself be confused by any future vision, and to be able to go on this road unswervingly until you succeed in that one day.

"Zi, what kind of person are you?" Lin Hui whispered softly.

The next moment, Benjo Erya suddenly stuck his head out: "Next time you make Tohka's voice a little lower, the whole house will hear it!"

The corners of Lin Hui's mouth twitched for a while, and it seemed that he had indeed forgotten to set up the soundproof barrier when he finished it, but this second sub was definitely intentional!To take revenge on yourself and to vent your dissatisfaction.

Chapter [-] Return to daily life?no……

Benjo Erya's voice woke up a lot of girls who had just slept for a while. In this regard, many girls turned their guns to the outside world and snorted angrily to find Lin Hui to settle accounts, but Lin Hui was very wise After finishing all the dishes, he used the space and moved back to his room.

He directly crossed the line of defense formed by the girls and came to Tohka's bedside, and at this moment Tohka couldn't imagine how daring he had done yesterday!

Covering her face with the quilt, thinking back on what happened last night, Tohka really felt the same as Yagokuya said. Although it hurt a little at first, it was really comfortable after that. The leap to the top made Tohka's brain tremble.

"Okay, little lazy pig, it's time to eat!" Lin Hui tapped the quilt that Tohxiang covered himself.

Tohka poked out a pair of eyes: "Lin Hui, last night, last night..."

"What happened last night? What happened to us last night?" Lin Hui sat on the side and put down the high breakfast that folded the entire plate: "Today, you can rest well! Take care of your body, last night's matter is only It's just a normal thing."

"But, but Sister Erya said, they all... heard..." Tohka thought that she would make such a sound, and even Tohka couldn't stand it.

It was like seeing the live broadcast of Lin Hui and Lan Yumengcong a long time ago, but Tohka was still ignorant at that time.

"It doesn't matter, everyone is a family, it doesn't matter if you hear it. Next time you wait for them, you can just hear it back!" Lin Hui's casual remark was taken seriously by Tohka.

"Really? I know! But Sister Mengcong should have heard it, it doesn't matter!" Tohka said stupidly.

"Cute onion?" Lin Hui was a little stunned.

"Yeah, the last time that robot came to the house, and we saw it that day!" Tohka hadn't noticed that Lin Hui's face had turned a little dark.

The mental power is swept away, ah, it's really amazing!It turned out that there was a thief in the house!

There are fifteen bugging devices in my room, and thirty-six pinhole cameras in total. This is only in the room. As long as I put all my coats in the closet, all the button-type bugging devices are guarded. And the tracker, and after another sweep, the inner layers of all my shoes were also guarded by the tracker.

Ah, as expected of Origami!This is really good enough!Although Origami can do these things is definitely in his expectation, but he did not expect Origami to move so fast.

Lin Hui covered his face. He didn't expect that he would inadvertently broadcast so many blockbusters to the girls in his family. In case they found out, um, Ba Wu and Toh Xiang should be fine, but Meng onion has a big problem, and will definitely kill himself, although he can't kill him, he will beat him to death!

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